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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. This is an ESSENTIAL NPC. Unbelievable. It's everything I ever imagined of what Luke would look like after RotJ. Thank you for your hard work and generosity.
  2. Kyle

    Ben Skywalker

    Download's not working.
  3. WOWWWW! 11/10...! Thank you for your generous hard work! A keeper!
  4. Kyle

    Vampire (Tobe)

    This file isn't downloadable for some reason. I've refreshed the page numerous times, and nothing seems to work. Is their an alternate link that works?
  5. Kahzmat, I really appreciate how awesome your NPCs are - they all are uniformly well executed. If they came with NPC, Bot and Singleplayer support then they're utility would be greatly expanded. I'd love to populate maps with your creations. Keep up the great work!
  6. Whoa! This is a GREAT mod! Thank you!
  7. Kyle

    Zeo the Grey's Skin

    Another awesome creation, but... No NPC or bot support. *sniff-sniff* Please consider adding such support in an update. It'll be perfect then.
  8. This is a great release. It would be even better if it came with NPC and bot support. Please seriously consider adding these features to any potential future updates. Yeah, this looks terrific.
  9. Kyle


    Great work!
  10. Kyle

    Rosh reskin by Tobe

    What I appreciate with this is that it's tilted just enough to look "Dark Side" to still be a little bit ambiguous as to how Rosh's character will evolve over time. Honestly, what Rosh now needs is a voice pack that removes his whiny high pitch squeal of a voice. Within two seconds of him opening up his mouth, it's clear that he's going to end up on the Dark Side. He's the weakest part of the game. Dialogue that's too obvious, and voice acting that's too obvious. Too bad. GREAT work on this Tobe. Thank you!
  11. Kyle

    Malak reskin by Tobe

    Tobe, I worship all of your work. You're a MASTER of textures. Thank you for all of the work that you've released.
  12. Great work. Does it come with NPC and bot support?
  13. What a boon! JKA is definitely in a major renaissance thanks to fantastic mod makers such as yourself!
  14. Kyle

    Sith NPC Replacement

    These are far better than the cartoon-like defaults. THANK YOU for them! The only thing that I could think of to perhaps improve the pack is to add a little more variety, such as a couple of them wearing scarfs around their mouths, some Maul-like tattoos, and perhaps two-three that wear masks similar to the ones that we see the Knights of Ren wearing. Yeah, that'd be COOL. In fact, it might be altogether more sinister if we didn't see much of their faces at all - perhaps their Sith-like eyes peeking out. Hiding their faces makes them colder and harder in appearance. More menacing. Again, thank you for sharing your hard work!
  15. This is a GREAT replacement model for the default Human Mercenaries, which look they're from a BAD Flash Gordon episode.
  16. Wow! The quality is - AMAZING - ! And you went the extra mile to also supply NPC and bot files - that makes you a CLASS act in my book. Just stunning work. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. Thank you for your hard work.
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