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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. How the .. Wha .. Omg... This Sorrcerer on You Avatar (looks like from Magica and i like !) is not only the Avatar... Your models are Epic @@AshuraDX !!!
  2. O___O Make all textures 16x16 Change all playermodels to this. ... Nice
  3. Hmm You must change the path to the models in the : gamedata/base/ext_data/weapons.dat <---- this is the file that has all weapons options like effects, model that weapon use and even sounds and ammo count. Find the repeater and change the path of the model to the path that Your EE-3 has. Of course - DONT change it in the assets.rar (NEVER change anything in them .. it can rly crush your game). Make diffrent rar and make ext_data folder with the new weapons.dat file. The original weapons.dat file is in the assets.
  4. I agree with Kwenga .. i tried patches for terrain and there were a lot of issuses and they didnt look very nice specially because of the stupid holes that they make many times.. Hmm what about shader options? Maybe there is way to make texture pointing only in one angle :/ But making terrain in the 3D program is not bad idea. In my opinion the best method would be : 1.create a very high poly model of the terrain 2.Scuplt in it to make some cool stuff! 3. Bake it and make texture and stuff. 4. Align the baked texture on the low poly model. 5. The last thing - export the model as the md3 and as the patches. In gkt we will use the terrain that we made. The version that will be patches is for not only making it solid! The texture on these patches would be clip brush but with the shader that we will make depends WHAT is the terrain! If We made some snowy terrain we will use the snow material in the shader. This method would not only give us solid md3 but also will allow using material. Not only sure about amount of stuff and how the patches will work put in the game (they will be invisible ! The look of the terrain will be made with md3 model ) but we can make amount of the vertexes smaller for it.
  5. Dont ... be mad at me but ...... i downloaded minecraft 1.5 lately and .. i cant stop playing it O__O I just dont undestand how they .. F@ked up this game with these newest updates. It was sooo amazing game in my opinion. I like Your Skins @@Zappa_0 ! They look very nice :3
  6. OoO Interesting Hmm but how is the Galak Fyyar in armor? I remember there were a lot problems with him
  7. 2 hours of working. Maybe this is not what most of You are looking for but i wanted to try Female version of Reborn_new + with my old reskin of the reborn_new male Tommorow i will try something Jk2 like
  8. If You want to make the terrain there are some other methods to do it. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/92-hand-shaped-terrain/ You can also make terrain using easy gen or .. You can use some 3D program and make terrain in it. About the textures yeah.. it sucks and it also anoyed me as well :S even using axial doesnt fix this shit. Try just selecting the face and then just rotated the texture. Even if its time consuming i think there are no other method to do it.
  9. Nice! Your skins are getting better and better (not because of better clone model .. i am talking about skin :3 ) The only thing.. the lines on the helmet of the clone with the hand of the chest.. these lines are not symmetrical
  10. Hmm.. But You mean Reborn from Jk2 or Jk3 ? I must say .. i am intrested about it OuO
  11. Khalos is finally over! Made a weapon for him and crystal lantern :3
  12. This is hands down one of the best models made for this game and the BEST Clone trooper model. Epic work @@AshuraDX !!
  13. You must convert the model, weight it to the _humanoid skeleton and also try to make hierarchy if it is possible. Nobody said that this easy thing to do. Editing it with HEX editor will not be enough. The bones have diffrent names and characters is weighted to them.
  14. Hmm Not sure for making mods for Multiplayer but i think that MP reads only _Humanoid models right (as player model) . Saber_droid use diffrent skeleton and that is why it doesnt work
  15. Holy .. Bananas O.O Cant even describe how awesome he ... OoO
  16. New Stuff! The lower part and arms :3 Isn't he cute? ^u^
  17. The first and last map looks neat! (dont like the style of Korriban from Jk3 in general ;P) and nice to see HD versions
  18. Hee... Well now i am rly confused Hmm.. I was looking at this model on Your pic. I added the map to the pack that i sent to You on dropbox. Dowload it again and put it in the maps folder and open it: -In the single player -in the muliplayer Sometimes shaders doesnt work If You have too many shaders in general. There is a limit i remember.
  19. Where You put this shaders? Are they in the folder or zip? If the shader is in the folder try in the console : Sv_pure 0 or 1 - this option make game read or not read files, textures and sounds from the folders / or not
  20. Ok for testing new technic i decided to make character named Khalos (Chaos but later.. he is a god and most powerful character in my story . I will not tell You whole origin of him .. too much to talk about [but if someone want .. i can do it ]) So! This new method is sweet! OwO I am noobish in modeling still , and i dont have much time lately (mature exam.. T_T) but in free time i am making modifications and models :3 Here is Khalos!: And the last one :3 his face in the blender with texures and full made with the scuplting. Hope i will get more free time soon i finally improve my works But btw.. Thanks to You Guys and thanks to this awesome community! I rly want to learn this stuff because... lately this is the only thing that keep me going.. in my sad , weak emotional life.
  21. Maybe this would be stupid but can You add the "glow" in the shader? I would like to know how it would look with this in the shader.
  22. The only problem i see is that ragdoll doesnt work on the character. They act like Jk2 bodies or bodies after broadsword 0
  23. Strange because .. exporting the model WITH the path to the skeleton crushed the model and the skeleton before O.o Now when i edited both files in Hex editor - They work fine :3 You deserve the Millenium Falcon cookie! Many Thanks Guys and specially @katanamaru
  24. This stuff looks nice OvO great job! (Love the shadows on the first pic OqO) Making maps on them would be very poor looking and i agree - level creating should be something that is part of learning and practise . Porting it and thats it would be like using the old pork chop and make it in the microwave.. BUT! In my opinion this would be good idea if these levels would be exported in brushes. Then You would just select this map and place a one texture all over them (on this exported map and also make it func_group. Why ?I will explain later ) This one textured brushes would be only a BASE for Your map. Making map on it, adding prop things, npc's ,misc models and effects. AND before the compiling You will just select the base, one textured map and ... remove it and hit compile It would be cool because You will not only make a good scaled in some way reconstructive map but also Your own version, Your own personal work, with Your models and npc's :3 You will not only give the Nostalgia effect but You can also add something new. I never used this method (i just came up with it after i read Your post so i dont know if it is even possible X) ) and i think there may be some problems with the scale and in some way not well done gameplay structures but it might work
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWoG9tKf1lA http://pl.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=E+Chuta XD if it srlsy means : Eat Shit That would be amazing Good to know Maybe i will put him (her dunno) on the second map
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