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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. So does anyone have a legit reason why they don't like this Google+ thing? The only thing that made me upset is the real name thing, which I easily avoided.

  2. So does anyone have a legit reason why they don't like this Google+ thing? The only thing that made me upset is the real name thing, which I easily avoided.

  3. Which character in SW has the sexiest voice? I say Rosh Penin

  4. So does anyone have a legit reason why they don't like this Google+ thing? The only thing that made me upset is the real name thing, which I easily avoided.

  5. Sent my gift to the Elephant ;)

  6. Oh what shall we do!? This beast! The Horror!

  7. I know what I am putting up for the White Elephant.

  8. Tis the season to be Modding.

  9. Sure feels like nuclear winter around here.

  10. I made a present for all of JKHub. It's not necessarily a mod but it should "up" the spirits of JKHub a bit, so stay tuned, guys.

  11. I barely thought up my last Secret Santa gift, which was barely good too. Don't think I'll be able to participate in this one :((((((((((((((((

  12. Oh what shall we do!? This beast! The Horror!

  13. Oh what shall we do!? This beast! The Horror!

  14. I barely thought up my last Secret Santa gift, which was barely good too. Don't think I'll be able to participate in this one :((((((((((((((((

  15. My ping doesn't ever get lower than 98, for some reason. Some people say that I stutter, but everything seems smooth for me. any ideas of what can cuse the problem?

  16. jkhub been needin some christmas maps

  17. did... youtube change again too?

  18. did... youtube change again too?

  19. More doubts for future. O.o

  20. More doubts for future. O.o

  21. More doubts for future. O.o

  22. So what is everyones plans for....Christmas? :)

  23. So what is everyones plans for....Christmas? :)

  24. Somehow managed to beat a reborn in Jedi Knight 2 Touch

  25. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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