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General Howard

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Everything posted by General Howard

  1. Again, @@GPChannel.. Check the Mos Eisley Spaceport in the link above. Also has an interesting skybox texture for your required effect/setting.
  2. I would suggest using a much lighter, more beige/yellow colour tone for the sand, in those corridor (Where Rey and Chewbacca are). You could actually use the sand texture from the Tatooine Spaceport, found here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1723-tatooine-spaceport-ffa-remake/ ). There's also new footage on Youtube of Mos Eisley, from Battlefront II. You should look into that and get some idea of lighting and texture tone/shade. But I would definitely suggest lightening up the wall textures a bit. It's a bit too much doom and gloom, currently. Other than that, though.. Good work, so far.
  3. In all honesty, I agree. You've made her look like an albino, @@GPChannel. I can see why you've felt the need to tone down her skin colour, but you've gone too much the other way lol. Try to find the right balance of somewhere inbetween and you're onto something.
  4. Yeah, you'd need OpenJK to achieve the saber trail effect you're after, which is a different executable altogether. But you would change the shortcut directory of it to direct to your game's assets and put it in your GameData folder. However though, to get the saber trail you're looking for (movie/cinematic effect), that'd require code modifications, which would need to be added (can be found on GitHub), compiled into an OpenJK executable and you'd run the game from that. But you'd also need to extract the saber gfx from the MB2 assets, for it to work correctly.
  5. I'm a Star Wars fan through 'n' through, so I'll always have a desire for the franchise, however it's received elsewhere, 'cos it's in my blood (personal reasons). But the one thing that does annoy me, is all this political correct BS. As soon as that comes into play, it downgrades anything it touches. I wasn't that big of a fan of TFA, overall (it doesn't even hold a candle to the Prequels.. Or the Original Trilogy, for that matter), due to its un-originality. Having said that though, it has increasingly grown on me over the past coupla' months. Mainly due to the back-story and the events leading up to TFA. If you've read any of the Star Wars Aftermath books (particularly "Empire's End"), you'll know.. As it goes into details about "Operation Cinder" and the "Battle of Jakku". Which is another reason why I'm incredibly excited for Battlefront II (which is only about 8 days away, now). There's a number of videos on YouTube, that summarise those events ('Star Wars Explained' is a good start).. But overall, that's actually made me appreciate TFA, much more. But I'm booking my TLJ opening night tickets, tomorrow. I've become quite hyped for the new movie as of late, especially after reading so many theories, online about who such and such a character is, as well as having my own theories. But I do firmly believe I know who/what Snoke is.
  6. You'll find that OpenJK does it slightly different, especially if there's the SFX_Sabers code added. But I would suggest making the tips a little more pointier and reducing the overall glow, to get a better effect.
  7. Be patient.. But it is progressing and gradually coming together. We don't wanna release anything before it's ready, though.
  8. @@GPChannel What about your TFA Conversion Mod and its maps? Is that lost in transition, now?
  9. Y'see, @@Tompa9.. Positive feedback. And the model looks a lot better overall, now. And I assume the above images you've showcased, are of him in the NEW tunic, that we discussed? Bet you're kinda pleased I mentioned to you about the boots/leggings/belt, now, aren't you? But excellent work, nonetheless .
  10. A TV show *could* be interesting. But on a whole, I'd say no. Let it die. Yes, the KoTOR series is one of the most loved aspects of Star Wars lore (or Star Wars history), but there's too much of it about. Fans are requesting it every 5 minutes, nearly. Not to mention, with it now being by Disney.. They'd mess it up and tamper with it, in some form. So, fans wouldn't get exactly "what" they wanted (or "how" they wanted it). I would dare say that Kylo's quote from the recent TLJ trailer, could be used to summarise it. "Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That's the only way to become who you were meant to be." Disney/Lucasfilm *may* do something with it, further down the line. But right now, it's not a priority for them. They're solely focused on this Force for Change stuff, with the women of the SW universe. Which, I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually turn into a full-blown TV show, anyway. The last thing we'd need, is a KoTOR series being watered down, by a crapload of female lead characters ('cos you know that's exactly what would happen. They've done it with TFA and then Rogue One). So, you nearly know, it'd be all about telling Satele or Bastille Shan's story over anything else. Thanks, Kathleen Kennedy! No thanks.
  11. Well, in the original version of the mod, there was a few extra missions that consisted of Force Unleashed content. We've kept that content in, as we didn't really wanna take anything away from what was already there. We've only worked to improve on that and make it more accurate to its game counter-part. But thanks to @@Tompa9, we have an even bigger roster of characters, now. So you will get around double the amount of playable characters, when it's finally released.
  12. Yeah, unfortunately that won't be happening with this mod. This is a Movie Duels mod ONLY. Otherwise, we divert from our original plan and what we're trying to do. Also, we want this to be the best movie duels experience possible, with canonical content.. So, going away from that with Legends content, would only dilute the mod itself and we wouldn't be putting the time into the areas that're essential to what we're trying to do.
  13. Yeah, those 41st legion decals will be for the Clones, on Kashyyk.
  14. We hope to at least get a Beta (or v1.0) of the mod out, this year. Before Christmas, preferably. It all depends on the progress made between now and then, as we don't wanna release a version riddled with bugs and glitches. If it takes us that long to get issues fixed, we could be looking at releasing it at the same time "The Last Jedi" hits movie theaters, but no later. So all we can say at this point is to just be patient. But progress is being made. Have no fear of that.
  15. Just to clarify, as @@Tompa9 mentioned about this being done before November.. It will most likely be v1.0 or a Beta edition, as we look to continue work and improve on areas that need fixing and still need work. That's why we haven't set any concrete release date yet, as we just don't know how far away we are, from a full release. But rest assured, we'll keep you posted here.
  16. What annoys me.. Is the bad weapon balancing, Assault Class feels so under-powered, there's no 'Aim Assist' (even though it clearly says it's on, in the game settings) and how you "run through" other player's bodies. But as this is only a Beta, I guess I can cut them some slack, but I don't remember the Beta for Battlefront (2015) having these issues. Basically though, it's because we're playing a PC build and only a more stable build of what was shown at EAPlay, at that. So I think this Beta has been "ready", for some time. It's just that we're only getting to play it now, rather than a coupla' months ago.
  17. I got an e-mail from EA/Playstation, that included a code for someone to use and play the Beta early, too.
  18. Yeah, it's pretty good. I've been playing it, for the past few hours. It still has issues and such that need fixing and balancing could certainly do to be looked at. But overall, nice and fresh whilst staying with what they originally did in the 2015 one. There's no Original trilogy content, per se in the Beta. But you either play as the Republic/Separatists or Resistance/First Order. Depending on what game mode you choose. But I have a free code for it, if anyone's interested?
  19. I do partially agree with what you've said.. However: "Betas should be open and last months, not days." I don't think you fully understand what the purpose of a Beta is. DICE throw out these Beta's, mainly as a way to stress test the servers and prepare for launch. Everything's pretty much already in place (at least 90% of it, anyway). That's why they only last about a week or so. It's also for us to get a taste of the game and look forward to the launch (hype), not to play a buggy/glitchy mess, that players would complain about and that would only reflect badly on the company.. Beta or not.
  20. Thought this I'd share another 2 clips of footage that they released, just recently.. In case any of you haven't seen them, already. I'm gonna kick so much ass with Kylo Ren! and This gives a little more insight into the campaign that people might not be aware of.. Operation Cinder. Time to familiarise yourself with it.
  21. Oh yeah, I don't dispute that at all, Kualan. However, it seems that our contact with Encritary has become very scarce and limited, over the past month or so and he has shown no interest or enthusiasm towards the mod, even though he's been asked a number of times by various team members, to look into certain bug fixes. etc. This is basically down to his preference of choosing Minecraft over the mod's development. Which we do ask, that you put the mod's development before your own gaming needs. It's just beneficial to everyone involved and greatly increases the rate at which the mod can progress. Unfortunately, Encritary hasn't shown this commitment.
  22. Apologies to all, for the lack of updates recently, regarding the mod. Unfortunately, due to team issues (hence the mod's stall in development, as of late), we've had to let @@Encritary go. Due to the lack of involvement and participation on his behalf, recently.. The mod's first release has been delayed and has been dealt a set-back and the team, as a whole are in agreement with this decision. So, we are now looking for and recruiting a new coder/scripter. If you have any experience with coding/icarus scripting/.ibi files, enjoy modding and are interested in helping with the development of this mod's progress, then by all means, put yourself forward, as we'd greatly appreciate having you on the team. We do ask, however.. That you be an active and productive member of the team, as we would like to make the Beta/v1.0 of the mod, available for public download, as soon as possible. Thanks.
  23. Only problem with adding all these new gun models (although much higher in detail and an overall better model), it's getting the fire rate/blaster fire type and amount of damage it does, into the game correctly. As an example, you wouldn't want to add the Relby to replace the Rocket Launcher, otherwise you'd end up having the Relby firing the wrong type of projectile. Personally, I always thought one of the biggest problems with the E-11, was its size. I always found it to be far too big for the player model and out of proportion, considering its movie counter-part.
  24. Yeah, once we're done with the Prequel content, we'll be working towards adding the Original Trilogy and then hopefully, the Sequel era (if we get that far). There are still elements we could do with some help, though. But we can look to release v1.0 of the mod, in late September. Which would be more of a 'Beta' release. So all we can really say for now, is keep checking back here for new info.
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