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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Kahn D'halaine's Lightsaber

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    My personal lightsaber, also my very first modelling work.
    A very general, yet unique lightsaber design, resembling agility and control.
    It features a unique activation sound ( JKA only) that I think is very good, even though the model isn't
    that good... I'll release an update later on in a saber pack.
    To get it in SP, the code is "saber dhalaine".


       (4 reviews)



  2. Troopers Voices Mod

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    This mod changes the voices of Trandoshans and Stormtroopers to the better, plus adds the famous Wilhelm scream to the Bespin Cop, Imperial Officer, Rebel Trooper and Weequay. It also changes some of the Gran sounds to the ones from JK1, the probe droid loop sound to resemble the one heard in ESB and a new pain sound for the mouse droid.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. UltimateWeapons for JK2

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    This is the JK2 version. If you're looking for the JKA version, click here.
    There are so many changes in this, so I wonʼt remember to mention them all. I can conclude this mod by the words "movie authency" and "enhancement".
    Let me quote the intro of the trailer, that Nozy found so descriptive:
    "This mod was intended to recreate the look, sound and the very FEELING of Star Wars - something I felt missing in JKA. To accomplish this I put together the best of all weapons mods I found along with my own work, to make a perfect weapons mod. This is: ULTIMATE WEAPONS."
    That says pretty much it what this is. The weapons have been altered to resemble the movies (those that are in the movies) or just enhanced, such as the explosions.
    Letʼs go for the general:
    IMPACT EFFECTS: New impact effects based on the MBII effects, a.k.a. TK-231ʼs Special Effects Mod V1 Base, by TK-231. They are much more movie-like (like everything else, so I
    wonʼt mention that anymore), with lots of sparks, smoke, chunks, lightflashes and all you could ask for. The effect is random, with different sizes, sounds (there are 80 different impact sounds!) and burnmarks (these are brand new!).
    EXPLOSIONS: Much bigger explosions with lots of smoke, fire and that stuff accompanied to great sounds! MODELS: Most models have been enhanced by a chrome shader to make them shiny, and a hand shown on the 1st person models (cred to PerfectJamie @ Massassi). Some are brand new (the DFMod models).
    ICONS & TEXT: All weapon icons have been remade to show the improved weapons. The text strings have also been altered for some of the weapons - instead of just saying E-11 Blaster Rifle and Thermal Detonator they now say BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle and Baradium- core Thermal Detonator.
    SOUNDS: Of course the sounds are according to the movies. Hereʼre some extended descriptions:
    LIGHTSABER: The lightsaber blades are my own Ep3-style blades, with the pointed tip. Uses the much more realistic clash effect from OJP and MBII. The sounds are the grinding ones from the classical trilogy, with very good impact sounds and activation/deactivation sounds. The regular saberon is Lukeʼs saber from ROTJ, the saberoff... I canʼt really think of that I heard something different in the first movies. That sound is actually the only thing that has survived from the first version (unreleased) of this mod. The enemy saberon and -off is from Dookuʼs saber, in AOTC and ROTS. The new icon is Obi-Wanʼs saber from ROTS. I also added chrome shaders to the BaseJKA sabers, to update them slightly (I still think theyʼre boring though).
    MELEE: New, improved sounds.
    THE FORCE: Movie-like push/pull and grip sounds (oh, I just got a Dejá Vú), the well-known "Force Rumble". This is best heard using a subwoofer (itʼs shaky!). The effects of these are invisible. The lighting sound is the same as when Dooku blasts Anakin and Yoda in AOTC, with an improved effect; much blueer, electrical-like with lightbeams coming from the userʼs palm. Force Speed sound like if you go into a different form of existance or something like that, that the time is being slowed down. You who have played JK2 will most probably recognize the Sense and Rage sounds as the ambient sounds in the Valley of the Jedi.
    BLASTECH DL-44 HEAVY BLASTER PISTOL: New scope texture, sounds like Han Soloʼs pistol in ANH and ESB.
    BLASTECH E-11 BLASTER RIFLE: Much better models with darker textures, shinier shader, and the sounds... Theyʼre like a dream, from the blasting in ANH.
    TENLOSS DXR-6 DISRUPTOR RIFLE: Looks like itʼs a brand new weapon - shiny! Really nice sounds, effects and a new scope, based on the A280 scope in MBII. The disintegration effect is now a lot of fire and smoke that leaves a pile of ashes for some seconds...
    WOOKIE BOWCASTER: Polished by a furry hand, sounds like Chewieʼs firing in ESB and ROTJ. Red bolts as default, but green is optional.
    IMPERIAL HEAVY REPEATER: Sounds like the repeater in Dark Forces, with its blue bolts. DEMP2: Probably the most polished gun of them all... Much more electrical effects, and there comes smoke from the muzzle when firing, inspired from the Jawa ion gun in ANH.
    GOLAN ARMS FC1 FLECHETTE WEAPON: Now fires red-hot metal shards, as the description says! The shards stay buried in the wall for some time. Sounds much more shotgun-like. The alt-fire is shield-protected frag-grenades that spread lots of shrapnel when they go. I also added a "grenade goes into position" sound after each fired grenade.
    STOUKER CONCUSSION RIFLE: I havenʼt done anything to the models or firing sounds of this, but the effect... I was inspired from the Trandoshan Concussion Rifle in Republic Commando, and tried to replicate the effect. Itʼs primary an imploding sphere that sends out a shock when imploded. Actually I made the effect even before I got Republic Commando; I had found the explosion sound effect for the weapon on FileFront and decided use it in my mod. At first it was a replacement for the Flechette alt-explosion and had an imploding blue shell that sent out a horisontal shockwave and golden sparks. But finally it made itʼs way to the Stouker instead.
    MERR-SONN PLX-2M PORTABLE MISSILE SYSTEM: Oh my, in OJP Enhanced these are feared, as they blow you apart like nothing! The explosion is much bigger, the sounds are great with a "place new missile in position" sound after each firing. The smoketrail is made much longer, with a matching powerful loop sound. I also reskinned the missiles to dark grey.
    BARADIUM-CORE THERMAL DETONATOR: Now this looks like it should do, a big expanding glowing sphere of doom... New models, sounds, you name it! Sounds exactly like the thermal Boushh (a.k.a. Leia) holds up in Jabbaʼs palace in ROTJ.
    TRIP MINES: Red laser beams... Big explosion if you touchʼem... Really nice sounds...
    DETONATION PACKS: New sounds and a big explosion with a lot of smoke...
    ITEMS: New item respawn sound (dunno how to describe it), bacta sound like some sort of hydrualic injection and a new chat sound like a short comradio static. Oh, and the spawn effects! Big beam(s) that leaves a little mark on the ground where you spawned. The portable sentry now fires green bolts and sound like a big ship cannon (the Lady Luck cannon, the cannons aboard the Dreadnaught).
    MISC SOUND CHANGES: New sounds for weapon switching, low ammo warning, Rebel ship hyperdrive and hologram sounds (I think this only appears in JK2).

    GAME FUNCION CHANGES: Iʼve edited the weapons.dat script to make some weapons fire a little faster and increased the ammo limit, only for SP though. But it works in CoOp in OJP! Thatʼs it for the main mod, UltimateWeapons.pk3. Now for the additional PK3s!
    Optional Files
    There are some additional files that alter the weapons in some ways:
    BRYAR PISTOL REPLACEMENT - xyz_bryar_pistol.pk3:
    Replaces the DL-44 with Kyle Katarn's modified Bryar pistol from Dark Forces, with appropiate sound from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.
    BLASTECH DC-15A RIFLE REPLACEMENT - xyz_dc-15A_pah.pk3:
    Replaces the repeater with the DC-15A clone trooper rifle by Pahricida for MBII. New sounds and effects by me.
    GREEN BOWCASTER BOLTS - xyz_green_bowcaster.pk3:
    Makes the bowcaster effects green, with different sounds.
    LOW QUALITY EFFECTS - zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3:
    If you find the effects laggy due to all the sparks, try setting fx_expensivePhysics to 0 or place this file in Base. It lowers the number/removes the sparks and makes the smoke fade faster.
    NO BLOOD - zzz_UltimateWeapons_NoBlood.pk3:
    If you don't think blood fit into Star Wars or just don't like blood, this is the file for you! Removes the blood splats from the effects, but leaves a slight red smoke, because in Ep1 when Obi cuts Maul in half, there's coming reddish smoke from the cut. Did Obi hax the system even in his young days, or what do you think?
    Known Bugs
    Sometimes the effects disappear when many are active, due to the game's sprite limitation. Use zzz_UltimateWeapons_LQEffects.pk3 to solve this.
    The chrome shaders may not work properly in MP, at least they don't for me. I have no solution to this.
    Note that other mods may interfere with my mod. PK3's are loaded in this hierarchy:
    Mod directory/PK3's
    Mod directory/files in folders
    PK3's are loaded alphabetically, and therefore you can't name a mod something like "aaa_mymod.pk3" as would be overridden by the
    base JKA assets.


       (9 reviews)



  4. TIE Defender

    Author: Lord Hatrus

    Then Imperial Tie Defender, used to defeat the rogue Admiral Zarrin, and
    featured in the Tie Fighter & Defender of the Empire PC game.
    To spawn this, go ingame and do /devmap box in your console. Then type:
    /npc spawn vehicle tie-defender
    to spawn the vehicle. You will have to step back or to the side a bit for it to appear.
    This file and all of its contents can be modified, changed, or used in any
    map, mod, or project as long as credit is given to Lord Hatrusand Michael Gummelt.


       (4 reviews)

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  5. Y-Wing

    Author: Manquesa

    This is the Y-wing bomber from Star Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It's a very tough and durable vehicle that can take a pounding, it's slow but has powerful weapons.
    Features: 2 front laser canons
    2 bottom proton torpedo launchers with lock on capabilites
    A top mounted AI controlled turret
    Animated landing gear
    Custom sounds and weapon effects
    Custom sheild display and reticle
    4 levels of LOD's

    Submitted by Barricade24


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. TIE Interceptor

    Author: 7Im

    This is the Tie-Interceptor starfighter from Start Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It is very fast ans maneuverable and is a good match for taking on the Awing
    Features: 4 laser blasters mounted at the tips of the wings
    Custom sounds
    Custom sheild display and reticle
    2 levels of LOD's

    Submitted by Barricade24


       (4 reviews)



  7. A-Wing

    Author: Manquesa

    This is the A-wing starfighter from Star Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It is a very fast and maneuverable vehicle capable of taking on the fastest imperial fighters.
    Features: 2 side mounted laser blasters
    2 proton torpedos launchers with lock on capabilities
    2 main engines
    Animated landing gear
    Custom sounds and weapon effects
    Custom sheild display and reticle
    3 levels of LOD's

    Submitted by: Barricade24


       (9 reviews)



  8. Hailfire Droid

    Author: Duncan_10158

    Model Name: "hailfire_droid06.pk3"
    Author Mesh: Duncan_10158
    Contact: http://io.meskinaw.net/
    Skins: Monsoontide
    Sounds: Yes
    Concept: A self-aware mobile missile-platform used exclusively by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, hailfire droids delivered surface-to-surface and surface-to-air strikes with their stacked banks of 30 rocket warheads.
    Hailfires roll along on oversized hoop-like wheels. In between the bracketing axle arms is a small, central body equipped with a single photoreceptor.
    When the InterGalactic Banking Clan pledged its forces to the Confederacy of Independent Systems (in a non-exclusive arrangement, of course), its hailfire droids were added to the immense Separatist battle droid army. (starwars.com/databank)

    Submitted by: Barricade24


       (1 review)



  9. NPCTool

    Submitted by Tin Can

    After the downfall and purge of the JK2files file database this invaluable tool was unfortunately wiped off the face of the internet
    This is a reupload of the NPCTool utility, provided as is, packaged - I take zero credit for this tool and am uploading it to JKHub with the permission of the only contactable original author Leslie Judge

    !!!NOTE: This tool is no longer being developed and technical assistance with bugs and glitches can not be addressed

    Please do not e-mail me or the original authors as we will be unable to provide assistance!!!


    Original Readme


    NPC Tool v1.0.0.116


    Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy



    © 2004 by Kal El and Leslie Judge


    Q: What is this?


    A: It's a GUI based tool for creating and editing

    NPC's for use in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi

    Academy. It has pk3 support, checks for errors

    and has template features. Check the help file

    for more detailed information on the program's



    Q: Why should I use this? Isn't creating NPC's



    A: It might be easy for you, but not everyone is

    as talented as you
    . Even Raven made some

    mistakes in their NPC files. This tool should

    make it even easier and stop you from making

    any mistakes.


    Q: How do I install it?


    A: Unpack the NPCtool directory anywhere you want

    and doubleclick NPCTool.exe to start the

    program. The tool will ask you to specify the

    location of the Jedi Academy base directory.

    If you don't have Jedi Academy installed, you

    can't run the program.


    Q: How can I use it?


    A: Once the program is running press F1 or select

    Help from the Help menu.



    Feedback & Contact information



    Kal El: kal_el23@hotmail.com

    Leslie Judge: birolaszlo@hotmail.com


    Make sure you put "NPCtool comment" into the

    subject, so we can find your mail through all the

    spam. Also make sure that your comments are in

    understandable english.


    If you can't figure out how to use the program,

    let us know. Even if you like the tool and have

    nothing negative to say about, let us know. Every

    little bit helps.






    During the development I used materials made by

    another persons.


    For PK3 file support I used TZip by Angus Johnson

    which uses the ZipDll.dll and UnzDll.dll by

    Eric W. Engler.


    For TGA support I used GraphicEx by Mike Lischke.


    See the other readme files in the Readmes folder

    for details.


    Other credits can be found on the Credits page of

    the Help file.



    Legal disclaimer



    A user of this software acknowledges that he or

    she is receiving this software on an "as is"


    The user further acknowledges that any use of this

    software will be at the user's own risk and the

    copyright owners accepts no responsibility

    whatsoever arising from the use or application of

    the software.


    !!!NOTE: This tool is no longer being developed and technical assistance with bugs and glitches can not be addressed
    Please do not e-mail me or the original authors as we will be unable to provide assistance!!!


       (9 reviews)



  10. Original Trilogy Sabers

    Author: Khaliban


    Submitted by: Arrow

    These are the most accurate renditions of the original trilogy lightsabers I have ever seen. The shaders look a bit off in the menu but they look great in game. If you have the ingame saber menu then to use these sabers enter the commands:
    saber ben
    saber oldben
    saber vader
    saber luke
    If not, then these will appear during the two opportunities to pick your saber in the story mode. I found it interesting that there are actually a few differences between the saber Anakin uses in Revenge Of The Sith and the one Ben gives Luke in the original trilogy despite being the "same" lightsaber. I'm curious to see which design they go with in The Force Awakens.
    This mod was made by Khaliban, he deserves all the credit for these awesome sabers.


       (3 reviews)



  11. FFA Nowhere

    Author: Cye


    Submitted by Helena Revan

    One of the scariest maps ever released, FFA Nowhere is an abandoned asylum! And not a nice sort of asylum, either. One with rows of cells and locked iron doors, padded cells and operating theatres, and security bars everywhere! People have died here. There's even a graveyard full of them. But are all those who died here in the graveyard? I'm not so sure of that! You visit on a rainy, misty night, and there's just enough power to work the lights in some sections. Wind rushes through the corridors... was that someone moaning? Why are there chains hanging from the ceiling? Is someone there...? Help! You'll be glad you took your lightsaber with you as you explore this creepy place. Better hope you don't dream about it!
    Here's what Cye had to say about his map when he released it on JK3Files back in 2004:
    Build time : 2 or so weeks
    Custom Textures : sortof
    New Music : Yes
    Bot Support : This is my first map cut me some slack punk
    Installation : Simply extract the ffa_nowhere.pk3 file into your JA/GAMEDATA/BASE folder or click and drag it to the folder specified.
    Map info : As said above this is my first map ever, I came up with the idea during playing a game of Jedi Outcast with a few people online and felt that most of the custom maps for the game were all going by the same types of themes so I decided to create something a little new. I created the idea of a creepy or Silent Hill themed map so to speak that night and made the blueprints the next day. But since being my lazy self I never actually made it until JA came out so the idea aswell as the blueprints stuck in my mind for a year or so. It took me less than a week to read up on some great Radiant tutorials and in the same week I started up on FFA_nowhere, so this map was also my tool to learning how to do this and that. And although this map is not perfect considering I had limited resources "texture wise" and other things, it has become bigger and better than my original idea for the map.
    Rich Diesals mapping university, the only place I got my mapping tutorials. http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/ explained a hellofa lot to me and I cant thank the dude enough.
    Also special thanks goes out to Raven for the great game that is JA and JediOutcast, and also Id and EA games for their great textures.
    Textures by RAVEN: Jedi Academy,
    Id software: Return to castle Wolfenstein, and EA Games: Medal of Honor AA.
    It was reviewed by the JK3Files staff, too:
    What a 'nice' idea for a map and with the sound effects too, nicely done!
    When I first got in the haunting noises were superb, the room was plain but the fact it sounded like a true horror game seriously added to the atmosphere; thank god I have control of my bladder! The next room I went to was an outdoor area, a half destroyed room where it was raining and it felt good; by that I mean it felt like it should, run down house broke apart by age and weather.
    The main bulk of the house is corridors (those are quite large corridors btw) which are very dark and damp with the occasional flickering light (nice touch). The bordered up windows and doors along with the various broken object and sharp corners really do give it that horror feel which helps you forget about the fact that in decor this house is somewhat lacking.
    There was one place that really was cool, I won't go into it fully but put it this way...just because it seems like it's a corridor that you can walk down does not mean you can walk down it....falling however is a much faster method. Oh and if you're scared of small spaces avoid this place! Solidary confinement is not a nice place.
    I suppose I should now point out it is infact more of an asylum and if walking past those torn down doors on cells don't freak you out...you're on a par with George Bush for reaction and intelligence!
    One think that puts me off this map is the fact teleporters move you from place to place through doorways which I don't think there was need for.
    New Sounds: Yes (+Music)
    New Textures: Yes
    Bot Support: No

    Good Halloween map.


       (5 reviews)



  12. Maw with legs

    Submitted by KyleKatarn1995

    Title:Maw (with legs)
    Author:Unsung Hero
    Filesize:5.49 MB
    Installation: Put the maw_with_legs.pk3 into the following location:Local Disk/Program Files/LucasArts/
    Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base
    Description: "To the one called Maw: a bitter individual that loathes all and holds loyalty to few. A strong and formidable foe. For every cord of muscle, there is hatred.
    It is this hate that keeps his aging body strong," said Qu Rahn's force ghost to Kyle Katarn. In the beginning of Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, the player sees a cutscene with
    Qu Rahn on board Jerec's ship, Vengeance. As most of you know, Qu Rahn takes Yun's lightsaber and cut off Maw's legs before he is defeated by Jerec. I've attempted to make
    a model of Maw before he was cut in half, with a few changes to add more detail to the skin.
    Bugs: Clipping with flap, I doubt I'll ever get the flap weighing down. Facial weighing is funny as well.
    Comments: I hope you enjoy this! Please feel free to use the model for reskins or whatever, tis but a raven edit, just give credit where credit is due.
    Special THANKS to: Lucasarts, taunt is from JK1 cutscene.


       (6 reviews)



  13. Mysteries of the Sith Mod Source Files

    Submitted by Ramikad

    These are the complete source files of the original Mysteries of the Sith Mod for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Permission to upload these files was granted by JKHub member and MotS Mod Co-Leader hhunter6:
    "Good evening,
    I can give you everything I have. I gave everything to DT way back then as well. I thought they placed the files up for everyone but I guess not. So here is everything that I had uploaded way back when. If it doesnt work let me know and I'll redo the file package and resend you the link.
    the only file that maynot be on there is a FFA map I was working on which would have been used for the end of the dark swamp level. It was just the entrance to the Sith Temple.
    Anyway have fun. hopefully something happens with it all."
    It includes various maps and map source files, textures, player models, vehicles and sound files planned to be used in the final Mod.
    Credits go to the Mysteries of the Sith Mod team, I only uploaded the source files, which were released a long time ago, but are seemingly gone now.


       (7 reviews)



  14. Dark Forces Mod Source Files

    Submitted by Ramikad

    These are the complete source files of the original Dark Forces Mod for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Permission to upload the source files here was granted by original team member Dave "Darth Linux" Turner (darth_linux@msn.com):
    "Yes, feel free. Thank you"
    It includes the maps, map sources, textures, player and weapon models as well as sounds planned to be used in the complete Dark Forces Mod.
    Credits go to the original Dark Forces Mod team, I only uploaded the source files, which were released a long time ago, but are seemingly gone now.


       (10 reviews)



  15. Christmas in WhoVille

    Author: Onobi Foondu


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Ok well lets start of by saying in no way or no how is this map a replica of Whoville.Dr Suess has always been my favorite of mine since i was kid to now as and adult.So this is Just a fresh approach to something different.It does have a nice whoville theme though.Mountain terrian a clear blue sky with the snow falling ever so gently.With odly shape houses that are lined with christmas lights and festive decaration with candy canes lolli pops spread across the lancsape.To the other side of town you will almost find something of an amusement park.With some rides for christmas fun.Ice skating,slides,the grinches leap,tube rides,a chair lift so you your freinds can ride around over the tops of the town just hanging out watching people getting a saber in there eye(YOU'LL POKE YOUR OUT)LOL.It also makes a great sniper point for your sniping pleasure.And if you get alittle cold you always go to the house with the fire place and warm up.Theres a few easter eggs around the map (good luck finding them)and plenty of weapon pick ups.There just hidden a bit.The alphmap is snow and ice i made the ice slick so watch your step.I tell ya i had alot of fun myself just trying to get to the top and slide down the mountains.But thats just me.Theres tauntaun's in there to ride around on and yes they do respawn.I think its really fun to ride them down the slides


       (4 reviews)



  16. Mara Jade

    Submitted by MaximumXPlayer

    Hello everybody, recently i was on the internet looking for Star Wars Jedi academy skins and I found an interesting one, this skin belongs to Trauma Sensei, he made it. It´s a nice skin and i hope you enjoy it. ( sorry guys my inglish is horrible, I just want to share this skin with the largest number of people who plays Jedi Academy).
    Sp: YES
    MP: NOPE


       (4 reviews)



  17. Watto

    Author: Hans Moleman

    A playermodel of the infamous Toydarian, Watto for Jedi Outcast who comes with team support, custom sounds, and bot support. This probably the best model of Watto out there and probably the only when you'll ever need. For Episode 1, anyway.

    Submitted by: Barricade24


       (6 reviews)



  18. Mercenary Kyle

    Author: Infinity Blade

    This model and skin is my interpretation of Kyle from
    the game 'Dark Forces'. While it may not fit everyone's vision, I'm happy with
    how he turned out. It has Full LOD's, team skins, bots, and I've also included
    a Single Player conversion pk3.

    Submitted by: Barricade24


       (12 reviews)



  19. JK2/JA SP Camera and Time Control Script

    Author: Kahn D'halaine
    This is a script set that controls the third person camera and the timescale command.
    Run the script by typing "exec CameraAndTimeScript.cfg", without the quotes, in the console.
    Default controls:
    KeyPad 0: Resets the camera.
    KeyPad ,: Toggles timescale between Time Stopped (or at least as slow it can get with this command), 1/10 speed, 1/5, 1/2 and 1.0.
    KeyPad Enter: Resets timescale to 1.0.
    KeyPad 1: Lowers the camera relative to your body.
    KeyPad 2: Moves the camera away from the player.
    KeyPad 3: Lowers the camera's pitch.
    KeyPad 4: Rotates the camera counter-clockwise.
    KeyPad 5: Toggles "4th person view" - first mode makes the camera stick in its current position and aims against you.
    Second mode makes the camera lag after you a bit while you move.
    Third mode is the default behaviour.
    KeyPad 6: Rotates the camera clockwise.
    KeyPad 7: Raises the camera relative to your body.
    KeyPad 8: Moves the camera closer to the player.
    KeyPad 9: Raises the camera's pitch.


       (6 reviews)



  20. Bespin Pavillion

    A community modification by the modder Jester-Spaz. A map he made in his spare time between classes, it was one of his first publications. Eventually he dropped out of Full Sail and went on to work at Raven Software where he works to this day.
    If you want something bad enough, it's never out of your reach.
    Original Readme:


       (2 reviews)



  21. Jedi Academy Mod

    Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
    This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. This is the final chapter of this great series for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® as we get ready for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy®. With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod with the way I wanted it to in the past. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® Please visit us at http://www.thejediacademy.net, http://jamod.jk3files.com or on IRC at #jedi-academy, irc.quakenet.org Stay tuned to the new mod Jedi Academy Reloaded for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy® which will be bigger and better than the JA Mod series for Jk2.
    For a full description of the modifications and features, view the readme included with this file!


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  22. HapSlash's Improved Stormtrooper

    Author : HapSlash
    The first pk3 includes the Improved Stormtrooper model, which features accurate movie stylings, team skins, complete caps, and full LOD support . This file is set up to replace the default Stormtrooper.
    Also included is a second pk3 which will replace the 3rd person
    Stormtrooper blaster with my own version of the E-11.
    This is the JK2 version.


       (3 reviews)



  23. Kyle Katarn - Stealth Jedi Gear

    Author : HapSlash
    Description : Based off of one of the many unused jedi costume concepts done for Episode I, I originally intended this to be a simple replacement for the single player game. But it works so well in multiplayer that I couldn't help but release it for everyone's use.


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. Darth Serak

    Author: Phonock
    Reskin of the reborn model, with team support.


       (1 review)



  25. Oilman

    Author: Phonock
    This is the same as random skinpack for JK3.But instead of skinpack i will release
    it separately for JK2,because not everyone like to download skinpack which the size quite big.
    Also included new sound,team support and bot support.


       (1 review)



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