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Posts posted by Link

  1. Okay, a bit of a strange request :P but I am working alongside a mapper for a (JAWA) fun based map and I was wondering if we could get two static models made that would be featured in this map.


    Okay, here is the strangeness. I would like the two Jawa static models to simply have a hard hat helmets on their heads.




    Why two? Well, we'd like two different positions. One in the crouch animation and another in the default standing position. 


    Reason? Well, the setting for the map will be underground another map we have made for us already (The (JAWA) Temple), and instead of bolting it onto The (JAWA) Temple, we want to create the illusion it is by having a comical lift that has broken down.




    Could any one possibly do this for us :)

    Circa and Futuza like this
  2. ¯\_(シ)_/¯


    What do you guys think about potentially going from IPS Content (Which governs out front page) to having the website on the wiki perhaps? That way, the wiki would be more navigable by having it in your face. Just bringing up an idea to discuss! ;)

  3. Well if that is true, then unfortunately it doesn't change the fact I don't have the time to sit down and properly go through the wiki with a comb like I do with JAWA's currently :P as I said, I wasn't offering my services but rather suggestions for those who might have the time.


    Let's take this to PM, this is turning into a bit of a private conversation XD

  4. Your skillset does cover the suggestions, since the deletion of "opinions" and "personal stories" is very easy and takes very little effort.


    Yes, because that would go down well. Link comes back to JKHub and begins deleting pages because he thinks his opinion is more important than anyone elses :P


    As I said, it was a suggestion, which was aimed at the staff. It's up to them what direction the wiki goes ultimately, based on suggestions from fellow members.

  5. PK3 files are just ZIP archives with a different extension. Open the saber's PK3 file and in the ext_data/sabers/ folder open the .sab file (a simple text file) and change the sabers name (the one before the "{") to that of a base saber (dual_1 to dual_5 and single_1 to single_9). Save the file under the same name plus .sab.


    Example: You have a saber_viszla.sab containing

    	name		Viszla
    	// ... more here
    You want to replace the single-bladed saber 1 (the Arbiter) with it, so you change it to

    	name		Viszla
    	// ... more here
    and save it as saber_1.sab.


    Make sure your PK3's name is alphabetically after assets1.pk3 so it is loaded later, overwriting the existing ext_data/sabers/single_1.sab.



    Useful stuff, even though it looks relatively simple, perhaps upload that as a tutorial to JKHub? Might help someone else out :)

  6. And I am simply saying no :P I don't have the time to contribute to the wiki unfortunately, but even if I did my skillset doesn't cover the suggestion I was making. Besides, if we were going to take the wiki in another direction then we'd need everyone onboard and we'd probably have to start from fresh, or at the least rehash a lot of pages to follow a constant theme.


    Tis not my place to do that.

  7. Then get to it. I have yet to see you contribute anything to the wiki.


    Did I say I was going to contribute? I was explaining my original suggestion of the wiki which was around 2 years ago now. I'd happily contribute if I had the knowledge for my suggestion to work, but I don't. Just because I suggested it doesn't mean I personally can do it o_O...

  8. Back when I was a staff member, one of my focuses was to get some interest from the competitive community but unfortunately it didn't get very far...  I hope we can get something working because I'd love to see this site appeal to everyone :) lots of good ideas in this thread already.

  9. My original idea for the wiki was for it to be more of a knowledge base for JKA rather than players posting their own personal stories/accomplishments or tutorials (Which the tutorial section covers)


    For example, actual game mechanics on e.g. 25 health packs, which would have its own page describing what it does, how it functions, the code behind it and other info about it. We could list entity names, mathematics behind how the game calculates things etc etc


    Whilst the wiki currently has some really nice pages, the last I checked, it had a lot of pages with opinions and personal areas which I don't have much interest in personally.

    Kessno likes this
  10. Heylo, it's been a while :P


    Apologies for fading away last time whilst I was staff, it has been quite a busy year XD (Got engaged, moved into our own place etc). I'm going to be hanging around a lot more now :) this place is looking great as always and it's nice to see a lot of new faces around here!

    Bek, Rooxon, Circa and 3 others like this
  11. Heylo all,


    In a few days, my domain host will be expiring my domain "JKANews.com", meaning they'll probably have a landing page on it for the next 100 years and want to sell it for a ridiculous amount :P


    ANYWAY I was curious if any one here would be interested in buying it? I used to run JKANews as a news website back in 2007/2008 but it sort of fell apart, always kept the domain though until now.

  12. I'm well aware of all of this, you guys asked myself and others of our opinions on OpenJK and as I stated, it is a minor annoyance is all compared to what I'm used to... hardly a big deal.

  13. Yup I know, but alt+tab pales in comparison to something like Q3E which is instant and moves it out the way, truly minimized off the screen until you hit the keyboard shortcut to go back. 

  14. How did you find out about OpenJK?
    Raz0r and word of mouth I believe
    How difficult was it to get OpenJK working?
    Surprisingly simple, I thought it might be a hassle but it was just a matter of dropping files in.
    Do you know anybody who isn't on JKHub and uses OpenJK?
    I believe some JAWA members use it, although that is probably down to Raz's advertisements in the past.
    What would you change (if anything)?
    Advertisements, I feel you guys have some really great stuff going on but nobody is really aware of what is being added/changed. I realize that due to the nature of the project that things are probably added/removed/changed daily, however it would be nice to have some sort of... update feed with screenshots and clear explanations for those who aren't literate in the coding world. A good example is Raz0r's work on JA++ which is obviously a separate project, he made this really cool spectator-name system that I had never even heard about/seen before, yet I know if other people saw that they'd be wow'ed... I sometimes think that you guys undervalue the work that you actually do, which in my opinion should be all over a website/twitter to those who want to see these updates in layman's terms.
    In terms of what bothers me, only two really minor things come to mind:
    1. External programs such as minimizers obviously don't support the use of OpenJK due to it being a different exe. This isn't OpenJK's fault at all, however it is a little annoyance especially considering the constraints of an ingame minimizer (/minimize), Raz is hoping to get Q3E Minimizer which is now Open Source to support OpenJK :)
    2. I don't like complaining about this, especially since so many people are for it in the JACoders community (Probably everyone XD) but a little annoyance to me is the lack of being able to do quick commands e.g. /q. I realize that this can be quickly accomplished by hitting tab however I often find myself after 10 years nearly always doing /q :P I'm not saying "CHANGE IT!" but I just thought I'd write this down as it's the only thing that has bothered me since using OpenJK.


    Off topic from the questions though, I really love the work you guys have done and I can't wait to see how it continues to develop :) keep up the great work!

    Stoiss, Tx606 and Raz0r like this
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