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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. They are still tentacles. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi'lek "... and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls."
  2. It is partially transparent, but we spend ages on this trying to get differant results. In the end we just rage quit it, but hopefully we may go back to it.
  3. Good to see this is finally uploaded here! I didn't think we would ever see you again, come back from the dead huh?
  4. I'll try to send to you the rest of the leg skin files tonight Angel, and I'll let you add the caps on them. Also, I think I fixed the ears showing on the helm for main4 and one of the skin files, but not sure. I'll send you what I have in the way of fixes and skin files tonight if I have time, and maybe get some more work done on the hilt as well.
  5. I never want to see ghost vader EVER again.

    1. Lamented
    2. Omicron


      Angel knows why. And what I would do if I had to edit it again...

  6. This would require a massive amount of work to implement into JKA. Just use OJP Enhanced lol
  7. What he wants is to have Vader's walk sounds (and idle sounds, may not be possible tho) to have vader breathing. The reason being why it's not a lightsabre is because: a) The server may not allow custom hilts b) if it replaces a base hilt, people may want to normally use that hilt themselves, and wouldn't want the breathing c) if other people don't have the skin, but you do, and they have the replaced base hilt, you'll hear it breathing for them which you don't want. So basically Angel only wants the skin itself to have the breath effects.
  8. Great vids! I always love ctf vids
  9. I would love to use that ingame if it were made!
  10. I'm tool lazy too read all these posts, but is the new _humanoid model thingy that you were working on having these cape bones and stuff on it?
  11. I was wondering when you you were going to post more work on it AM Looking awesome!
  12. Can't wait to play on this when it's finished!
  13. @Modelers: Could a modeler possible add a santa onto the skin which I'm going to submit for the White Elephant? I can't imagine it would be that hard a task for an experianced modeler, but I know shit about modeling unfortinitally.

    1. Omicron


      If you up to doing this for me, you can just send me a pm, and I'll send you the model and skin files. :)

  14. Do the caps have bits of metal and wires in them? Only seems logical, seeing as all his limbs were basically cut off, and he had to have the suit basically built on/into him. But that would mean you would need the hilt to hear the breathing, so doing it via animsounds.cfg would be quite a good idea, as that way you can use any hilt, and he could still 'breath'.
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