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JKO, JKA Full Source Code Released!!


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This is no April Fools joke
You heard me correctly. The FULL source code for BOTH Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy has been released. I never thought we would see this day.

In the words of @@eezstreet:

EDIT 1: This is ALL of the source code!! Yes, you heard right, ALL OF IT! The full engine, and everything. James Monroe confirmed this with me.

EDIT 2: Again, all of the source code. Not stripped, not messed around with. It's 100% legit. Ghoul2 API is there, et al.

EDIT 3: All tool code is there too, including BehavEd, ModView, etc

Update: It appears BehavEd code is actually not present, and that some encryption code was stripped.

What does this mean for non-coders?
In the words of eezstreet again:

Improved graphics. All mods are required to be opensourced. ICARUS/Ghoul2 are open sourced. BehavEd and ModView can be ported to Mac now. The game can be ported to a variety of platforms. Bugfixes to the engine can be done. SP is able to be modded now, since it's open sourced too. Improved networking. Improved controller support. Improved sound systems. Basically anything imaginable. You can also distribute mods as fully-fledged games, provided there are no base JA assets in the game. There's a ton more, but basically think of this as a one-way ticket to code anything imaginable in the game. Literally.

What made Ravensoft finally decide to release the code?
It's likely related to the closing down of LucasArts. Also, it's thanks to community members like you for bugging Raven to do this. Special thanks to eezstreet for notifying us about this as well as helping to get Raven to release the code.

Where can I find the code?
Update: Ravensoft has taken the code down. We're unsure when it will be back up.

In Conclusion
I recommend heading over to the #JACoders IRC channel (Click here to connect through a web interface) if you want to discuss this with other coders if you're a coder, and even if you're not a coder, head over there to find out the latest discoveries and projects involving this code.

If you're a coder, have fun digging around the code and making awesome stuff!

If you're not a coder, have fun anticipating the stuff coders are bound to release as time goes on!

Also, be sure to check out eezstreet's thread: http://jkhub.org/top...-code-released/

This news post will be updated as we explore the code more.

Click here to view the article
Smoo, Monkee, katanamaru and 1 other like this

I do hope all the major Mods out there takes the codes and Bombs it with goodness. JA+, JA++.
as well...Release a whole new Patch to like 2.0 that will fix EVERYTHING, no more exploits, no more holes in the system.

"Judge Doom: My God, it will be beautiful."
"Dr.Farnsworth: A man can dream....sniff"
Side note, Oh snap..I hope the servers don't shut down


I sincerely hope this didn't come to late. I'm wondering if this community is active enough to pull together to rebuild the game. Unrelated: has anyone gotten in touch with Scooper? He is the only one left I can think of that might know where to go with this stuff. 


Anyone else besides me interested in a JK4 based on this? 


..........I am now watching this game with intense interest once again.


WOW, this is a good day. This game's about to be one of the biggest open source games ever.

Raz0r likes this





NORMAL MAPS????????????!!!!!!!!!




This is brilliant! I'm not a coder, but I know how much this means to them, and I hope to see some truly amazing mods in the future! :)


The master servers will keep running - even if they do shut the master servers down, we have a plan we can put into action within minutes.


If you meant the game servers themselves, there's no cause for concern. There are still 1.00 servers running, 1.01 servers will still run, and 1.02 servers will be able to run. We have a master server capable of serving all versions.






It's been a CRAZY ride since 2009.......been through hell twice over and back, and still alive. So much stuff.........


Gah, whoever is going over the source...sometime I need to get in touch, even if it's just to talk about it! I'm not skilled enough to code but I have a bigtime knack for finding bugs and stuff - and boy do I have a loooong list of oddball bugs that should be fixed (Don't we all)!


Sup NAB, how about that TPCv4?


How.....subtle of you. XD


Should totally do it under the guise of finding all the bugs in the modified source code. In fact, that wouldn't be a bad idea, since Phred told me multiple times how good TPCv3 was at finding bugs in the Lugormod code.








How.....subtle of you. XD


Should totally do it under the guise of finding all the bugs in the modified source code. In fact, that wouldn't be a bad idea, since Phred told me multiple times how good TPCv3 was at finding bugs in the Lugormod code.






Suuuure, finding bugs. I'm more concerned with creating the funnest most interactive map ever, without an entity limit, assuming it can be removed, which I'm sure it can.


Hi guys I just wanted to say hello! I need someone to build me a forktula.. I know how handy you guys are. :lol:  :)  :angry:  :mellow:  :huh:  ^_^  :o   :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  -_-  <_<  :wub:  :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:  :ph34r: 


This should be a meme. 


Also bug caelum. Send him mass emails and texts until he helps


Am I the only one who sees this with a pinch of salt??


The modding side is brilliant, what about the exploit side and the new ability to riddle with more damaging things like Q3 limitations?


Am I the only one who sees this with a pinch of salt??


The modding side is brilliant, what about the exploit side and the new ability to riddle with more damaging things like Q3 limitations?


Using existing Q3 upgrades, they fix a lot of the vulnerabilities of the engine itself. Not to mention all of the upgrades the community has already made to the original SDK to stop those exploits. With the source, we can also patch new ones a lot quicker without fucking around trying to find out if we can fix it or not, or if we have to hook the engine to do it. Plus, the Q3 engines source has been released for a long time, and JKA's isnt that different from it as well so if they really wanted to take some time they could have made those exploits much sooner than now.


Eh, its 4am and I feel like I am having a terrible time wording this, I hope you can see what I mean.

eezstreet, Raz0r and Setlec like this

Mace summed it up. If anything, this helps us patching those exploits considerably, and having these exploits fixed in all mods.


JACoders will be maintaining this project 'OpenJK' on Github


Amazing news :) also, remember to apply the fixes listed in the JKHub patch discussion as well :P




Holy shit! It actually happened! It's amazing what LA's departure can do for us.


I really want to see a new efects like for example a new force powers.. or disabling saber underwater in mp... and stuff like that.. this is great news... i count on you all :) and i hope this will bring some people back to the "old" school jk3 ;)

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