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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Use these as sounds plz: http://youtu.be/oyZ7nftxIWw (You may need to watch it on youtube for the annotations to work properly.) If you don't, then I will for my Malak skin XD
  2. My main goal was too re-texture it from scratch really, as it would help my general skinning. The theme I was going for, I still don't know. I'm not the sort of person to plan things out beforehad, I just start doing it and see how things turn out. Most likely he'll be fairly dark looking, but I honestly can't say. Yeah, I think the model has been partially ported, cause he is the guy who made the greyfox model, and that's an edited shadowtrooper model. Which I presume he has also done to this, and has kept the UV map like he did for GF.
  3. @@eezstreet @@Ruxith I haven't done anything to the body texture except increase the resolution of it, as it was from a Malak reskin. It will change in the future, but for now I am working on the head.
  4. Having him rigged to _humanoid would be sick, and I'm sure that if a cat can be rigged to it, the surly a droid like this can too.
  5. Thanks all for the feedback. I'm currently redoing the jaw piece from scratch, will post pics when I have done more work on it. And thanks @@Circa for that topic.
  6. There isn't much that can be done with the stretching as far as I know, sadly. Is it the face that looks off, or the actual body? I didn't know Psyko had a malak model o.o
  7. Wow, you didn't have to go to the trouble of making a malak model y'know But very impressive for 20mins work I should add too. Problem is is that I have started other parts of malak's body already, so I would have to transfer textures over which could be a pain, rather than having to start again.
  8. hmm, well the head doesn't really look anything like Malak's in kotor, and the shoulders look more broad, but that could be from trying to rig it to jka i guess. Either way, it doesn't particularly bother me if the model is ported XD
  9. It isn't actually a port as far as I'm aware, the model had ported textures, but I believe the model was made from scratch. Source: Comment #22: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Malak_reskin_by_Tobe;112495x#1976595
  10. So, I decided start a small reskin project of Malak. I'm planning to reskin it all from scratch, but I'll probably end up photosourcing some textures as well. So far, all I have done is the head. The mask currently has a photosourced metal texture which I am going to change. The face is textured completely by me, but I made an outline of the tattoos beforehand, and then textured them, but I may make my own tattoos for it later. Thoughts so far? Front Side Back EDIT: How do I get that green WIP tag next to the topic title?
  11. Currently reskinning Malak completely from scratch, this is going to be quite a helpful challenge for me. =)

  12. Did you also have rebel Strike for the gamecube?
  13. Also having the tatooine version would be cool as well.
  14. Ahh, well I use Opera and Maxthon which don't have that as far as I know.
  15. What is Stargate, I'm too lazy to search it up atm.
  16. How did you do that, looks cool.
  17. http://jkhub.org/topic/2332-lord-starkiller/ If you want it, send me a pm.
  18. Nice, might use this for screenshots in future if I ever go back to sp.
  19. Yeah, cause alot of it could be regarded as gameplay features.
  20. Did the JK2 1.02 sourcecode get released, or only the final version of it? If so, then it would be cool to have JK2 1.02 but with the bugs fixed, but keeping the same gameplay.
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