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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. On a sidenote, I'd have added the tag "JKHub Exclusive", as there are no competitive sites that are offering it. Only an archive.
  2. Ok, ok. I know this one isn't from Star Wars, and most of my requests are. This is just my favorite character in all of fiction. https://www.models-resource.com/psp/dissidia012duodecimfinalfantasy/model/17669/ And for those old schoolers who grew up on the NES: https://www.models-resource.com/psp/dissidia012duodecimfinalfantasy/model/17673/ https://www.models-resource.com/psp/dissidia012duodecimfinalfantasy/model/17674/
  3. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3156-naga-sadows-sith-sword/
  4. On a sidenote, this is very lore-friendly: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4c/Naga_Sadow_Sith_Sword.jpg/ Just the diamond, or metal in the middle is missing. Besides that, its perfect.
  5. Look out everyone, you're in for a treat. (Foreshadowing)
  6. Thanks for using my Marka Ragnos btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-j_KQ53LYI As well as @@Jeff's Tulak Hord. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZn53-aXtDI
  7. So, I think I figured out PART of it, I got the color to change and got the lightning to work, but the sword is too vibrant with that color now, and there are weird graphical glitches when there are people with two sith swords. On top of that, the sword isn't lit up all the time like Ragnos' sword, and it loops a bit when a sound comes up.
  8. How do I give a downloaded sword lightning? Like the sith sword. I've been tinkering around with it, trying to find a way to give it lightning, but to no avail. Also, how would I go about changing the color of said lightning.
  9. Nooo, he agreed to do it, If I could find the full model. The problem was, there wasn't one, so Jeff improvised. But, oddly enough, the model just got uploaded, which is still a bit iffy, sixxxstreet is also working on porting the model on facepunch. Like awhile back, I asked for Lord Scourge, rest assured, if Jeff hasn't uploaded it, and its from KOTOR/TOR, it usually means the model hasn't been released to the public. On a sidenote, I'm not gonna ask Jeff to start working on it, because apparently there's another dude who is working on getting the correct model (sixxxstreet). Current Aloysius looks like a ship captain. xD I'd imagine he would look better with a different color cloak, because sixxxstreet even said he wasn't colored correctly.
  10. I always ask him if he can do a model, and he's always happy to do it. If he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't have to. Rest assured, I don't just assume and say "Hey Jeff, do this for me". I say "Hey dude, would it be possible for you to do a port of this character?" And its almost always a yes, though he has told me no before on certain characters. Jeff isn't just going to blindly take requests, the ones he (or others) take is usually something that interests them, since they must take time out of their day to do it. If Jeff wants us not to request anymore ports, he can say that. He said the reason that he dislikes ports and kitbashes (IIRC) is because it takes away from models made from scratch like Psyk0Sith's Amazing Darth Malgus model. I've helped out and contributed to this website as well, I'm not a bottomfeeder. I even gave Jeff a model for his KOTOR pack.
  11. Ok, so I found Naga Sadow's sword. But it was on the jk3 mrmason site :/ [CONTEST] Naga Sadow's Sith Sword Filename: contest_sith_sword_of_naga_sadow.zip Size: Developer: Downloads: Date Added: Type / Category: N/A java25701 1136 11-25-2010 Models > Weapons > Contest Entries November Sith Themed Hilt Modelling Contest Entry Description: I decided i was (somewhat) worthy to partake in this contest... So I decided to make Naga Sadow's Sith Sword from around 5000 BBY. I've been fiddling around with shaders and voila! I got them to work! Pros: Accurate and good looking model.Sith Sword not a subject often explored in JKA modding. Cons: Textures look somewhat blurry. Note: This hilt has been given a generalised review to avoid any biasing of the voters. All maps submitted for the contest will be fully re-reviewed after the contest has finished.
  12. GUYS KALLIG MODEL IS HERE! http://www.mediafire.com/download/is0r6qu3pqe9p3x/Aloysius_Kallig.zip Ported by someone on facepunch in the model thread!
  13. Uh... All 4 are Class_DESANN. You know classes change how the npc's fight?
  14. I don't know the first thing about manipulating any code.
  15. TEAM_ENEMYTEAM_PLAYERTEAM_FREETEAM_NEUTRAL I want to make an NPC who will an enemy to everyone. Whether it be Rancor's to Jawa's to, Reborn's, to Jedi. Because I plan on making a youtube video for 4-team combat in single-player. 4 NPC's, all fighting each other, no teams, just a 4-way fight.
  16. On a sidenote, Aloysius Kallig and Lord Scourge are also possibly being ported soon. So my dream fight of watching the kaggath between Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig will finally come true. In that same thread that someone posted Arcann and Thexan, this was posted regarding Aloysius:
  17. Nah, you aren't coming off that way at all. For those people who are downloading the Naga Sadow and Ajunta Pall model's, tho... Its more for people who are a fan of the lore like me, I play single-player and just watch NPC's fight for hours.
  18. Honestly @@Rooxon should be able to get this done. Dude is King of Melee Weapons. So, @@Rooxon, if you can get the time to make (mainly Naga Sadow's sword) I will be eternally grateful.
  19. Ajunta Pall's Sword: Naga Sadow's Sith Sword: Which is a lot longer then it looks (With purple lightning instead of red as well): Ludo Kressh' Sith Sword: Thanks!
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