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General Howard

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Everything posted by General Howard

  1. The problem we found (or should I say "I found") with Toshi's cape, was that it literally made the model look like a toy figure and because the cape didn't cover the shoulders, it looked like a piece of card just slapped on Vader's back, with minimum effort. So, this cape fits and makes the model look much better. We will also be giving him new stances and animations, anyway. But we'll keep doing what we can, to improve it. But we have to remember that the Quake 3 engine was never devised to handle cloth/cape physics.
  2. No, they don't. Not the way they've been moulded around the model, they don't. Look again.
  3. Honestly, it's the arms (or in this case, the "sleeves") that no-one has seemingly managed to get right. Even lervish/Plasma's model. Look at movie version Kylo Ren, then look at the models. I'm primarily talking about TFA version. I think it could be the sculpting that's off and the way the model was "built/moulded". If they can get that right, then they're onto something. But until then, it'll never be 100% accurate.
  4. To be fair, I still think we could do with a NEW (more accurate) Kylo Ren model (w/ respect to lervish and Plasma). When you start looking at models, you notice small details that can throw off the accuracy, somewhat. So, personally.. I'd be all for, that NEW Kylo Ren model (posted above by the OP). The others aren't really too much of an issue. Maul = We already have DT's version & Rey = We have Scerendo's version.
  5. It is exactly that. We didn't want it to be, but like what @@Barricade24 said.. In the end, it just turned out to be the same old predictable crap. Viewpoint from the Empire/Imperial's perspective? My ass! All I can hope, is that the NEW Resurrection Story DLC will redeem it. Hask was the only true Imperial. Loyal, right through to the very end. I'm actually pretty pissed off with them about it, to be honest. Doesn't even tell/show you how The First Order rose up.. They just randomly appear out of nowhere (after a black screen that just says "Decades Later....") .
  6. You need to first enter 'helpusobi 1' in the console, to enable cheats to even work.
  7. Blame Disney.. And in particular, E fucking A. They are the absolute pinnacle of sweeping away and dismissing old (and quite frankly better) games and their gameplay, for broken, ruined and unbalanced garbage, that's still in the Beta stage, even at launch. Not to mention the fact that all they seem to be interested in, is their infamous multiplayer bullshit. EA are single-handedly, destroying games and franchises they get their greedy, unrelenting mits on. Just look at what they did recently, with (or should I say "to") Visceral Games and Amy Hennig's project. What could've been a truly great Star Wars single player experience, was shut down by EA, because it didn't fit in with their precious multiplayer view or direction. Unfortunately, as long as EA are involved and at the helm of Star Wars games, games like 'Star Wars 1313' will NEVER see the light of day. Mechanics and actual gameplay itself is only the tip of the iceberg.. And that's why I and millions of others want EA stripped of the Star Wars licence.
  8. Personally, I SERIOUSLY want to see EA stripped of the Star Wars licence and preferably sooner, rather than later. But I do agree with @@Circa, on this. The grammar in this petition is so unprofessional, that it just doesn't sit well and kind of makes it come across like it's written (typed) by a pretty illiterate individual. I signed the petition, yes and would sign it a million times over, if I could. I have to admit though, that if Disney/Lucasfilm continue to keep partnering up with EA, then they are part of the problem and not the solution. Unfortunately, long gone are the days when George was involved and LucasArts were at the helm of all Star Wars titles. Okay, not every game LucasArts published was a 10/10 game, but at least they actually cared about the consumer and put effort into their creations, unlike EA, who still haven't learnt that monetising games, is wrong.
  9. Well, unfortunately for me right now, I'm without a PC and have been for a few months. Not to mention that we have designated modding areas for specific people and tompa is our resident modeller although others do chip in, if they have any helpful knowledge. So I've been having to rely on the team's input and help with general mod direction. Not ideal, but that's just the way it is right now.
  10. However, we do have some problems with the cape and could use some further assistance with it. Unfortunately, tompa isn't able to do anything with it himself, as it's beyond his abilities. But we need the cape to cover far more of his shoulders and reach the bottom of his mask/helmet. As this is a Rogue One version of Vader we need, if anyone can assist or help out, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Holy shit! That looks awesome, @. Gives Jaden an entirely fresh, new look. Considering he's originally from Coruscant, this is pretty much how I'd imagine and would've preferred him to look, at the start of the story (before changing into his Jedi robes, after the inaugural initiation). Only query I have with him, is the lack of hair on his head. If that can be altered, then you'd have the perfect Jaden starting model. **Edit** That Rosh isn't half bad, either. Excellent work!
  12. I disagree. I'm REALLY not enjoying HvV mode as much, this time 'round. The combat is god awful! And all people do, is spam the hell out of Force Push moves and then get teamed-up on. So, it ends up being like 2v1 or even 3v1 and you don't stand a chance.
  13. Good work with the clothes/garments, @@GPChannel.. But my biggest query is that you feel it's necessary to touch-up or edit the faces. Don't take this as an insult, as it's not meant to be. Merely constructive criticism.. But you're actually trying to do too much to the faces (the same applies to old/Jedi Master Luke). It's not needed and actually ruins the model. Although what you've done here with Luke's face, might be a WIP.. It's downgraded the model's overall quality.
  14. Another clear cut point, proving that this game wasn't ready to be released, yet. I mean, what was the whole point of the Beta?! Surely, I know it wasn't to stress-test the servers (that kinda failed), weapon damage and health balancing is still an issue.. Surely, EA/DICE should've had all this done and fixed, in the time they had between the Beta and the game's release date.. Amongst a whole host of other issues.
  15. Hmm.. Strange. I logged onto my PS4, earlier and saw the update. It finished installing (I don't know what it was supposed to have fixed.. I've not seen any patch notes. Although, it does seem to have adjusted damage balancing and such, somewhat (I think). But I checked all my progress. Well, my unlocked heroes and such (finally managed to unlock them all, last night). And they're all still there, unlocked. But I do know that one of my other PSN friends has the same problem that people are mentioning, about all the progress being reset and stuff being locked, that'd been unlocked.
  16. Well, we still have some scraggily ends to tie-up, with our Prequel content. However, we are making some real head-way with overall progression. Another minor update here, is that we've had to adjust some settings and A.I in our combat system, as what we'd tried to implement originally, had essentially "broken" the original feel of what makes the saber combat in these JK games, so great. So we're basically creating a new build, with no significant changes to the combat, other than adding a manual block function. We'll be sure to keep you posted, as we continue to move towards a public release.
  17. Yeah, I pretty much agree with that, more so than not. Yeah, there was also mentions of Rae Sloan in there too, which was a nice touch (Reminded me of SW Aftermath: Empire's End). I honestly thought that's maybe the way she/the story would go, which would then ultimately lead into this: And as it turned out, was one of the main reasons why it was a disappointment to me. I dunno how anyone else feels, but is anyone else under the impression that certain elements of the story felt rushed (especially towards the end)? I'm pleased Del got his come-uppance in the end, from Hask. At least there's no loose ends there, now. And now, people are speculating that Rey (TFA) is the daughter of Iden and Del. Ha! Imagine that.. The only thing missing there, is "Lana" (Lana Del Rey lol). However, having said that.. I did enjoy the ending mission with Kylo, showing a better "insight" into his mind reading ability. Would've liked to have been able to have had a lightsaber duel thrown in there, somewhere. But I guess we'll have to wait and see where this story DLC takes us. Hopefully, it's nice and long. I don't want a 4GB+ DLC that's basically 15-20 mins long.
  18. To be honest, I was quite disappointed by the campaign. It was great up to the point of the "Operation Cinder" initiation. Then it just stumbled and was in pretty much free-fall mode after that, for the rest of the campaign. The Lucasfilm creative team were adamant and kept trying to drive home the fact that Iden was this (and I quote) "tried & true and through & through Imperial". Well, she was anything but, after the whole "Operation Cinder" plot (which was rendered pointless and useless, I might add), considering the fact that (and here's what REALLY pissed me off) she defects and becomes a full-blown Rebel and you have to go and destroy the satellites. The only one of Inferno Squad that stayed true throughout, was Hask. Not to mention, we don't even really get to see how The First Order rose or came about. It literally goes: Empires ends --> "Decades later.." --> The First Order just appears out of nowhere. Pretty shit, to be honest. You'd just be better off reading the Aftermath books. However, having said that.. I heard about the campaign DLC, so I am excited for that. "Insurrection", it's called. So, it'll be interesting to see where it takes us.
  19. I'm gonna tweet to the DICE devs about that, tonight and see if they come back with anything positive. But I'll keep you posted here, if they do. That was one of the biggest things that's annoyed me.. The piss poor lightsaber duelling experience. It's trash because basically, in a nutshell.. It's non-existent. Hell! Even Battlefront (2015) managed to do it better than this. So, I've been very disappointed, in that aspect. But like I say, I'll keep you posted on any news. As far as DLC Heroes go, Gen. Grievous and Count Dooku are practically 100% confirmed. One of the DICE game directors responded to a tweet when asked about Rex and Ahsoka and said he'd love to see them both in the game, at some point. But couldn't confirm 100% or comment further.. And you can pretty much be certain that Anakin and Obi-Wan will make their appearances, due to heavy community request. I just hope we maybe get different skins for them, too. i.e Default Anakin and Obi-Wan are their RoTS appearances and skins could be from either TCW show or the other 2 Prequels.
  20. Pretty much, yeah. They're about the most renowned games company in the world for it. And in recent years, have made it more and more prominent. We all understand that a company has to make profit and revenue, but there are far more practical and better ways to go about it, than pulling that sort of BS and alienating its player-base/community. Because they're essentially shooting themselves in the foot, by doing that. Their mobile SW games are all the same, too. Urging you to spend and spend, to progress.. And that's one of the primary reasons why they have the globally bad reputation that they have. It's a shame, really.. 'Cos their games do have and show great potential. It's just bad and shitty business practices, that ruin what they could be.
  21. I want to believe you're right and I sincerely hope you are. It is a better, more polished game, yes.. But the biggest thing that irks me right now, is the extremely poor lightsaber duelling experience. It's practically non-existent, currently. Hopefully it's fixed in the coming patches.. Otherwise, so much for showing the footage (and for what it was) of Kylo duelling Rey in Maz's castle and Vader duelling Luke, like they've constantly been doing. But yet again, I can't fault the sound work and the voiceovers are superb. Vader sounds much more like he should, now. (Did they get rid of the previous voice actor for him? I forget his name. Matt Sloan, was it?). But yeah, let's just hope it gets better and improves..
  22. I can understand your viewpoint.. 'cos essentially, it just becomes a never-ending downward spiral. But you have to realise that EA/DICE royally fucked-up with Battlefront (2015) and then gave an extremely vaig and unconvincing response to the community's disapproval at the game's lack of content. An already, well-known point was then made even more prominent, by John Boyega, himself. Again, EA responded to him with a vaig and less than encouraging reply, by asking him if he'd played any of the various training missions in the game. Now, that's not a convincing way to get a star of one of the SW films (or the community, in general) on your side. However, despite its countless flaws.. I, for one, still played the game and did enjoy it, for the most part. EA/DICE have now been given a 2nd chance, with Battlefront II, to learn from their previous mistakes. Again, for the most part, they've done that. But yet again, they're already starting to alienate their player base. Regardless of said changes they've said or have announced that they're going to make in the coming months. The fact that they even implemented the idea into the game, in the first place (Darth Vader & Luke both being 60k credits to unlock, each) proves that EA are just asking for controversy and conflict between the company and its player-base to take place. The fact of the matter is, is that EA/DICE have shitty model practices, that they still can't seem to learn from. This is globally well-known and is the reason why they've been voted the worst company for a number of years, now. Why should we, the community, idolly stand-by and allow EA to get away with the way their business model works, when ultimately, we're the ones who pay their salaries and make them a profit?! I don't know about you, but I won't just sit back and defend EA's business model. So, I will always voice my opinions and concerns to them, if there's something I don't agree with or like. If you don't, change can't be made and nothing ever gets done.
  23. Well, my game finished pre-loading, in the early hours of this morning. So, I'm ready for the launch at midnight, tomorrow night. But over the last day or so, I've come across and read a lot of posts on social media about the game and it doesn't sound all that promising. Obviously, I'm still looking forward to the game, but there's gonna be a lot of people who aren't happy with it.. And already that's starting to show through. But there's a number of things that I've seen/read that sound VERY disappointing to me: - Lightsaber heroes can't activate/deactivate their sabers, like Luke and Vader could in Battlefront (2015) (Hold down on the d-pad). That was a great, little feature, honestly. - During Lightsaber duels, the blades don't actually make contact or clash properly (C'mon, even Battlefront (2015) did this.. Albeit, not brilliantly.. But it did it, nonetheless) - Players "run through" other players, during gameplay (For me, this will get pretty annoying, quite quickly.. As it takes away the authenticity and immersion) - Heroes cost onwards of 40k+ credits to unlock (Fuck! Talk about a tedious grind and over-compensated progression system). Vader and Luke cost 60k.. Where's the fun, in endless grinding to get them?! These are only a minority of things, obviously. Hopefully, they'll be addressed and fixed in game updates/patches. But things like that, will spoil and ruin the fun for me. The Beta wasn't bad, but seemingly since then, not a great deal has changed or been improved. But on social media, people are already complaining (myself included, on just what I've read/heard). The REAL shameful thing though, is that a 14-year old game (JKA) will still be the "go to" Star Wars game for authentic lightsaber combat and a game in 2017 still, somehow, can't manage to beat it or at the very least, match it.
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