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Everything posted by JediBantha

  1. Jaden looks stoned when it's just the texture we're looking at.
  2. I prefer 7 myself, which I think you can still get on NewEgg.
  3. Heaven forbid we send him boob pics via iPhone...
  4. Yeah, .skin's associated with the current head that you're using. I'd imagine that you would need to add a 'switch (command)' line in the game's code, in the event that you chose the dark side.
  5. You'd probably have to go in and edit the game's code, possibly add an icarus script, but I haven't gone that far into coding yet.
  6. There's actually a bit within Heal's code that was supposed to be an instant heal at level 3: I don't really know how to replicate KotOR's Drain effect, so I can't help you there. As for Absorb, what exactly do you mean by making it have an instant effect?
  7. I would assume so, since Saber skills are counted as Force powers. As for skills associated with Force powers (dash slash, strong lunge, etc), they'd probably still show, regardless of your Force level.
  8. You could always make new weapon via OpenJK, and assign the model to that weapon.
  9. Either 'setforceall 0', or if you're making a new campaign, use an icarus script.
  10. I'm glad you posted that, because I found something similar: Again, thanks for the post... Needless to say, staying up all night isn't good for your mental health.
  11. I'm trying to get powers like Lightning and Drain to drain your force reserves at a slower rate as you invest points into their levels, and so far, the only 'progress' that I've made is fucking around with Grip under WP_ForcePowerRun: I found that deleting 'self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_GRIP] < level.time' makes it so that using Grip eats through your force like a motherfucker. Other than that, I'd appreciate some help with this before I punch my monitor. >:|
  12. A Jedi with a peculiar set of skills...
  13. If you're making your own mod, I'd suggest reworking the UI functions to make your maps & equipment (weapons, armor if you so choose) more customizable, since we have OpenJK.
  14. JediBantha


    *Looks at air ducts* "What is that gas coming out of the floor?"
  15. You're better off making your own mod from scratch, instead of "improving" upon a mod which had stolen content to begin with.
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