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General Howard

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Everything posted by General Howard

  1. This is a request for some modding assistance.. And is mainly directed at any and all coders, mappers and anyone who's worked on designing maps for Single Player. Myself and @@Tompa9 are working on the "MD2 Remastered" mod, found here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9062-star-wars-movie-duels-ii-remastered-current-wip/ However, we're currently looking into updating the music tracks that were used in the original mod, as we've come to the decision that there are a number of tracks that aren't very accurate or are out of place and feels very "unpolished" and messy. What we actually need to know, is how to change this music, to our updated versions.. Do the maps have a specific "load/play" line, within them (in GTKRadiant/Blender or whatever program it is) that tells the map or cut-scene to trigger a certain music track? @@Asgarath83 mentioned about using the dms.dat file from the base game for this type of thing. However, the original mod doesn't include or use any "dms.dat" file, but the specified music still plays on the specific cut-scenes or levels that it's attached to. So I was wondering what methods will work, for changing and editing the music into cut-scenes and maps and such.. @@GPChannel @@Asgarath83 @@therfiles @@ensiform @@RJA @@Fighter @Circa Can anyone offer assistance with this? Thanks
  2. Will it be likely that we'll be able to use any of the concept art as a background for the Hub's website.. Or is that completely out of the picture?
  3. I don't know if this'll help, @Rooxon. But.. Link to full showcase here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1809989
  4. Ok, I think I just jizzed a little..
  5. Kanan's lightsaber is already available: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2297-kanans-lightsaber/
  6. Not gonna lie, those Darth Maul and Kylo Ren models looks ridiculously good! Whilst I am hyped af, I'm still staying realistic.. But just reading all the info on the official website and such and how much effort they're putting into the game.. So far, from what we've seen and heard, it all looks and sounds very promising and like they're really trying to make up for where they went wrong with the first game.
  7. Well, I've just pre-ordered my "Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition" (digital copy) in the PS Store, this morning. Which comes out on the 14th Nov, as opposed to the 17th, Nov. So to get it 3 days early, will be nice. Wonder how nice it'll look on my PS4 Pro.. Although I did/do enjoy the first game, I'm actually really looking forward to this one. And with no Season Pass.. This could actually turn out, really well.
  8. Hey @@Kualan.. Any chance you could do a Rebels version of Ahsoka? It's just that we could really do with one, for our MD2 Remastered mod.
  9. All this kinda' makes me wish that Disney hadn't discontinued Disney Infinity.. A whole new Playset for "The Last Jedi" (and even "Rogue One") would've been great!
  10. One thing that's always bugged me about any Stormtrooper model in the game, be it base game model or newly created models.. They lack a certain level of sheen (or "shine") to the armour. There's only the odd coupla' models that have it, such as AshuraDX's Clone Trooper and Barricade24's OT Stormtrooper. But it's the little details like that, that really bring the model to life. Not to mention the added authenticity and model accuracy.
  11. Ultimately, we didn't create the original content. We're "remastering" something that came before. So, we don't wanna be changing the name or title of something that wasn't originally ours.. So, it'll remain as "MD2 Remastered" or "Movie Duels II Remastered", for the time being.
  12. Great, high quality model.. As always. Will you be doing his new saber, Rooxon?
  13. We will be looking into this, at a later date. But for now, we're focused on the Prequel Era. First thing's first.
  14. Darth Vader!! And here's why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKY5Lf7Scb0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_3a21VHJYg
  15. Yeah, good luck trying to contact "Wector". He's not around, in any format. I've tried contacting him numerous times, via e-mails and such and absolutely nothing in return. It's like he's disappeared off the face of the planet, almost. Hence, why we've stepped up to "remaster" this mod, after nearly 9 yrs of nothing (no improvements, no updates.. Nothing).
  16. Poe would be the logical choice.
  17. Roster Update A few NEW character models, for the Character Roster.. Starkiller (Galen Marek) Ki-Adi-Mundi Shaak Ti Quinlan Vos Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II) Serra Keto *Note*Every model will also have their own saber hilts remastered, too.. With the correct saber sounds from the media they're taken from.
  18. *Progress Update* So as far as progress goes, @@Tompa9 has all-but completed the "character overhaul" stage. We have the characters in place and the one's we're going with. Next up is replacing and updating saber hilts and sounds. However, we are currently in need of a coder. We have the small issue/problem of setting specific music tracks to play during cut-scenes and missions, within the mod. As the "original" version wasn't quite movie accurate enough and needed some work.. (It was in a bit of a mess, honestly). We also may need a coder for help with adding an additional character selection screen to the current ones, at a later date. So we can make sure all the characters we have, fit in. *Edit* @@therfiles, could you offer any assistance, here?
  19. @@AngelModder Just wanted to clear the air, somewhat here, Angel.. Your Darth Vader model that we're talking about. Are we referring to the current 2.0 version, here?: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1776-darth-vader-angelmodder/ I'm unsure on what @@Tompa9 is gonna do with the model.. But we're currently looking for a "Rogue One" version and was wondering if there's any chance or likelihood of you being able to do another variant/skin of his "Rogue One" version.. Unless, Tompa's taking it upon himself to do that (which I don't know..)
  20. Hey @@yeyo JK, how're we looking on the skyboxes front?
  21. Bonus map, with Han? Which one is this, I wonder.. Could this maybe be the level where Han shouts "Ben!!" and Kylo ends up killing his father.
  22. @ Yeah, his name was "Wector". Absolutely no sign of him, anywhere now. No contact with him or anything. I know, 'cos I've tried. But yeah, this was released in 2009, but it's needed a "Visual Update" for some time, now. Considering the standards of other mods like MBII and considering that's a Multiplayer ONLY mod. This is essentially the Single Player variant.
  23. Looks absolutely incredible and I really like how you've thrown in, the essence of the Jedi Temple, for the interior. Great work!
  24. Hmm.. Doesn't look too bad, but could still do with some work. But it's a start, obviously.
  25. Looks awesome! Great work and input by all . Can't wait to finally see this thing get released.
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