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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Submitted my male twi'lek skin, just need it to get approved :)

  2. We should JAFont uploaded here...
  3. Did you ever release that Liara model for jka?
  4. Omicron

    New Staff Member

    Congrats Link! Don't break anything.
  5. Could there also be gender body swaps, cause I would love to make jan fat with rax's body
  6. Ok, thanks. This would probably be the first time I have edited the sourcecode at all, as I have only compiled it
  7. Ok, thanks. Is it easy to add, as in, I could copy and paste the code into it, or would I need to tinker around with a few things to get it to work?
  8. Will the SFX sabres also be in regular OpenJK, or only in your SP Customisation one?
  9. Just ordered Kotor off of amazon, only cost £6

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Circa


      My point was that chances are you were going to update anyways. :P

    3. minilogoguy18


      You can turn off auto updates and not just say on or off for all games but choose what games you want to auto update you dummies.

    4. Circa


      Steam n00b here.

  10. Wouldn't it be better use of time and resources @, and instead of adding new maps on that list, is you can get permission for the ones you currently have and get them uploaded to JKHub?
  11. Welcome to the Hub, and Merry Christmas!
  12. @@HiddenSpy Kirby skin: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dxqxuu1ghlied4/Kirby.pk3 I haven't tested it ingame, but it should be working fine.
  13. That's probably the best option if you can't find any download links for it.
  14. Sweet work you have done!
  15. Aw, thanks man, 'twas a pleasure and an honour to aid in the making of it, great to see it is finally released after all of your hard work!
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