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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. You could detach all those areas by selecting the UV shells, at least in max that's how you'd do it. There's even the option (automatic) to create smoothing groups from UV shells, so you'd only go in sub mode and detach by smoothing groups, there's probably a script to automate that too. That would be quite easy to do, assuming the UV's are properly laid out and done by a pro.
  2. What's the issue with the textures? (besides looking low res)
  3. Just slap 2 band-aids on the stock textures and you're done. What a crappy concept.
  4. Take a look at the skinwrap rig: http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tools/skinwrap.rar Probably not perfect but should help.
  5. You'll want to have very similar edgeloops / vertex placement on the additional cloth meshes, shared topology will take care of most problems since both meshes will deform in roughly the same manner. Skinwrap does a pretty good job of averaging the skin weights to match different meshes...when available.
  6. I usually weight the mesh when it's still one piece. Doing so ensures your detached limbs will match 100% between each other. Caps should be weighted in the same manner as their parent limbs, because they also need to move in the same manner. They're sharing border vertices between two open meshes after all. If the tags look off, it could be the way you positioned the hand mesh, if it doesn't quite fit the base pose than the saber will be out of alignment to some extent. You could import kyle's saber and move it into proper position there should be a tag along with it, telling you exactly where it should be. Move the rig's tag to match the saber's or use the one with the saber, don't forget to change name and re-assign weights.
  7. Skeletons that have tarsal bones can be used to compile for Jedi Outcast as well. JA doesnt use them, period, i'm pretty sure carcass will reject them saying the bone hierarchy doesn't match.
  8. The issue has been dealt with, you can do whatever you want but jkhub will not host ported models, porting for private use is fine.
  9. EZ CD-DA Audio extractor for batch jobs along with cool edit pro for editing, acid pro for more complex stuff.
  10. The simpler the better. It's already too much work with the current crappy rig haha, yeah i'm lazy.
  11. Nope, i won't put a diesel engine block into the hilt
  12. I see your double bladed savior and raise you this: http://youtu.be/MfkHkdu5IEI?t=23s
  13. Why is the map so fkn' bright? is it because of the divine light that emits from the King of Kings?
  14. The quality could've been better. At the time he was not meant to be a full character just a head/hood/mask texturing project. Texture resolution could've been doubled on the body but it is what it is i guess. Cheers.
  15. Pending approval: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/
  16. Version 1.0


    Darth Malgus + saber Authors : Psyk0Sith, Bioware (audio) Darth Malgus was a Human male Sith Lord of the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. I started this project a while ago and it was never intended for release since it only consisted of a hooded and masked head at the time. A somewhat half assed body was then added, followed by a rushed texturing job. Quality is so-so but hopefully you'll still enjoy slashing things as an armored sith warrior. I could've taken out a few of the head choices since they're not too extreme in-between but adds some variety. Known bugs: I have not been able to make the hilt work in the SP menu selection, i think it comes up blank and not selectable, not sure what the problem is and frankly don't care.
  17. A simple reprogramming like the terminator would work wonders.
  18. Yeah, Shaak Ti would be an interesting change for me so that was genuine.
  19. @@minilogoguy18 ever heard of torrents? I can't stand the horrible tv programming we have here, so i make my own.
  20. Are you gonna model the hood or leave it textured? but i don't even know if he has one, been so long since i played that game.
  21. Half naked Shaak Ti? I'll see what i can do.
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