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Posts posted by Link

  1. JKJAAT.png.15d189ad4ee2b10c7cfe3b728b97e

    This will be the third installment of the JK:JA Anniversary Tournament, where the aim of the tournament is to bring together the entire community for one big event to celebrate the anniversary of the release of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, so we will start the tournament on the weekend before this date, so the event will begin on the 15th September 2018. This will be a 2v2 team based tournament and the bracket will be completely randomised but, you can choose your teammate. Due to how tournaments work, there is likely to include qualifying matches to round the tournament to a power of 2 bracket (32, 64, 128 etc).

     The tournament is open to everyone that plays Jedi Academy and there is no limit on the number of players that can take part, so potentially we’ll have quite a large tournament like the past two events (Up to 79 players), which will span several weeks. Every match will be recorded and put on our YouTube account in glorious 1080p for everyone to watch as the tournament progresses over the weeks.

     For rules, an overview of how the tournament will work and how to sign up, see our Arcadia news post for full details.


    What to do next!

    This is user-submitted news by SiLink. If you'd like to submit your own news to the front page of JKHub, follow this guide to get started, or ask a member of staff for more info.

    Click here to view the article
    Sentra, Droidy365, z3filus and 2 others like this
  2. For our first Podcast, we sat down with one of the more famous competitive players in Jedi Academy, Shake! From his early days learning the ropes in social communities to competing at high level, we go in depth about his time in the game and what is in store going forward for Shake.


    You can follow Shake on plays.tv and also Twitch:




    Smoo, Asulynn, sabu and 1 other like this
  3. Thanks Circa, really appreciate that. A LOT going on right now with Arcadia, so it's worth checking out =)
    Our discord has tripled in size so it's worth checking out





    When do we officially launch?
    We will be launching on the day of the Epoch officially, which is the 30th June. On that date, I'd like to encourage Arcadia hosted clans to use us as their main server, so that our server activity will kick off.


    I have added awards to the forum, which should start appearing on your profile, side panels in posts etc See below for a list of awards I've put together. More to be added but this is the baseline prior to launch.
    "Clans" Changes
    Over the next week or so, I'm going to be expanding our Clans area so that Leaders have more control over their sections and can do A LOT more. More details in another thread later.
    I've also added another section to your profile area. See below. I'm hopefully going to look at making this automatic in the future so there's less manual work involved when updating your clan status.
    The Base Academy
    This is on hold as Water is on a LOA. We're looking to get another teacher in his place until his return.

    Arcadia Epoch Changes
    During the CTF/Siege test runs at the weekend, a lot of issues came up which may result in me having to scrap these events from the Epoch. Hopefully I won't need to do this, but if I do I'll replace it with some good events.

    Movie Nights
    Big thanks to Dai for hosting some amazing movie nights the past 3 weeks. We've seen Bladerunner, American Psycho, John Wick. These are a lot of fun and I encourage people to attend one to see what you're missing out on.

    New Staff
    Unsure if I've announced one or two of these already, however please welcome MrDJSilva to advocates and Leonhart + Arluen to Event Hosts!

    So far our servers have been well received by those using them. Our base server has gone through a few tweaks. If you have any suggestions then by all means shout and I'll have a look.

    Big thanks to everyone who has advertised for us over the past week, our numbers have tripled in a very short time which is really impressive. We've got a LONG way to go though, so if you have any JKA friends who aren't aware of Arcadia, then you're our best way of advertising!

    Smoo likes this
  4. iGNUtkr.png

    The goal behind Arcadia.gg is to provide a means for new clans to start without having to worry about expense or exposure. We provide both a base and a JA+ server that you can use as your clans home, as well as your own unique clan section on our website. The benefits of having a communal server that is shared with other clans is more exposure on an active server, with the alternative being purchasing your own server with no activity to start with, which are both main reasons for clans not getting very far off the ground.

    We also host monthly event called The Arcadia Epoch. It's a large event spanning a couple of hours, where the the winners from each event will be awarded points, and a the end of the Epoch, the points will be added up until we have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place... who will then be awarded prizes via PayPal, Steam, whatever method you prefer.
    We have a lot of things we'd like to advertise e.g. training, podcast, the epoch, but I don't want to overflow you guys with information. So I'll just leave a thread from our website which explains everything :P
    We also have a discord for anyone who is interested, you can find that here:
    I look forward to working with some of you, so far we've gathered a lot of interest. If you'd like to contact me directly on Discord, my username is Link#5548
    MagSul, Circa, Wolfeye and 3 others like this
  5. https://youtu.be/jv-TkaN3XIM


    Before attempting this, please be aware that not all models have the ability to move their mouths. It would be a good idea to learn how to do this method on a model that does allow lip movements such as Kyle before trying on another model.

    Let's begin!

    • Open the game (Multiplayer) and type /devmapall MapNameHere, for example /devmapall mp/ffa3
    • You will now be on a map of your choice with cheats activated
    • Bind noclip to a key via /bind anykey noclip
    • Bind taunt to a key via /bind anykey taunt
    • Stand perfectly still, this means don't allow your character to perform the idle animation (Check the video to see what the idle animation is)
    • Press the noclip bind
    • Then afterwards, press the taunt bind

    Your character will now move it's lips and let out a taunt. The longer the taunt, the longer the lip movement animation will last. So for example if you had a 20 second custom taunt for Kyle then his mouth would move for 20 seconds as well.

    In the video I used SystemA to rotate my camera so I was in front of my character.

    Using the above method, you can record a video, cut the clips up and make it seem like the character is talking in sync with whatever audio you have (See the video at the end for an example) although it may take some time to get it to fit perfectly.

  6. This may be known to some older players, but you'd be surprised how few newer players know that Jedi Knight has a built in video recorder like all games running the id Tech 3 engine.

    Before I begin I must point out that these recordings can only be played back whilst in-game and not via a media player.

    Okay let's begin!

    Whilst in a server, open the console and type /g_synchronousClients 1. This is meant to sync yourself to all other players as well as the server itself to give the best playback once you're finished. This does have one big drawback, it will almost certainly lag you. This is why most players turn it off straight away after beginning their recording.

    Next type /record



    You will receive a message that the game is now recording to a specific file. It will also display the following to show you how large the demo file is:




    If you'd prefer to play without the lag, type /g_synchronousClients 0


    Once you're done recording, simply type /stop (Short for /stopdemo)


    To play back your demo go to the main menu, select Play, then Play Demo




    Then select the demo you'd like to play




    Alternatively you can playback demos with the /demo command, e.g. /demo demo0002


    You can also find all your demo files located in the following places:


    Standard JK

    C:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/demos

    Steam JK 
    C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Jedi Academy/GameData/base/demos


    If you're using a mod such as JAPlus then you will find your demos folder inside the mods folder.



    Smoo likes this
  7. This is based off the help BobaFett gave me in 2006 when I asked how to do this. I can not give support on any problems you may have with this tutorial, sorry.



    This tutorial assumes you have previous mapping/modding experience and understand what entities are as well as how to place them on a map via co-ordinates. This tutorial is very brief and may take some experimenting to get it just the way you want it.


    First, download and install Quake Army Knife (See above)


    Okay let's say we theoretically wanted to add some effects to the map FFA3 (Tatooine), first of all you will have to extract the .bsp file from the assets and put it in your GTKRadiant directory in program files.


    Open the .bsp file in QuArK which will now show you the contents of the ffa3.bsp file. Save the entities file to the GTKRadiant directory as well as ffa3.ent (Plain text file with the extension changed from .txt to .ent), you will now have ffa3.ent and ffa3.bsp in your GTKRadiant.


    Now, all you need to do is edit that .ent file with a text editor and add your own entities. You may feel familiar with this file as it is very similar to the GTKRadiant entities window.


    Once you're done adding your own entities, save the file and close the file. You should see a file in that directory called q3map2 which is a compiler that can replace entities from the original .bsp with your new .ent file (See why it's called Quake Army Knife now tongue.png?).


    Open q3map2, this will launch a command prompt. Enter


    after that, you use the q3map2 compiler to replace the entities by the ones in the ent file using this command:


    q3map2.exe -v -game ja -onlyents
    There IS an alternate method which may be easier if you don't understand the above instruction.


    Open notepad and paste the following code:


    @[member='Echo'] off
    title Entity Recompiler - Wrapper made by BobaFett
    echo q3map2 entity recompile wrapper
    echo by BobaFett
    cd X:\Program Files\GtkRadiant 1.5.0
    q3map2.exe -v -game ja -onlyents %1
    echo Compiling finished, press any key to close this window
    Replace "X:\Program Files\GtkRadiant 1.5.0" with the path to your GTKRadiant directory


    Save it as EntityCompiler.bat and place it in your GTKRadiant directory alongside your ffa3.bsp and ffa3.ent files. Now drag your ffa3.ent file and drop it over your newly created EntityCompiler.bat file. This will launch a command prompt and begin inserting the .ent file into the .bsp


    The time it takes depends on the map itself, some take a few seconds whereas some may take minutes. This is unrelated to the amount of entities you may have added.


    When the compiler is finished, the ffa3.bsp will now contain the entities you gave it! Make a .pk3 file and put your .bsp in it, remember to represent the directory it came from in your assets e.g. EditedFFA3.pk3 > maps > mp


    Please note that the pk3 should only be put on servers and not in your own personal base folder for everyone to see your entities.

    Example: Using fx_runner entities


    Merek, Srethem and Smoo like this
  8. This is always due to a new pk3 you've downloaded having a missing brace ( } or {) from an .npc or .sab file. You should either contact the author or you can fix it yourself by opening the pk3, going to ext_data then either sabers or npcs. Open all the files in these directories and check them for a missing brace.


    Here is an example of a working NPC file (Jawa)


    playerModel jawa
    weapon WP_NONE
    scale 75
    health 10
    snd jawa
    sndcombat jawa
    reactions 3
    aim 1
    move 3
    aggression 3
    evasion 1
    intelligence 5
    rank crewman
    playerTeam TEAM_NEUTRAL
    enemyTeam TEAM_FREE
    class CLASS_JAWA
    yawspeed 90
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 150
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 10
    dismemberProbLegs 1
    dismemberProbHands 20
    dismemberProbWaist 0
    Notice how there are two different types of braces before and after the personality instructions?



    Check your .npc and .sab files in the pk3 you're having problems with and see if any braces are missing, if you find one then simply add it and save.

  9. (I made the name as basic as possible on purpose)


    I'm sure every JK player has come across the annoying situation whereby you set up all your controls, binds and general configurations to get the game exactly the way you want it... then suddenly everything has been reset.


    This tutorial will explain how to save your binds to a file and retrieve them if your configurations have been reset. This is all done without leaving the game!


    Saving your binds

    • First, open Jedi Academy and set everything up exactly the way you want it.
    • Once you're happy, open the console with FWAZc.jpg + Oegxj.jpg (Or Click Here if you're struggling to open the console)
    • Enter /write config
    This will write all your bindings to a file called config.cfg which can be found here:


    Standard JK

    C:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base
    Steam JK

    C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Jedi Academy/GameData/base
    Restoring your binds
    • Open the console with FWAZc.jpg + Oegxj.jpg
    • Enter /exec config
    This will then restore all your configurations to exactly how they were when you did /write config



    If you use a mod such as JA+ or Moviebattles then go to the mod's folder e.g. Gamedata\japlus to find your newly written config.cfg file.


    You don't need to call it config, you can name it whatever you like e.g. /write SiLink


    /write is a quick method for /writeconfig, try /write then hitting the aIO54.jpg key. This is common for many commands and cvars in JK.

    DarthValeria likes this
  10. Life far outweighs clan drama. He obviously enjoyed his time on JKA and we have to remember that despite our differences we all share JKA and how we each enjoy that is each to their own.


    I hope his family find strength to deal with the loss of their loved one.


    Life is precious. I didn't really know Binny except from the times ive met him on my server, May he Rest in peace.


    Yeah 100% this. I'm not at home right now, but maybe we should post something on our forums so that people are aware.

  11. Hello all,


    Over at JAWA we're making a football style event using NPCs as a ball. I've seen lots of maps over the years which feature areas that allow you to run events like this... essentially a big football field, ice hockey rink, those sorts of maps/areas.


    Here is an example:



    Could I perhaps get suggestions on similar maps =D? I remember there being a big ice hockey area on a larger map, but I can't find it anywhere >_>

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