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  1. Can captain America block a lightsaber with his shield?

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    2. syainkn


      His shield is made of Vibranium. It distracts and absorbs heat energy and vibration energy.

      Lightsaber blade is plasma. Plasma is based on movement and vibration of ions. And his shield can distract it. So it can decrease the temperature of lightsaber blade.
      In this theory, Captain is able to parry and block weak attacks and short attacks of the lightsaber.

      But if the shield and lightsaber counterpose for a long term like saber lock, what would happen?
      Captain's shield is circular shaped, so that saber blade which is straight line barely touches a point of his shield.
      Perhaps that point of shield would manage to distract and absorb energy, but the other section of the shield would melt due to saber's high temperature.

      However, lightsaber never emits heat unless it is contacted with solid object. Saber blade only damages and hurts something that is touched directly. Therefore the Shield doesn't have to be melted because of heat. All the Shield has to do is just blocking a blade which is touched directly.
      In conclusion, Captain America can block lightsaber as much as he can.



      But in lastest Marble series, Thanos broke captain's shield. Because his weapon is made of True Adamantium(Maybe..).

      And the shield is actually made of Vibranium and Iron. It's called proto Adamantium(Vibranium + Iron). Maybe this shield can block energy attacks but not physical attack of high ranked metal.

      In addition, I heard that old Captain America gave another shield to Captain. Perhaps that shield is made of True Adamantium. So he will be able to block Thanos's attack. But instead, he won't block lightsaber attacks easily with that new shield.


    3. Lancelot


      To be honest, I can't read through your theory, as I can't take this seriously. I mean, you're comparing two entirely different universes, with different characters, different technologies, different worlds and different rules. Basically, you're comparing a grapefruit to a Snickers bar. Unless someone makes a official Marvel and Star Wars crossover, we will never find out if Captain America's shield can absorb a lightsaber.

    4. Xioth


      It probably can, but we'll never know.

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