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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Excellent work! Such a beautiful and vibrant map. The little details and models really make this map. One minor thing - the bird noises can be a bit overwhelming at times. Not sure if there was a specific sound that was "over" looping or just too many birds in general. Other than that, the ambiance was superb!
  2. Agreed. PM me if you are interesting in pursuing a "critics group"-like idea. Here are some reviews I've written in the past:
  3. I'm hoping to learn ROFFs and Entity Modding this year. Hopefully @@mrwonko and @@MoonDog will be ready The staff has been kicking around the idea of getting a JKHub sever as mentioned earlier, and that can most certainly be used to host Tournaments, Duels, Rotations, Mods, etc whatever the community wants.
  4. @@AshuraDX released his Selkath model, if you really want one @. However, your guys Selkath is really neat, and has an original spin to it. Pretty nice!
  5. Hey there, man! Glad you found us and welcome to the Hub!
  6. It's definitely an idea that we've tossed around since JKHub's birth. We wanted the reviews to be more community based, rather than staff based. Members, or groups of critics, are free to go and write reviews, and maybe the author can include it in the description. But as for the staff reviewing each file, it's just not quite feasible. If you'd like to start a team of critics, that'd be awesome, and I'd love to join.
  7. Welcome back to the JKA Community! It's great to have you here at JKHub! Your work looks great, and I'm excited to see more!
  8. therfiles


    Hey dude! Welcome to Hub! You've got some impressive work! Can't wait to see more!
  9. Simply awesome! The model looks so good! No crits here, man! Keep up the good work.
  10. Frankly, your points are valid. It's true. We get off-topic a lot. Immaturity and foolishness can sometimes get the better of us. But this is a hobby, something we do in our recreation. We come here to celebrate the JK series, to keep it alive. To keep posts and behaviors in finely marked areas is absolutely ridiculous. We all love the JK series - that's what pulls us together. If this nonsense is really what we are blaming on pulling us apart and ruining this forum, then perhaps there is a deeper issue, something we should address. To expect the staff to go through each topic with a fine tooth brush, pruning every single off topic post ceases to make this a community - where personalities and ideas overlap to create a comprehensive joy of modding, of gaming. It becomes a place where no one enjoys being, where no one wants to share, to contribute, to hang out. And if we lose that, that which makes this community worth bookmarking, worth checking daily, then why are we still posting? Seriously. And to be blunt, we all get off-topic. To point your finger at a list of names, or groups of people, is absolutely ridiculous. Are there members who act more ridiculous then others? Absolutely. Does that mean they are the enemy the deserves to be destroyed? Certainly not. There has been lots of drama recently. Will simply banning and slapping the wrists of the offenders fix the problem? No! Because that stigma of anger and unease will always linger. Resolving conflicts as peacefully as we can is the staff's first priority. We've got one prominent rule here at JKHub: Don't be a jerk. As staff, our goal is to facilitate healthy conversation. We crack down hard on innapropriate and offensive content, because that's just stupid. Hurting others and making their stay here undesirable is just plain cruel. Do we split topics as it is needed? Sure. As much as we could? Of course not. Because if you tamper too much with the discussion, you lose the heart and message behind it. And yes. We could focus on rooting out the bad members and over-moderate every post that someone took the time to type. Our, we could focus on making this place better. Involving the community, in proposed events like Tutorial days, competitions, and working together to find a new background image draw us closer together. Ripping threads apart and censoring our members for every "excess" word they type does not. In short, you can criticize us for not banning every offender, for not viciously deleting every off-topic post. In the end, such acts hurt the community far more than it helps it. And honestly, we're open to practical suggestions. We are all volunteers, and there are certainly things we can improve.
  11. Just snagged this one! Thank for sharing guys!
  12. 6 was the most visually interesting for me
  13. Hey there man! So glad to have you here at JKHub!
  14. Indeedly. That's a great idea! I mainly wanted to add new items that would be determined by cvartests, and maybe some new text entries for any new features I want to add. I can add the new features, but not having any visual representation of them has been a major setback.
  15. Hmmmm...that does sound like an interesting idea, @@ChalklYne! Maybe we could integrate something like this into the Wiki...that way the user wouldn't have to trawl through long threads to find what they are looking for. Good thinking! Dude! That model is looking great! I almost wonder if there is anyway to move the trooper's hand bone (or whatever the bone which the game bolts weapons to is called) into the shoulder gun, so he shoot bullets from his shoulder blaster. It would need some new animations of course, but that could be neat!
  16. Sounds great! Some new movements would really make this feel authentic! One quick question. Whenever the player uses "playermodel atst", the camera is down by the AT-ST's feet. I'm wondering if there is anyway to move the view point up, so it's actually usable. I know you can use the vehicle or just use the camera commands, but it could be kinda neat to have this bug ironed out.
  17. Hey there! We host a ton of custom playermodels, found here. I believe MB2 has a great Leia packed with it, @@CrimsonStrife has already brought to us Altair, @@tobe_one made an excellent knight pack, and we've got a whole slew of guns to play with. Great ideas, though! I'm sure the modellers appreciate the support and ideas.
  18. Just wondering if this is even possible. Can we make some code edits to the SP HUD so any UI elements can be added to the HUD? Right now, only elements with corresponding code entries are drawn. It would be awesome to add custom elements (like new cvar-dependant info, images, information, etc). Thanks!
  19. Incredible work! Just had a chance to try out the beta - headswapping is really sweet! Excellent, @@redsaurus!
  20. XP: The only way to mod.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Circa
    3. therfiles


      That's for sure. My ram keeps me back a bit, but all my programs work great! Windows 8 just didn't quite cut it when trying to map or mod.

    4. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, 8 has a long way to go still. 7 for the most part runs as well as XP but has all the visuals of Vista without the big performance hit. Only problems I've had and they were only related to being 64bit was old win95 16bit installers don't run but there are ways around it. Had to get patched installers for games like XWA and Rogue Squadron but the games themselves run fine.

  21. therfiles

    Hey there

    Woah...nice work dude!
  22. So somehow...I just saw all these replies. Yeah...so... The OT is such an awesome place to set a mod. It's really been untouched by SP modders, and that's a shame. Several Sided Sid was awesome and gave me the source to this map. He's awesome He also gave me a Star Destroyer... I tried my best to make all the cutscenes in a way that made it so I didn't have to make any original animations. The choke stance was SO HARD to get right, and some animations do look a bit ridiculous I just realized how overpowering the music is in that video
  23. therfiles

    Hey there

    Welcome! Great to have you here at the Hub!
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