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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. TFU Stuff looks like absolute shit in JKA Jaws, just stop asking for things like that. TFU Ports just do not fit in with JKA well at all in terms of model style, same with EA ports, which aren't allowed on the EULA of games allowed to port from. Besides, faces are never weighed (Only exception are Some of the KotOR ports, that already have ass-quality weighing), and hands are always kitbashed from some pre-existing JKA model, that look crappy because it doesn't fit in with the model as well. In my opinion, the EULA should never have allowed ports, it's what JKA ever is made up of nowadays, Custom Models Ftw.


    If you want TFU Stuff like, Ex. Dooku's head because of it looking like Christopher Lee, try skinning it on the HapSlash head. 

  2. I don't want to take over this thread, but I also have an issue with Mirroring Objects in Blender: I've mirrored Jeff's Arcann model, and I flipped the tags around a bunch. I renamed what was the left into the right, and what was right into the left. Like lhumerus = rhumerus. The issue I have with the model is it's noticeably darker than the non-mirrored model in solid view mode. In-game it appears dark, even in light covered areas, as if he was burned or something.

  3. If anyone has a bit of trouble about what BackFlip said, he said his works aren't entirely ported, and that there are parts from other models he used, and hes apparently messed with uvs to fit a texture onto a kitbashed part, hes also found out people prefer custom kitbashes instead of full ports, so along with fully ported models hes doing kitbash-port combos.

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