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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. I'm not dead. This is, what I got.



    Wow, that was fantastic. Good voice-acting (who is that Darth Vader? He was perfect!), slick camerawork (I'm curious how you accomplished some of those smooth panning shots with JKA) and a solid story that genuinely made me go 'Aww, damn' when it hit the end. I want to see more!

  2. In the old EU, Han's reference to 'hell' was construed as a cultural thing for Corellians - who apparently believed in nine (or maybe seven) layers of hell, IIRC. Don't know if that explanation has been re-canonised.


    What we do know about the 'afterlife' from canon is that when a living being dies, it is said by the Jedi at least to return as pure energy ("luminous beings are we...") to the 'cosmic Force', as opposed to the 'living Force' which is what folks experience when they are alive. Folks like Qui-Gon and Yoda were able to contact the physical realm after death by mastering the ability to connect these two realms.

    ChalklYne and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  3. Great work Kualan!! finally a muun alien!, one question, did you release asajj ventress dark disciple??


    Hm, I'm not sure. If not, I'll dig it out and update the main file.



    Did you release the ARC Bounty Hunter? :)


    I didn't think anyone would be interested in that. I'll include it in the next pack.



    Hey, do we have a version of Ashura's clone trooper with some of Mars' additional equipment on it? Or has that not been done?


    I think @@JAWSFreelao did one.

  4. Alright gramps calm down  :winkthumb: ports are awesome! No one is going to bring anyone to court over something as meaningless as a 20 year old video game character port either, nobody has time for that... Unless you are a petty loser with nothing better going on in your life that is. Most people have simply forgotten about the Jedi Knight games anyways... So in my opinion it's better to have as many neat ports of cool characters as possible than have none at all. 


    Most ports are miles better than anything created by community members anyways. 


    Personally I would rather have a port of a cool character than not. Also most people don't have the time to make any good character models for free.


    What you said about improving ports is very true and very cool tho! Helpful advice and tips are always a lot more productive and helpful than belittling others by calling them children.


    That is all, carry on with your thread. 






    But seriously, I think you've completely missed the point. In this particular instance, @@AshuraDX was talking specifically about how poorly optimised / converted for use in JKA many ports are. It's why there's rampant transform errors or bland-looking textures in a lot of them - and I say this as someone who has used them myself. And guess what? He's right. Ashura and I have different views on to what extent ported assets can be useful, but he's 100% correct that if someone is going to do it, they should make every effort to do it right. 


    Not to mention seeing that kind of shade thrown at one of our best 3D model artists by someone whose greatest achievement is learning to package a bunch of ports into a single .zip and pretend they made them on the MB2 forums made me cringe so hard I got whiplash.

    JAWSFreelao, Wasa, SomaZ and 8 others like this
  5. It's the best Munn skin I've ever seen! Is Sam Hill the only munn that lacks a big nose? 


    Yeah, San Hill and Darth Plagueis (the two most famous Muuns) both seem to be of the noseless variety. Not quite sure why some of them in the Clone Wars ended up with such big noses.



    Just out of curiosity, I would like to how much you modify those skins and how. I'm seriously tempted to send some skins your way to overhaul them.


    Probably easier just to show you and let you judge for yourself. This is what I started with (Lord Voldemort of all people!) compared to what I ended up with. All in all probably took about 60-90 minutes from first opening up Blender to loading up the final kitbash in Modview:





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