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JA: Enhanced Code Base

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Well this is improved JKA right here, awesome work! Is the source code available? :D


You should make it so you can only walk with the detached eWeb though, otherwise it's too OP. I could make a new hold & a new shoot animation for this if you need. :)

Bek likes this

Played with this today, @@redsaurus! Love it! Tried out the NPC headswapping as well. Worked out great, it just looks really weird because the original model's head draws as well! So it blends both of the heads, haha! Any way to fix this? :P



I only flipped it in blender to test things out, you'll have to make the change yourself. Currently I'm adding a slight extra offset (of 1 unit) out from the hips tag, but that might change in the future.


Here's the new release for Mac/Windows (39.6MB). If you don't already have it (and you're on Windows) you'll need the MSVC++ 2010 redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555)

Features and Commands
All OpenJK features and fixes.
RGB Sabers The can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "/sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It should be possible to set the sabercolours of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file.
SFX Sabers SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1.
Ignition Flare A lightsaber ignition flare can be enabled in the console by setting cg_ignitionFlare to 1.
Custom Sabers Now lightsabers can be customised like the player species. An example customisable hilt is included thanks to AshuraDX.
Saber Holsters Lightsabers are now holstered when not in use. A tag_holsterorigin can be added to a hilt for better placement. Adding "holsterPlace <none/hips/back>" in the .sab file specifies where a hilt will be holstered.
Headswapping Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file.
Better Entity Spawning The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file".
Raz0r's MP Movement Raz0r's MP-style movement from the SP speedrun version can be enabled by getting g_MPmovement to 1.
Extra Player Tints (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this colour rather than the usual.
Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use .glm models using eezstreet's code.
Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it.
Improved jedi_hm DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included.
Katarn Saberstyle A gun / saber stance. Not completely ready yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console.
Saberthrow Saberthrow is now a force power.
Thanks to AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Thanks to @@Circa for the icons for the new heads. Thanks to @@Raz0r for the MP-style movement code. Thanks to @@AshuraDX for the saber hilt. Thanks to @@DT85 for the improved jedi_hm. Thanks to the JKG team for the unstable saber blade graphics and shaders. Thanks to @@eezstreet for the Ghoul 2 weapon view model code. Thanks to the OpenJK maintainers and contributors.
Let me know if anything doesn't work etc. The hud stuff hopefully will be working properly now @@therfiles as it's fixed (afaik) in OpenJK now.


I just checked it. For me, it crashed on Yavin1b when I was skipping cinematic. xD LOL I will retry again soon. :D Ehmm... how do I bind a key to use saber throw? :)

Oh, and also, just an idea if you plan on future releases - saber secondary attack could be a manual block or a stronger DF2/MotS style attack or something. :)



EDIT: Yep. It still crashes for me when I was skipping cinematic. Also, stormies didn't have weapons, and I got some odd message comming up. Here are screenshots.



Saberthrow is +button9 now. Have you got an edited weapons.dat? If you do you'll need to add the worldmodel lines from the sp_custom.pk3 to your weapons.dat. Not sure about the crashing really, hope that fixes it..


@@therfiles I think that the NPC head swapping should partially work, but it might only turn off sub surfaces of one called "head", so may not work properly with some custom models. If it still leaves the head on base models like luke etc then I'll fix it fairly soon, otherwise a workaround for now is just to have a custom skin file with the head surfaces turned off. There will be improvements to the NPC part swapping eventually anyway.

therfiles likes this

Saberthrow is +button9 now. Have you got an edited weapons.dat? If you do you'll need to add the worldmodel lines from the sp_custom.pk3 to your weapons.dat. Not sure about the crashing really, hope that fixes it..


@@therfiles I think that the NPC head swapping should partially work, but it might only turn off sub surfaces of one called "head", so may not work properly with some custom models. If it still leaves the head on base models like luke etc then I'll fix it fairly soon, otherwise a workaround for now is just to have a custom skin file with the head surfaces turned off. There will be improvements to the NPC part swapping eventually anyway.

Yep. I do have a custom weapons.dat file. It's a part of the Ultimate Weapons v.1.3 mod. And I did add all the worldmodel lines from your weapons.dat file to it. Still, it crashes. :/ And right after I kill the first cultist found on Yavin1b.


Could you check if it still crashes for you with an otherwise clean base?

Hi redsaurus,


Just to tell you that I have the same issue Angel Soul explained: the game crashes in the cinematic between yavin1b and yavin2, and doesn't matter if I don't skip the cinematic, it crashes when the cinematic finish (well, actually, I think that the game crashes before all the cinematics between yavin1b and yavin2 has finished. More precise, I think it crashes when starts the cinematic where Luke says welcome to the new students in Yavin Throne Room. That cinematic is not played and the game hangs before it). I can manually load yavin2, so the problem seems to be in the cinematic, or "between cinematics". 


Well, that's all. Hope this words are useful for you to solve the problem.


Now I'm thinking If I have my vanilla JA with the last update (it's been a long time since when I installed it). I guess it is, at least, the OpenJK build that I'm using doesn't crash in that cinematic between yavin1b and yavin2, so the problem seems related to your mod.


EDIT: Well, it seems my base game is updated, cause I have the Update1_01.txt file in my game folder.


I've hopefully fixed the crash now @@Aidor @@Angel Soul, so it's time for beta 4 release. Sorry I didn't get the fix released for a few days.


Here's the new release for Mac/Windows (39.8MB). If you don't already have it (and you're on Windows) you'll need the MSVC++ 2010 redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555)


Most features are exactly the same as in the last release (http://jkhub.org/topic/2480-sp-customisation-stuff/page-9?do=findComment&comment=74661) so I won't repeat them. Credits are there too! (as well as in the read me of course)


New features:

  • .eent files Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the .bsp file.

As the mod uses the latest OpenJK code, vehicles will be working very slightly better than in base SP.

GPChannel, Keyten, Aidor and 1 other like this



yeah, you fixed it, :winkthumb: ... and quite fast, at least for me, :P


Didn't test it much more, just the change between yavin1b and yavin2, but it doesn't crash any more and I can skip the cinematic (or watch it) with no problem.


by the way, thanks for this mod redsaurus, even it's still "beta"...


Tried it out, holsters look good, though using Rooxon's hilts with the new tags would be great. Would it be possible to add those new tags to the default hilts? With Blender, maybe? Also, you said that you can set where they are holstered, hips/back/none, but what about the sides of the hips? Like if we wanted the saber to be on the left side instead of the right (I think that's the typical Jedi practice, on the left)?


Also, every time I do a vid_restart, it crashes.


My priorities right now are to first finish all models, I'll add holster rings to all of them afterwards. First I need to work out the correct position of it, so it'll work good with the holster system and then apply this same position to each other hilt. I'll download this mod, to see what I can make out, or even collaborating with @@redsaurus regarding that would be nice.


I wonder, would it be possible to have a helmet fall off whenever the melee is used against a character with a helmet? For example, Kenobi punches one of Darth Maul's Mandalorian thugs in the helmet and it's knocked off, almost like how weapons are pulled away from an enemy when using force pull?


@@JAWSFreelao actually you gave me another idea, based on yours. Force pull level 2 (sometimes) and level 3 (always) schould dissarm enemies! What do you guys think about that? Is it possible, is it a good idea?


of course, that's what I was thinking about first off, seeing stormtroopers having their guns pulled away by a jedi, it would be realistic, fitting and immersive all at the same time, don't you think? Let's make it real!


@@JAWSFreelao actually you gave me another idea, based on yours. Force pull level 2 (sometimes) and level 3 (always) schould dissarm enemies! What do you guys think about that? Is it possible, is it a good idea?



Force pull already can... Why should force push be made to as well.


I don't think force push should disarm enemies... I would suggest leaving it as it is in the base game.  As for Force Pull disarming enemies, I don't recall how it works in the base game... what does the vanilla force pull levels do?  I think it should also depend on the alert status of the enemy... if they are standing at their post and haven't been alerted to your presence yet versus they are attacking/firing at you...  in the latter case, it should sometimes just jerk them forward or make them fall forward/stumble but not lose their weapon.  I'd have to go back and watch the movies to see this... I know Darth Vader pulls the blaster away from Han Solo while he's firing at him... I guess this would be a Force Level 3 directed at a single shooter.  Not sure about when more than one enemies are firing at you.  I think it'd be too boring to be able to disarm multiple enemies every time... perhaps the effect should only work on those within a small area around where you are currently aiming your cursor?

JAWSFreelao, Wasa and Rooxon like this

In singleplayer, Force Pull has this description:

Rank 1 - The Jedi can pull certain levers and objects in the targeting reticle; can also pull one enemy.

Rank 2 - The Jedi can pull the weapon out of the hands of an enemy, providing the enemy is facing them.

Rank 3 - The Jedi can pull multiple enemies and their weapons.


I know Darth Vader pulls the blaster away from Han Solo while he's firing at him


Pfft, newbie... still stuck at Force Pull 2 :P

Rooxon and McGroose like this

Do you mean no twirl when turning the saber on and off? Or anything else?

Yeah, no twirl. Just nice and smooth and simple like in MP.


Tried it out, holsters look good, though using Rooxon's hilts with the new tags would be great. Would it be possible to add those new tags to the default hilts? With Blender, maybe? Also, you said that you can set where they are holstered, hips/back/none, but what about the sides of the hips? Like if we wanted the saber to be on the left side instead of the right (I think that's the typical Jedi practice, on the left)?


Also, every time I do a vid_restart, it crashes.

I'm working on adding the holsters and tags to all my publicized models. Today I've just uploaded Zayne Carrick's hilt, more to come in due time but very soon! All of them will have holsters, though. Normal maps too but I won't pack them with the mod files just yet, I'll wait for rend2 sp and then just update all my mods.

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