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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. This topic is to show all progress the team makes with characters added, changed, or removed in the mod.

    Anakin Skywalker (Attack of the Clones):
    - Robe changed to resemble his AOTC robe, since as it turns out, there's a difference from the regular Jedi robe: it has a cut underneath the armpit region on both sides, and lacks the arm sleeves.
    - Added LODs for optimization.

    Odeyseis, Smoo and Tompa9 like this
  2. Hello fellow JKHubbers.

    It is I, a guy named swegmaster. I've opened this thread to show off works I've done or helped work on.

    Some of you may remember that I made a WIP thread already, titled "sweg's Fuckin WIPS". I came to hate it, since none of it was WIP, and it was just a port/port-kitbash thread, with occasional releases that were never teased, they just got posted. I've made this thread since I've learned a lot more than porting over the years, and put up the stuff I've had sitting on my hard drive for a while. I will edit this post with any current WIPs, and releases.

    Here's my first work, "Maul" from Rebels:



    This is a kitbash, but with some heavy adjusting to make it work out.
    - Khaimer (hips and legs)
    - DT85 (head, torso, hands)
    - Langerd (belt)
    - GPChannel (improved textures)
    - neomarz1 (shirtless torso)
    - Scerendo (Torso Bandolier)
    - Raven Software (Hood)


    Maul (Rebels): https://jkhub.org/files/file/3643-maul-rebels/

    ZelZel, Delmi, JAWSFreelao and 11 others like this
  3. Hello all of you!


    There haven't been many Movie Duels updates in this thread for a long while, but don't worry, we are very much active (or at least, as active as can be during a time of school and work) on other sources, those being Discord and ModDB, so I would recommend checking those more often than this thread.


    Anyways, since the last update here, well, a lot has happened. We lost two team members, first our lead texture artist, yeyo JK. He hadn't actually left us, per se, but rather went into a deep inactivity everywhere online, and as such, eventually had to be removed, but he will be re-added back if he ever comes back and takes up interest in being part of the team once again.


    Another member of the team, our lead coder JaceSolaris, left the mod due to lost interest and motivation, which I don't blame him for, and wish him farewell in future endeavors, and another member of our team, a great contributor to the mod and well-known member on this forum, Langerd, has also left the team, except it wasn't just the team he left, he seemingly left the internet entirely similar to yeyo, except he left us, all of us, a farewell post here, in his Bespin: Cloud City SP Mod thread.The best I can say for Langerd and the other lost team members is, I pray your lives are moving forward peacefully.


    To move on from some quite saddening news, here's some stuff on what's been done with the MD mod since our last update:


    - All lightsaber hilts in the mod are replaced with ones from @@Plasma's Lightsaber Hilt Collection! Each hilt has an extremely high quality look, on the level of modern day game quality! Also, each one in said pack is optimized with LODs for greater performance in-game so big props to Plasma for making it!


    - Engage Jango Fett has been renamed to Bounty Hunter's Escape, and the level has been overhauled to use Movie Battles 2's Kamino Platform, by DarthNorman, Plasma, and MaceMadunusus! 


    - All menus in the mod have been overhauled with a new, modernized version of the old UI!


    The next bit of news is that the next update of Movie Duels will be released this month! The team originally intended for this to be released on the fourth of May, but there were still issues with the build, such as the next major existing mission overhaul, Confrontation with Dooku (renamed to The Count's Retreat), not being fully finished yet, and several other unmentioned issues.


    With all of this being said, stay tuned!..

    and here's a sneak peak at the new User Interface overhaul!


    Lancelot, Tompa9, DarthStiv and 2 others like this

    Meme mod just like serenity. This mod uses OpenJK therefore the source code must be publicly available. When I asked about the code my comment was deleted. Apparently admins remove uncomfortable comments so don't fall into ''all good'' propaganda. Anyway the mod decided to stay closed-source which makes it illegal at this point. The mod itself is also really bad. Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy UI / menu, random FPS drops and crashes. The only good thing are the missions stolen from original Movie Duels 2. But for that, better play the original mod rather than it's poor "remaster". On top of that, devs decided to affiliate with another scam mod called "serenity". Huge disappointment.
    Stay Away!


    1. The code is what I was trying to get up onto Github, though it acts rather botchy with it's trash desktop client. There are no intentions of keeping it closed source, at all, so that's why for now, with Github being a pain, I've put the source onto ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-duels/downloads/movie-duels-openjk-source-release


    2. I didn't have a clue that your comments were being deleted on ModDB, it's one of the other members likely, not sure who.


    3. Explain the "Poor optimization, shitty animations, buggy menus, random FPS drops and crashes", and the stolen missions.


    4. How are we affiliated with a "scam mod" named Serenity, if you're talking about Serenity Jedi Engine that is, it's source code is publicly available. I'm assuming your point comes from our Team Member JaceSolaris, who you seem to have a huge grievance with for stolen "bits of code".


    5. I believe you're the guy named "Redemption", who seems to really hate this mod because "You're ripping off Wector's work, taking credit to get fame and prestiege in an old 2003 game community, and the Star Wars fanbase!". 


    That is very much NOT the case, it's not fame we care about, it's about giving the Jedi Academy community and the Star Wars fans what they want. This mod is a tribute to one of the greatest members of the JKA community to have ever existed, why do you think the mod has quite a few mentions about him, in credits, the intro screen, the ModDB page, and this JKHub forum. Besides, I also believe you were banned on the Redemption account on this very site, genuinely unsure why, though I did come across an old discord post with a snipped JKHub PM between you and TheWhitePhoenix, around the 20th of July, 2018:





    Referring to your usurping Wector comment from July, so that might be partly why. What I find even wierder, is that once, you were saying that the mod was amazing, and giving very positive comments about the team's work overall:





    I don't know what caused the sudden change in attitude about the mod just 12 days afterward, as that's around the same time as the team's statement about your comments of "stealing credit from Wector and trying to become famous". But witnessing a brand new account made on the site, just to smite the mod again, with mentions of Serenity, seems rather fishy.


    Edit: It seems I was wrong about ufo85 being Redemption, as on ModDB Redemption left a post 2 hours ago:



    and ufo left another response around the same time:



    1. Yes, we should have released the code sooner, but as said here, Github was being a pain, so for now the code is on the Mod page's files.

    2. I would really appreciate an example of "Childish attitude" towards negative criticism.


    But take the rest of this response as a bit of a reminder, that the team is not trying to steal Wector's work, but rather build upon it as a tribute to him, not for fame and glory, but for the fans who wish to experience the duels from the movies in their own way.

    Delmi, Delta-573, Langerd and 1 other like this
  5. Rescue over Coruscant: Revamp Update 2: 


    -Obi-Wan now exits the elevator with Anakin properly

    -The second camera angle now slowly goes down

    -Anakin and Obi-Wan now have turning animations when they turn to face either Dooku or Palpatine

    -Dooku now has a saber unholster animation when he jumps over the railing

    -Obi-Wan and Anakin no longer take off their robes in front of the camera, rather now waiting until the camera angle changes to Dooku to take them off

  6. Good job so far, there are a few things that bothered me though: 


    a) the background noise is too loud 

    b) the footstep sounds is very annoying

    3) I'd rather use the robeless models the whole cinematic than have them mysteriously dissapear and get that grey skin for a milisecond. 

    Thanks for leaving the tips, here's my responses to your 3 points:


    a. I plan on changing the background noise to the original room ambiance from Revenge of the Sith (improved from the old MD2 version by Jedinoob124), so it should be quieter


    b. I want to change the footstep sounds rather than change the cvar (changeable in settings) to be turned off, as I dislike changing settings options in missions just to get rid of a certain effect. The issue is I'm not sure if I can add custom footstep sounds to textures, so if there is a way, please let me know


    c. I just now (at the time of this post) changed it so that they start walking towards Dooku with the robes on, then as soon as the camera angle changes, the robes will be removed, leaving behind the robe remains

    Daniel, dg1995, Tompa9 and 2 others like this
  7. Hello all, this thread hasn't been updated in quite a while, so I'll give a quick update. After some drama between Tompa and Damian, that resulted in a mess of 2 Movie Duels Discord Servers, I ended up becoming the new leader of the Movie Duels mod. You're likely wondering, how the mod's going to fare under my leadership? To answer that question, and in all honesty, the mod will fare far better than before. As a leader, I do have quite a few skills (Animator, Porter, Mapper, Scripter), and I'm making use of them with the help of my teammates, as seen in these upcoming "Rise of the Empire" Era mission revamps: 


    You're probably wondering, what about the old leader Damian, is he still on the team? Yes he is, Damian is still on the team as a Texture Artist, and we also got ourselves a new member. I'd like all of you to meet @@Penekowski, a fellow porter/sound editor, and also the man who inspired me to do work for the mod in the first place, because without his help, the mod wouldn't be as prevalent and well-done as it is today. That's all there is for now, as the new leader of the Movie Duels mod, I will ensure this mod gets more progress done, at a better overall quality than before, and this page will be getting more frequent updates from now on, so stay tuned for more news on the mod's progress!

  8. Scerendo is working on a model of both the Shore Trooper and Hovertank driver. Not sure exactly when it will be out, but there is one in the works.

    I can confirm, found in the Movie Battles 2 Roadmap:




    There's other works of his in the roadmap too, including Chirrut and Supreme Leader Snoke.

  9. Just out of curiosity, can you guys post your credits in a spoiler here? I wanna see what all is in it before I replace my own OpenJK build with it


    //5th Brother//

    Author: Force Arena team

    Ported by: Encritary

    //7th Sister//

    Author: Force Arena team

    Ported by: Encritary

    //Aayla Secura & Quinlan Vos//

    Author: Scerendo

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3247-movie-battles-ii-aayla-secura-quinlan-vos/

    //Agen Kolar//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Neomarz1, DT85, AshuraDX, Swagmaster

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3327-eeth-koth-agen-kolar-pack/

    //Ahsoka Tano//

    Author: Cerez

    Head port: Kualan

    Head model: Force Arena team

    External credits: Cadellin, AshuraDX

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2411-ahsoka-tano/

    //Anakin Skywalker EP2, EP3//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Toshi, Vitez, Swagmaster

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3253-anakin-skywalker-the-chosen-one-pack/

    //Anakin Skywalker TCW//

    Author: Tompa9

    Original model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Ported by: Seven

    External credits: Hapslash, Toshi

    //Asajj Ventress//

    Author: Hirman

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/755-hirmans-asajj-ventress/

    //Bail Organa//

    Author: Kualan

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2946-galactic-senators-pack/

    //Barriss Offee//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: Neomarz1, TOR team

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3019-barriss-offee-clone-wars/


    Author: Prophet & Major Clod

    Link: http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=4786

    //Ben Kenobi//

    Author: Tompa9

    Original model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Ported by: Seven

    External credits: Darth Tempust, Plasma, Swegmaster

    //Cin Drallig//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Don Tom, Hapslash, OldBen

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3293-cin-drallig-a-legendary-swordsman/

    //Clone Assassin, Clone Classic, ARC Clones//

    Author: Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/601-clones-ultima-vm/

    //Clonetrooper EP3//

    Author: AshuraDX

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2865-ashuras-clone-trooper/

    //Coleman Trebor//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Psyk0Sith, Yeyo JK

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3250-coleman-trebor/

    //Cyber Maul//

    Author: Hoodz

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/633-cybernetic-maul/

    //Darth Maul//

    Author: DT85

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1964-dt-darth-maul/

    //Darth Vader//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Toshi, Angelmodder, Patches

    Ported parts: Aspyr (TFU), Force Arena Team

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1776-darth-vader-angelmodder/

    //Count Dooku//

    Author: Hapslash

    Head port: Encritary

    Head model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1122-hs-count-dooku-rots/


    Author: Lervish (MB2)

    Link: https://www.moviebattles.org/

    //Eeth Koth//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Neomarz1, DT85, AshuraDX, Swagmaster

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3327-eeth-koth-agen-kolar-pack/

    //Even Piell//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: Toshi, Neomarz1, St Scoundrel, Hapslash

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2448-jedi-master-even-piell/

    //Ezra Bridger//

    Author: Force Arena team

    Ported by: Lt.Claim

    //Spanki´s Jedi & Sith Customizations//

    Author: Spanki

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1707-spankis-jedi-customization/

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1708-spankis-sith-customization/

    //Female Jedi Customization//

    Author: Scerendo

    External credits: Kel, Antizac, Hapslash

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1770-scerendos-female-jedi-customisation/

    //Kit Fisto//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Yeyo JK, Swagmaster, Unnamed author

    Link: https://jkhub.org/topic/7917-tompa´s-wip-thread/

    //Galen Marek - Jedi Adventure Robes//

    Author: RevanKnight

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2383-starkiller-galen-marek-jedi-adventure-robes/

    //Galen Marek - Training Outfit//

    Author: Dark Apprentice

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2818-starkiller-galen-marek-outfit-pack-for-jka/


    Author: Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/638-general-grievous-vm/


    Author: Wector

    //Grand Inquisitor//

    Author: Force Arena team

    Ported by: Lt. Claim

    //Jango Fett//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Corto, Penekowski, Vitez, Peneke team

    Link: Link: https://www.moviebattles.org/

    //Jedi Brute//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Lucasarts

    //Jedi Temple Guard//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: Hapslash, Toshi, TOR team, Scerendo

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2234-jedi-temple-guard/

    //Kanan Jarrus//

    Author: Kahzmat

    External credits: Moonsoontide, Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3162-kanan-jarrus-star-wars-rebels/

    //Kanan Jarrus Blind//

    Author: Force Arena team

    Ported by: Lt. Claim


    Author: Psyk0Sith

    Head port: Unnamed author

    Head model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/497-ki-adi-mundi/

    //Rahm Kota//

    Author: Aspyr (TFU)

    Ported by: Swagmaster

    External credits: Peneke team

    Link: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-7-replacement-mod-new-update-is-live.2499/

    //Kylo Ren//

    Author: Plasma

    External credits: Hapslash, Some0ne, Kualan, Tompa9

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2977-kylo-ren/

    //Darth Sidious//

    Author: JV Order

    External credits: Toshi, Vitez, ViceK, Tompa9

    TFU head port: Peneketeam

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3063-jv-sidious-skin-pack/

    //Luke Skywalker ANH//

    Author: Al MacDonald

    Link: http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Luke_Skywalker_A_New_Hope;2384/

    //Luke Skywalker ESB//

    Author: DT85

    External credits: Toshi, Hapslash

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1682-dt-luke-esb/

    //Luke Skywalker ROTJ//

    Author: Tompa9

    Body, hair model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Body, hair port: Swegmaster

    External credits: Toshi

    Link: https://jkhub.org/topic/7917-tompa´s-wip-thread/

    //Luke Skywalker TFA//

    Author: Tompa9

    Head model: Force Arena team

    External credits: DT85, GPChannel

    Link: https://jkhub.org/topic/7917-tompa´s-wip-thread/

    //Luke Skywalker Crait model//

    Author: Patches, Encritary, Tompa9

    Head model: Force Arena team

    Body, hair model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Body, hair port: Swegmaster

    External credits: DT85, GPChannel, Tompa9, PreFXDesigns,

    Link: https://jkhub.org/topic/7917-tompa´s-wip-thread/

    //Luminara Unduli//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: Neomarz1, TOR team, CWA team

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3018-luminara-unduli-clone-wars/

    //Mace Windu//

    Author: Kualan

    Head model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Head port: Kualan

    External credits: Spanki, Hapslash, Tompa9, Peneke Development team

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3154-mace-windu/


    Author: Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/600-magnaguard-vm/

    //Mara Jade//

    Author: DT85

    External credits: Hapslash, shadowknight1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1677-dt-marajade/

    //Maul TCW//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Khaimer, DT85, ShenLongKazama

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3191-darth-maul-the-clone-wars/

    //Maul - Warrior of the Sith//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Kriskopreved, DT85

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3248-darth-maul-warrior-of-the-sith/

    //Mon Mothma//

    Author: Kualan

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2946-galactic-senators-pack/

    //Obi-Wan Kenobi TPM//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Yeyo, Patches

    //Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Maestro Obi, Yeyo JK, Patches

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3236-obi-wan-kenobi-from-episode-ii/

    //Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS//

    Author: Hapslash

    External credits: Yeyo JK, Tompa9

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1121-hs-obi-wan-kenobi-rots/

    //Obi-Wan Kenobi TCW//

    Author: Tompa9

    Original model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Ported by: Seven

    External credits: Hapslash, Toshi


    Author: Psyk0Sith

    External credits: Hapslash, Spanki, Infinity Blade, RinkXing

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1813-pablo-jill-ongree-species/

    //Padme AOTC//

    Author: Toshi

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1008-toshis-padme-series-01-geonosis-battle-suit/


    Author: Toshi

    External credits: Frost

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1007-supreme-chancellor-palpatine/

    //Plo Koon//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: SWRH team, Hapslash

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2436-jedi-master-plo-koon-tcw/

    //Praetorian Guard//

    Author: PreFXDesigns

    External credits: DT85, Plasma, Swegmaster, Tompa9, Kylo Ren, Milamber & (The Punisher & dark_apprentice)

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3405-praetorian-guard-by-prefxdesigns/

    //Qui-Gon Jinn//

    Author: Tompa9

    Head model: Aspyr (TFU)

    Head port: Seven

    External credits: Seven, Hapslash, Peneke development team

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2900-qui-gon-jinn/

    //Rey TFA, TLJ//

    Author: Scerendo

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2903-rey-of-jakku-the-last-jedi/

    //Saesee Tiin//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Hapslash, Neomarz1, DT85, Ashura DX, Swagmaster

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3322-saesee-tiin/

    //Savage Opress//

    Author: DT85

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2104-dt-savage-opress/

    //Serra Keto//

    Author: Neomarz1

    External credits: Vitez, Swagmaster

    Link: http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Serra_Keto_with_sounds;44272

    //Shaak Ti//

    Author: Kualan

    External credits: Aaron Smith, Hapslash, Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2435-jedi-master-shaak-ti/

    //Shadow Guard//

    Author: Aspyr (TFU)

    Ported by: Lt. Claim


    Author: PreFXDesigns

    External credits: Hapslash, Plasma

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3367-supreme-leader-snoke-tlj-by-prefxdesigns/

    //Super Battle Droid//

    Author: Chairwalker

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1033-super-battle-droid/

    //Tiplee & Tiplar//

    Author: Scerendo

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3252-tiplee-tiplar-twins/

    //Tusken Raider//

    Author: Major Clod

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/829-tusken-raider/

    //Wat Tambor//

    Author: Psyk0Sith


    Author: Toshi

    External credits: Patches

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1005-toshis-yoda/


    Author: Neomarz1

    Link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/603-younglings-vm/

    //Zabrak Knight//

    Author: Tompa9

    External credits: Neomarz1, Hapslash


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