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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. @@MoonDog: Yeah. I love ICARUS at times, but its limitations can be frusterating! Also...I didn't know set_scale didn't work in SP...that was going to be a feature in NpcSP, and players could control the size of the npcs, etc. Woulda been fun. Shucks.
  2. Aww. That stinks. Thanks for looking into it, @@eezstreet. Really interesting findings, though. I'll be sure to look into that whenever I work with floats. I'd love some code changes, but this is for NpcSP, so I'm trying to keep everything compatible with any SP mod imaginable.
  3. Hey again. This is probably more for the coders or @@mrwonko or maybe @@MoonDog. I'm just curious, what operators can we use in ICARUS? For example. when using the SET command on your own variables (a float) you can just simply set your float variable to "+1" and it adds 1 to the current value. I was just wondering, is there anything like that that you've encountered that does that for strings? For example, you have a string named Str1, set to "npc spawn jedi" and you set a string named Str2 to "; npc spawn reborn", could you then set Str1 to get(STRING, "Str1" + "Str2")? Basically I'd really like to be able to merge the two strings and redefine Str1. Is there any operator or symbol that can "merge" strings like that? I've already tried a couple things. That way, I can use ui_prisonerobj_maxtotal (a ICARUS AND ingame cvar) to multiple commands, as needed by the multiple scripts, and just vstr them all at once, rather than defining several other variables and such. Thanks guys!
  4. Hey there! Welcome to JKHub!
  5. Voted DF because I love JKA/JK2 and the way they feel, but DF and DF2 were just really tough for me to get into with the low quality graphics.
  6. Perhaps you could run a script on it (can you name vehicle npcs?) and set SET_SHIELDING to 0 via ICARUS using BehavED. Not sure if that would work however...
  7. @@Stoiss: Thanks for the suggestion, but I was unable to set it via console. I'm guessing it's a coding thing, and while some coding changes would help this project exponentially, my goal is to make this a plugin that is compatible with all mods. Thanks though!
  8. So I was working on making a "Random" NPC spawner, and I ran into a rather odd error: ERROR: About to overflow modelsAlreadyDone, increase MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL Kinda sad. Sorry guys, but you'll only be able to spawn up to 48 unique NPCs at a time, rather than 50. Oddly though, if you save and load up the game, you can spawn more...
  9. I think this did happen to me once...I have no idea what caused it, or how it stopped though...Definitely try what the wise @@Omicron tells you.
  10. Hmmm...did this just happen all of a sudden? Or after you installed/moved a mod?
  11. @ read through this topic: http://jkhub.org/topic/2809-shadow-stormtrooper/page-2
  12. What do you have in your base folder? What mods are you using, etc?
  13. Hey guys. I was tinkering around with the base SP .menu files, and I found something interesting. in the menu "ingameMissionSelect1", there appears to be itemDef (a bit of the menu) that has...a rather advanced CvarTest (a cvartest is when the game checks the cvar for selected values and preforms an indicated operation, like Hide Show Enable Disable). The bit that makes it so odd is that it is testing a cvar I've never heard of: "tiers_complete". But there is one more odd part to this cvartest, a line called "cvarSubString". Now, this is pretty cool. Usually, if you are testing a string, if looks for the literal defnition of the string, and if it maches the test, it does its thing. Here, however, it looks for a certain part of the string. So if the test is looking for "TRUE", then valid values include "This question is TRUE" or "FALSE TRUE" or any other value that has a space, and the TRUE in it. Very cool! But I have a question regarding this. I could do SO much with this, however, is there any way to 'add' to a cvar string, rather than redefine it? For example, when you play SP, you may check the value of tiers_complete and you'll get "t1_sour t1_rail t1_suprise". As you can tell, it's a list of values for the menu to check later. So, when you beat a level, it automatically adds it's map name to this cvar. I was curious and checked OpenJK's git repository and found this: extern void G_ChangeMap (const char *mapname, const char *spawntarget, qboolean hub); //g_utils void target_level_change_use(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator) { G_ActivateBehavior(self,BSET_USE); if( self->message && !Q_stricmp( "disconnect", self->message ) ) { gi.SendConsoleCommand( "disconnect\n"); } else { G_ChangeMap( self->message, self->target, (self->spawnflags&1) ); } if (self->count>=0) { gi.cvar_set("tier_storyinfo", va("%i",self->count)); if (level.mapname[0] == 't' && level.mapname[2] == '_' && ( level.mapname[1] == '1' || level.mapname[1] == '2' || level.mapname[1] == '3' ) ) { char s[2048]; gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("tiers_complete", s, sizeof(s)); //get the current list if (*s) { gi.cvar_set("tiers_complete", va("%s %s", s, level.mapname)); //strcat this level into the existing list } else { gi.cvar_set("tiers_complete", level.mapname); //set this level into the list } } if (self->noise_index) { cgi_S_StopSounds(); cgi_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.sound_precache[ self->noise_index ] ); } } set_mission_stats_cvars(); } So it seems like this feature is...hard coded to the target_level_change entity. That being said, is there any other way to add to a cvar, rather than re-define it? For example, if my cvar is "CvarNpc" and the value is "Alora" but I use a command to set it to "Reborn", the new value of "CvarNpc" would be "Alora Reborn". Or is this feature strictly hard-coded? Regardless, this is really cool and I can't wait to work with CvarSubStrings. Any coders (@@eezstreet, @@Raz0r) have any opinions on this? Thanks!
  14. Ok, so I managed to get all the teeth out, but I can't seem to find the button on the naval cavity that lets me put them back in...did I miss something? Could you make a tutorial?
  15. Dangit, Caelum! You got me hooked on xkcd! http://xkcd.com/285/

    1. Circa


      Spent a good 30 minutes on there at work today as well. Addicting!

    2. Flynn


      One of the best webcomics for sure.

    3. Onysfx


      xD. Here's my personal favourite: http://xkcd.com/518/

  16. I didn't know this either...has it been released? I don't see it anywhere... Woah! Great start @@Omicron: Looking great! What exactly is your goal/design you are hoping to achieve? What's the theme? I can't quite tell...
  17. @@katanamaru - Ah...I didn't think of that! However, you'd only be able to use the "edit" feature on NPCs you personally spawn. But still, I could see how that can be confusing! And yeah, I'm all 'bout that compatibility! I've kinda ditched the whole "use" editor idea now, rather, I'd like to have one central menu where all the NPCs you've spawned are listed by the custom name you give them and edit/remove/control/kill/freeze them that way. I think it seems like you guys want separate versions. Sounds good! I'm still going to see how much work each version would take, and how feasible it would be to combine them both, time-wise.
  18. That's really epic. Really cool artistic style and the KOTOR music is perfect!
  19. @@Stoiss: That's pretty neat! Thanks for sharing that! Unfortunately though, I don't think a menu of that layout/setup could accomplish the ridiculous multitude of things I'm trying to cram into a .menu. Also, I did a bit more thinking, and blending the two options wouldn't be that hard at all After some more consideration, I've been able to create a rough mental structure on how the second option could work. The only puzzling bit is how to delete an NPC's data entry when he is killed. Basically, I'd need to be able to set a few cvars when the NPC is killed, but scripts (death scripts in particular) have no way to edit cvars effectively...Other than a few of the mission specific ones which would break SP compatibility.
  20. Hey guys After people really liked CamSP, I thought about some other "KOTF exclusive" SP features that I could replicate and make better. I've been tossing around the idea of making an NpcSP - A very powerful NPC spawning utility that's going to give the player so much control. But I'm at a bit of a mental roadblock. There are two roads I can take: Very simple approach. You select an NPC, it spawns, and you can spawn more of that NPC simply by pressing a key More complex approach. You can select an NPC, but then you are able to edit it in real-time. You can change parameters like Health, Weapons, Size, Behavior, Team, etc with the click of a button. Then you can go up to them and press the USE key in order to make further changes later. I'd also really like the player to be able to keep track of all the NPCs he/she has spawned by naming each one and being able to control them, remove them, or edit them from a "master command screen". However, this would require a limited number of "entries" in the system. I'm playing around with a max of 32 "data" entries at any one time. Or, combine the two and let the player toggle between them. This will be immensely difficult but possible. What approach would be the most fun and enjoyable for all you SP players? Thanks!
  21. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but isn't this what you are looking for?
  22. Thanks guys! Be sure to point out anything I can improve! Dusty22 - Feel free! Thanks for asking! Also - Would you guys like a NpcSP? I've been tinkering around with replicating the KOTF NPC spawn system, and making it way more powerful and cool. Would that be something you guys would like to see?
  23. Updated! Fixed some minor bugs!
  24. Thanks guys! Version 1.01 is coming soon (I found a few mini-bugs I need to fix)! EDIT: Updated!
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