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Nardja Zuul

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Everything posted by Nardja Zuul

  1. To getting back into the game, I've started your request for this model last week. However, as a hint for everyone who wants that model for SP, it does not have lip sync in SP and the hood is not textured from inner side.
  2. You can use WinRAR or 7zip to extract the executable versions.
  3. First off, I'm sorry to hear that. At the moment i was not able to test the mod on windows 10. To modify some specific settings, you can go into "GameData\base" and look into the "XYZ.cfg" files (XYZ stands for different names) and set your prefered settings To start it, there should be a "JKJA.bat" or "JKJA.exe" in GameData folder of your installed game version. And for clarification, there is no differences between retail & steam/gog versions. Non of these hypocrites fixed something on his released "platform" version. I've played and compared all three of them. kk, not in direct link library. But i would not bet on that^^
  4. Sorry for late answer, many things changed in my life. Now i got what you mean^^ I can look through files in freetime besides my mod time to ensure you the files ONLY. I've done some other things for the mod, most time polishing and adjust work. And now with a special from User Fire_Phoenix which was one of my longest awaited features for a retail version mod (non openjk) ever! (Thank you again to him for his help!) At the moment i am experimenting with the saber styles and his popular fast (blue) saber style stuck Bug in retail version code! But I can not say when I can say or am ready for a release.
  5. Removing the first two lines will give a graphical glitch in cutscene and a cvar error in wpnselect menu So it needs to be changed to You are the first one with such a detail hint and the (maybe) only one who knows about sp in depth. Thank you for help +hint.
  6. yep, i've removed it. bye
  7. @@Fire Phoenix How do you removed the ingamewpnselect.menu hack from the sp maps academy2 to hoth2 ? I've tried some code changes but wasnt able to solve it. Everytime after the cutscene of academy2 i got the weapon select menu again. I want to play without these weapon choices and screens. I managed to remove the menu for any other mission, but not for those who introduce a new story tier during the campaign. The equipping of weapons during the playthrough is not important. But a Jedi/Sith should start only with a Lightsaber. Is it a source code work (executable or direct link library) or a map function work in Editor? I would be very grateful if you could tell me please how you realized that. regards, Nardja
  8. Sorry but i dont remember what you can mean with non-canon force powers? My pleasure! I guess i forced it in the ext_data\sabers\*.sab files You can find folder in main .pk3 file, Unlocker_v403 But i recommend to remove the command in files instead of disabling them
  9. Rename the new character PK3 file into something like this, Unlocker_v403_NewCharacterNameHere.pk3 You can extract the Unlocker_v403.pk3 and modify the MENU.str (Use WinMerge to compare the Menu Entries of your new chracter with the one from my Unlocker)
  10. I think it is possible to add the Absorption back and i think it should be possible to add it only for Vjun Mission. You can download one of the reverted versions with all forces back, as long as i do research for a "only absorption for vjun" addon You mean map t2_rancor, Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta Strange Never got one problem with that mission. Before latest version release i've reinstalled my Retail game and finished it in one playthrough without one crash. :-S oO I've set this problem to the top of my priority list for the mod. But it will take time due of new real life job :-/ But Thank you! :-)
  11. Well, very very good work! A+
  12. -two new resolutions with correct aspect ratio for ingame SP and MP options menu Atm 1680x1050 and 1920x1080, no description text, maybe fixed before new release EDIT-- -added description texts for resolution sizes to SP and MP option menus now I'll add the rest of known resolutions, MP still crashing when you start your own server but i am looking for a solution +upcoming standalone proper patch ;D to give a better and final solution for widescreen fix, all versions/clients
  13. +uploaded reverted editions and created some more variants -added AutoBlock Edition -added No Blood All Force Edition Hint about Manual Blocking change with WinRAR in reverted editions If you use 7zip to change something in the Mod self, it will destroy the normal compression and the Mod is not read by the game
  14. +reverted editions will uploaded in some days (two or three due of other projects) +additional NoManualBlock Version (only pk3, no setup, same name as main version pk3)
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