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Moonbase Labs

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Shit got weird REAL fast up in here. :P

Looks great Szico!! How does QEffects work for the user (not the mapper)? Do I just download it and it works for all of JA? Does it just work for maps that have been made using it? All I know is it looks good. :P

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Shit got weird REAL fast up in here. :P


Looks great Szico!! How does QEffects work for the user (not the mapper)? Do I just download it and it works for all of JA? Does it just work for maps that have been made using it? All I know is it looks good. :P

U talking about this one?  http://jkhub.org/files/file/1484-qeffects-pro/

I think it has a readme with it if I remember right...


But ya, Star Trek at a Starwars site, wtf right?

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JKG Developer

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Shit got weird REAL fast up in here. :P


Looks great Szico!! How does QEffects work for the user (not the mapper)? Do I just download it and it works for all of JA? Does it just work for maps that have been made using it? All I know is it looks good. :P

It's an OpenGL proxy mod. You place it into your Gamedata folder and it works for JK2, JKA, MP or SP, and on all maps. The effects are customizable via a .ini file, and are always on, except in the UI and when cg_draw2d is 0 (though you can customize it so that the opposite is true). Also has support for Q3, Doom 3, and a few other games I think.

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It's an OpenGL proxy mod. You place it into your Gamedata folder and it works for JK2, JKA, MP or SP, and on all maps. The effects are customizable via a .ini file, and are always on, except in the UI and when cg_draw2d is 0 (though you can customize it so that the opposite is true). Also has support for Q3, Doom 3, and a few other games I think.


Fantastic, similar to ENBSeries then it seems? Of course that's based on my primitive understanding. Can't wait to try it out.

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What is it...?  A wall?  But holy ridiculous cow!  I do not have the patience for trying to do something like that in Radiant.




We had a discussion RE the color of "radiation" (not that there is one in reality) I wanted green, others wanted yellow. So we went half way :D

Also scratch what I said about the color it's fine, it just needs to explode MUCH bigger.  It was being overwhelmed by base jka fire effect I think.

JKG Developer

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I recieved the Moonbase Labs 0.2 Alpha file from Szico about a fortnight ago, and since the semester has finished I have now had the opportunity to test it out. I adored the brushwork I have seen in the screenshots, and I am pleased to say that in-game it has lived up to my expectations - good use of lighting, textures are about right, and although one of the specular shaders felt out of place I felt the rest were fine. I'd had a decent look around, so I thought I'd get a better look at your brushwork on the door frames. As I was admiring the door frames, suddenly, I died.








As you can imagine I was caught off guard by this, so I took a screenshot. I proceeded back to where I had died to see what had happened.








You see, in my admiration of your brushwork, I had not anticipated that I might suddenly be chomped by one of your doors.


However, as I soon discovered, this was not an isolated incident: all of the doors in this map have a thirst for blood and shall merciliously crush anyone who may dare to linger in their wake.











I am concerned because I do not find this problem with the doors in other maps. Doors in other maps are happy, peaceful doors, who will wait for players to move out of the way before closing. The doors in Moonbase Labs however, are intent at murder.


Doors aside, I had a good (but short) time looking around in this map. I look forward to seeing your next set of progress screenshots.




Sithani, Onysfx, Boothand and 3 others like this
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