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Star Wars Rebels

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*New characters, as well as the return of the very-very old heroes

*Liberation of Lothal from the Empire

*More from the Rebel Alliance

*There will be a further connection with Rogue One and Episode IV

*More about Mon Mothma and Saw Gerrera (how they parted ways)

*More about Mandalore (obviously)

*There will be a new Inquisitor next season

*Ezra and Kanan will travel to Malachor again

*Ahsoka was supposed to appear in Season 3, but perhaps will return in Season 4 (see Malachor)

*Some characters from The Clone Wars will have their stories complete in Season 4 (Rex?)

*Papatine will appear in one of the new episodes


My thoughts on this...



1 - Could be interesting, not so sure.

Impossible to see the future is.

2 - (yawn) Lothal bores me, can't see why they even bother, other than for sentimental value (since the enclave there was most likely sacked by Vader anyway). But wait! They'll probably find some rare material on the planet, or something even crazier that'll explain why the Empire took over in the first place, and why the Rebels are so interested in liberating it - just you wait!

3 - Obviously. Not really a spoiler.

4 - YES! More explosives connections!

5 - Could it be that they slept together and he never called back afterwards? :rolleyes:

6 - Alright, Mandos! Wonder who the new Mandalore with be? Then again, if old characters will make a return, it'll probably be Duchess Satine's nephew, what's-his-face, who'll supposedly be heir to the throne or whatnot. <_<

7 - Cool! New inquisitors! Hope they'd be more like the first one, because the other three were just lame (though Seventh Sister was kinda sexy :shifty:)! Oh wait, old characters... does it mean we'll get the return of Barriss Offee? :huh:

8 -

Hah! What could they get from that, besides a tour?

But it seems, there'd be more Jedi\ Sith lore, and that's always welcome in my book :winkthumb:

9 - Hmm, wonder if she'll be darksided this time, perhaps she'll be the new inquisitor? :ph34r:

10 - As in, will die? Rex? Bail Organa? Who?! What?!?! :o

11 - Eh, he'll probably order some baddies to capture Ezra and Kanan, and once they fail, will punish them (if they survive). After that, he'll go by his business, never to be seen again - like Tarkin. Either that, or he'll appear in every other episode plotting and planning, but ultimately will have little success - like Vader - or will the be reason why the Rebel Alliance couldn't do squat before recruiting Luke, Han, and Chewbacca (since Leia was already with them) - like Thrawn -_-  Speaking of which, what will Thrawn do? Or will he just turn his attention to other matters (like Vader did)? :lol:




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*Ahsoka was supposed to appear in Season 3, but perhaps will return in Season 4 (see Malachor)



She will return as a zombie and eat them all!!! Mwuhhahahahaha! Raaaaar! :teehee:


(I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I've just spoiled the big twist. :P)


(HAL: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.")

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  • 2 weeks later...

They actually mentioned a new show coming later during an interview last year. The speculation rose also after it was known, that Filoni wouldn't be in charge of a single show, but rather be the supervisor of several animated projects. 


I don't count much on Season 4 though right now. The trailer for Season 3 was truly eye-candy, but the episodes didn't impress me that much, except for a few. So this time I am more cautious, preferring to wait :) for now I like the return of Bo-Katan (but she was supposed to be in Season 3, wasn't she?), Yavin IV and other familiar things.

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What's funny about Rebels is that it's very much like Clone Wars. People hated on the first season of Clone Wars just like Rebels, but once both series found their footing they became amazing. I'll miss Rebels, but I'm looking forward to what comes next when it's over.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Funny how everyone hated her in TCW but loves her in Rebels :D

When's the S4 release date again?


I love her since DAY 1. She was so cute.

Somewhere in October as usual.

I hate Anakin from "Attack of The Clones" and on. And I hate him in TCW series and I hate him everywhere.

I actually love Jar Jar more than Anakin if you know what I mean.


When I saw her first time in Rebels, I was like: "YEEEEEEY" and I've literally jumped of the chair. :D :D :D :D :D

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  • 5 months later...

So, d'anyone watch the new episodes yet? What did you think?

I think the ending of Jedi Night wasn't as impressive as it was supposed to be, I mean, I like the character, and I can understand that disney (or whoever) no longer care for the show, but if you wanted to jerk tears, you shouldn't have made the fans wait for several months beforehand. It just feels like bad marketing all over.

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Man, those two last episodes were good. The Kanan/Hera dynamic reminded me the kyle/jan dynamic in Jedi Outcast. 

They grew that relationship very well in my opinion. For a couple of rebels in a war setting, a lot of times relationships like that are unnaturally done, but I feel like theirs seemed very natural. We didn't see a lot of romantic moments between them, mostly partnership moments. But when they did have those romantic moments, they were great.

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So far It's been pretty good. Dave Filloni is the best. Without him the show would of failed.

I hope Boba Fett makes a appearance. Disney has not done anything with his character and I think it would be great if he takes out Sabine. The old bounty hunter gang from TCW coming in (Bossk,Dengar and Aura) to hunt the rebels would be great and the should introduce 4-LOM and Zuckuss.  

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Kanan knew he wasn't coming back from the start of the episode. The whole episode had the vibe that Kanan would die, but still hit me right in the feels when it actually happened. :(



Who knows what becomes of Ezra and the rest of the crew, but we know the Ghost shows up in Rogue One.







It's funny you say that, because Jan and Hera are voiced by the same person. She must have a way with men on-screen. :P

krkarr, the_raven and Barricade24 like this
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Kanan knew he wasn't coming back from the start of the episode. The whole episode had the vibe that Kanan would die, but still hit me right in the feels when it actually happened. :(



Who knows what becomes of Ezra and the rest of the crew, but we know the Ghost shows up in Rogue One.







It's funny you say that, because Jan and Hera are voiced by the same person. She must have a way with men on-screen. :P


Fun fact: In the Kanan comic series, he and Ezra travel on a very familiar type of ship.







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I definitely felt the feels


Also, the several month wait is due to them still writing and producing these last episodes, I believe. I don't think they knew quite how to end the show until recently.

What is all this 'feeling the feels' ? People keep saying it on the internet, when has it become a thing? Where'd it come from?


Well, I still don't think the big reveal (reveal?) was as pressing after having to wait for so long. But that's just me.


The Kanan/Hera dynamic reminded me the kyle/jan dynamic in Jedi Outcast. 

It reminded me more of the Han/ Leia, at least Hera reminds me of Leia :D


They grew that relationship very well in my opinion. For a couple of rebels in a war setting, a lot of times relationships like that are unnaturally done, but I feel like theirs seemed very natural. We didn't see a lot of romantic moments between them, mostly partnership moments. But when they did have those romantic moments, they were great.

I actually never understood what the deal with their relationship was. I always thought they were already involved (if not married) in season 1. I guess the showmakers decided the relationship bit was too early, so they did a 'go back' and stretched it all the way to the show's last episodes.


She must have a way with men on-screen. :P









just a little joke there :rolleyes:

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