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Everything posted by Lwkill

  1. 42 downloads

    Author: Lwkill This map was originally made for the Mod Galactic Legacy Install: put the pk3 in your gamedata/base folder deinstall: remove the pk3 from your gamedata/base folder
  2. 62 downloads

    i wanted to upload that map long time ago where Tales of the Jedi was new so i thought today is a good day to upload it!
  3. In the year 2017 i started to learn mapping because there was no Dagobah map, then i created that bad xwing landing dagobah map and was not happy with it, so i started to work on a better one and this is the result. i will still work on it and do the final fixes before it will be added to the mod : Episode 5 - Dagobah
  4. Lwkill

    The Citadel

    seems like the file is missing a texture. textures/kotorns/neogreen
  5. thanks im glad you like it, the hyperspace is made with a recolored image from the original jko hyperspace and a image from a kotor mod and then i played a bit with the shader
  6. Venator Star Destroyer another Star Destroyer map im working on the detention area is made by Mace Madunusus from the MB2 team:
  7. looks very cool , i like that you used my old executor map for the sceenshot
  8. i reworked some things on my executor bridge map i made a few years ago: Executor Bridge
  9. I worked on this map since a year and finally finished it now: IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER
  10. E5-s Sniper Rifle Thanks to our amazing Coder and lead dev @Linken for coding the new sniper to the mod
    This map is very impressive even if it is not finished yet, i have no fps drops and it is a very large map
  11. Here i have 2 more of my current maps : Episode 1 - Jedi Training (remake of the xbox obi wan game training level) Episode 1 - Saber Arena (also a xbox obi wan remake) Thanks for supporting and following the development of SWGL
  12. We are going to show more of our Wip stuff here on Jkhub in the Future so im starting with some of my current maps/missions: Episode 1 - Swamps of Naboo Episode 1 - Gardens of Theed Episode 1 - Rescue The Queen Episode 1 - Naboo Palace Outside Episode 1 - Escape from Theed
  13. 17 downloads

    this is a test map with the different light styles in jka (the style key in the light entities)
  14. im glad you finally finished youre first map! I will watch youre career with great interest!
  15. i really love the terrain on the dantooine screenshots! im curious how you made them it looks much better than being just radiant brushs
  16. Lwkill



    This map is a up scaled version of the council chamber from the mb2 jedi temple map credit for the original map goes to =tom=/ACiDUS as i dont included any textures from the original map you have to download this map as well: install: put the pk3 to youre jedi academy base folder to start the map type: "map duel_council" to the console
  17. allready fixed it and played it ,i really liked it good work!
  18. Allright sadly no one is doing reviews maybe the people should be remembered to do reviews after downloading a mod or something like that
  19. i noticed no one is making reviews since the new commentary and review system so all the stuff that was uploaded since then has 0 stars maybe change it back so you can add stars with commentarys?
  20. 192 downloads

    I ported and edited this bridge from the 2002 Xbox game "Star Wars: The Clone Wars".
  21. im locking in the t2 mission menu after i played all other t2 missions, also when i access the ns1 map with console commands the game crashs after i leave the landing platform
  22. 18 downloads

    i created this map because it is annoying to allways check the sound.txt for the soundsets so i decided to make a testbox for the door soundsets.
  23. 515 downloads

    This is the training room of the Jedi Temple, which was featured in the Disney+ series OBI-WAN KENOBI. Installation: Put the pk3 to your base folder. To start the map, type map obi_ani_training to the ingame console. IMPORTANT: Because textures from the Jedi Temple map have been used, it has to be installed as well. But if you are playing Movie Duels or Galactic Legacy, the Jedi Temple doesn't need to be installed, as it is already included in both mods.
  24. the demo is released today! https://www.moddb.com/mods/swga/downloads/star-wars-galactic-adventures-demo
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