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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Download here Need to rig the hands, add npc, bot etc.
  2. Well you could animate the texture by rotating it around but it would also rotate while the model is not moving.
  3. For the sim to compute faster you should use a dummy model for the body instead of the sith stalker. With even topology, still relatively low poly, no open edges and no sharp angles. If you don't you're wasting computing time on glitches.
  4. Omg Dark_Cuillere is back!
  5. I've just had an issue with double sided alpha see this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/4931-double-sided-cull-disable-transparency-shader-possible/ Make sure the alpha is setup correctly in photoshop (when using a .png you'll see the blank background where the mask has been applied so you'll know it's correct). Yours should work easily with this one:
  6. I'll check that too, thanks. Also, forgot to say...thanks DT
  7. Almost! the same code makes the texture too bright and there's some kind of glass/translucent area where it should be fully transparent. I'll take out some portions to see if that can be removed completely. I took out the lightmap stage and it works
  8. I need to break it again before i can post screenshots.. The basic version without double siding: models/players/MrFancyPants/cloth_a { { map models/players/MrFancyPants/cloth_a blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } }The broken version: models/players/MrFancyPants/cloth_a { cull disable { map models/players/MrFancyPants/cloth_a blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } Quake III shader manual says double sided planes and assign the alpha texture on one side and the other side a non-drawing texture??? The heck is a non-drawing texture? Surface flag no draw?
  9. Kyle finally gets a much deserved update after about 12 years! Excellent work.
  10. Problem: One plane mesh +texture and alpha channel applied. It works fine when no culling is added (aka default cull), the plane has holes in it where they should be except i'd want it double sided. When the cull disable function is added to the shader, it adds transparency to meshes behind it. So there's a bunch of (almost random?) holes where there should be none, sort of what you get in modview when you preview alpha. I'm thinking the shader treats the black color of the diffuse as alpha but i have yet to play with color to see if it makes any difference. Any ideas? I'm looking at Tavion_new's feathers/hairs and it seems to work... well nope, doesn't work in-game, can only be seen from the front and no shaders present for that, except glow.
  11. Nice work on the temple guard. Maybe scale down the cloth pattern a bit on the bottom of part of the robe to match the rest.
  12. Recent versions of photoshop are supposed to have real time painting. There's also bodypaint, mudbox and sculptris which is free.
  13. I'm on the fence on that one, i mean the edits are so basic that you're basically passing my work as your own...
  14. Nah, i prefer to work on star wars characters.
  15. Oh god is that a "lightsaber slingshot" on his wrist??
  16. Do you have an integrated gpu (intel) that works alongside an ATI or Nvidia card? and are you on a laptop?
  17. Something did, but nowhere near complete.
  18. The fat guys are pretty much done, just let me know where to drop them.
  19. Better throw in some classic insults as well:
  20. Is the Coleman Trebor model a new one? or using parts of my terrible model? Because i would have no problem giving you permission as long as i'm credited (Along with Delmi for whatever he worked on). Mars can be contacted here: neomarz1(at)gmail.com
  21. I don't think i did, i'll have a look. Source code bottom link of first post, but i cannot confirm which version, dude says it's Cookson's work. http://forums.duke4.net/topic/1065-md3-exporter-for-3ds-max-2010-x86-and-x64/
  22. Mine is MD3 v2.01 Export MD3 by Pop N Fresh Enhancement and fixes by Chris Cookson
  23. Max 7 version works since that's an old plugin. Haven't found a max 9(x64) version that worked.
  24. Make the lips less pinchy, think of an o shape that maintains curves when folded on itself instead of trianglular. The mesh seems kind of dense, which means too much time wasted tweaking verts, fewer verts mean faster control and less artifacts.
  25. Maybe, once i clear my schedule.
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