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Everything posted by Lwkill

  1. 65 downloads

    Author: Lwkill most of these prefabs were copied from JKO and edited a bit the big ones are all part of a func_group and can be selected with ctrl-alt and left mouseclick
  2. I like the idea to create ghosts and hologram characters
  3. i think you mean like this? https://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/
  4. I am working on a new bigger dagobah at the moment. there were some problems so i had to do a completely new dagobah, and as in the picture it will only look with warzone if anyone wants to know how it works turn to UniqueOne
  5. I've never read such a funny post here as that of ufo
  6. I have the same problem with t2_rogue I have changed the map a little and get the same error when compiling edit: with wzmap from warzone can compile the map but there are few bugs emanating from the map
  7. thanks nice that you post this for me
  8. this is a good idea does anyone know how to fix the fog on the x-wing?this is also impotant for my larger dagobah version,(and she's done soon) i think lifting the fog brush would destoy the atmosphere.
  9. 514 downloads

    1.12.2018 Map Name : DuelDagobahXwingLanding Author : Lwkill Install : Put the .pk3 file in your base directory This map was made with Easy Gen and Gtkradiant and is free to redistribute and modify this file
  10. Hello The mod is Great ,but why is there no jerec model?
  11. thanks for the information I wrote him an email
  12. Hello L303 you want your npcs to move their mouths or what?i think that is done with the tool: behaved
  13. @RAILBACK i also had this idea, but i still have not the fineness to design the falcon from the inside maybe someone has a prefab that I can use for this?
  14. Thank you for liking this is my first map that I have so reasonably finished I'll improve it sorry for my english
  15. Version v1.1


    15.10.2018 Map Name : EpvExogorthStomach Author : Lwkill Install : Put the .pk3 file in your base directory Singleplayer : Map/Devmap EpvExogorthStomach Multiplayer : you can play Duel,but no botroutes This map was made with GtkRadiant 1.6.6 and is free to redistribute and modify this file.
  16. thanks i'm from Germany
  17. since nobody knows a solution here anyone uses the gtkradiant 1.6.6 for jka? sry for my englisch (google translation)
  18. hello this is my first post I have a problem with Gtkradiant 1.6.6 My trigger brush can not be connected to the target_scriptrunner and other entities can not be connected either. Am I doing something wrong or is the version bugged? I used this tutorial: https://jkhub.org/ma...e/cutscene.html Unfortunately, gtkradiant 1.4 does not work because of Windows 10 Can someone help me? edit : such a crap now I can not continue my map and not learn how behaved Works please help me
  19. where can i download the stick?
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