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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Boo.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Onysfx


      They're taking ovah!

    3. katanamaru


      To punish and enslave!

    4. Barricade24


      If I had a thumbs up icon I would post it here.

  2. This is actually pretty neat. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  3. Ditto @@Lord_Newbie. The SET_SHIELDED block is for JK2 when Kyle destroys Kejim's (?) Ion Canons. On means they can't take damage, off means they do. Not sure if it can be used for other things...
  4. Woah...lets calm down here. Figuring out most of this stuff out wouldn't take an entire Saturday. @eezstreet's explanations here are, quick, concise, and helpful. With this info, you should have all the info you need to get it all working. Here are some extra tips: 1 - Make a trigger_teleport and check the "use" flag (this makes the user have to push a button). Connect it to a target_position and a target_print. 2 - You'd either have to write a simple script that toggles the above trigger_teleport is active, or make a trigger_multiple, and connect it to a target_activate and then to the trigger_teleport. I think. This may be complex, but think through it logically (think: user presses the button, a signal is relayed to this ent, etc). 3 - If you want to add a door that opens down there is a spawnflag that does that. If you want to add the door to the map itself, you can't. You'd have to have the .map or use map modding or some sort of makermod to do it. Sorry. 4 - Make a trigger_multiple (again, no surprise, use the use flag) and connect it to an NPC_spawner (or another NPC_ entry that is what you desire). You may have to tweak the spawnflags. For the unkillable thing, make a func_breakable with either the invincible flag checked or just a crap load of health (100000000). 5 - Trigger_multiple connected to target_print. Disclaimer - everything above could be wrong. Not likely... Ok. Bro, if you want to do this, you have to put in the time. This is not fast food. I know you can do all the things you want (minus 3) in a manageable amount of time. Everyone here wants to help you help yourself. You will learn nothing if it's all just handed to you. And we're not complaining. We're helping you help you. This.
  5. Just bought 2 Terrabites.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circa


      The military has lots of stuff that we don't because they usually invent them first. :P

    3. Onysfx


      They're taking ovah!

    4. katanamaru


      Or at least installing spy software.

  6. Sorry, I just thought you were saying that Behaved is easy to master. I agree that it's not very flexible as a language, and you have to program ghetto "work arounds" to make it all work.
  7. It wouldn't be laggy per say, but it would look like a stop motion thing. Glad it's working for you, but maybe you could consider making a tentacle that is a combination of segments that move independently via script (with the ROTATE and MOVE blocks)? I know, it's tricky...an animated model would be preferable...@@ChalklYne
  8. Hey! It still requires the user to put things in a logical, correct syntax which dictates the need for variables, parameters, and other global properties. Sure, the vehicle of the language may be accessible via a "drag and drop" interface, but it still requires amble amount of skill and knowledge. Also, I suppose you could write it without Behaved, but that would be silly! Why use an inferior tool (for example: MS Paint) when you have a more user-friendly one (GIMP). Especially when you get into complicated, nasty, nested loops and such, having an easy to use program to sort it out for you is a lifesaver! Plus, it's pretty and fun! And yes. I'm fluent at breathing. Thanks! Happy to help anytime. I started a tutorial a while back...however it's not done. I hope to tidy it up sometime, but so darn busy!
  9. I know the entity misc_music_change will do the trick, but that's not what you're after...I'm not sure there is a way to do it, other than triggering that ent or using the Play Sound block in Behaved and using CHAN_MUSIC (untested...). My best guess would be that ICARUS block. As to the mod your referencing, he's using DMS (Dynamic Music System?...Truth is I have no idea what it stands for). It's controlled by the file dms.dat in ext_data. This is the entry of interest from Deception: semele_mine { uses vjun2 } semele_computer { uses vjun2 } semele_power { explore yavtemp2_explore action yavtemp2_action boss battlemusic } Basically, he can reference any of these "key words" to link to some music. It's actually very efficient. Rather than replacing the physical music file, you just change the one it's linked to. For the last entry, you can see that there is multiple tracks listed, with the "mood" you mentioned by it. Using scripts, he can simply change the "mood" to BOSS, ACTION, or EXPLORE, and you get "new" music. Pretty cool. We'll get along great
  10. I'd actually be for something unStarWarsee. Something that promises a new direction for an amazing franchise.
  11. I've fiddled with stuff like this. Maybe we can compare notes...
  12. Good idea. I'll look into it, too. M'kay, @@eezstreet. You may have victory.
  13. therfiles

    We need money

    Hey! Thanks for the Donation! We really appreciate it! The staff have to manually update it. Ill do it now
  14. Ah, ok. Sorry, I misunderstood. Well, I guess it can't hurt to at least try this out. I'll talk with @@Circa and see what we can do...
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