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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. If it were lugormod using regular FFA I'd offer to admin it. Either way FFA would be the best game type to use since you can still do private dueling and have the most freedom.
  2. Why are you naming it 'face_always'? That's JK2's naming for that bone, in JA it's just 'face'.
  3. minilogoguy18

    Upcoming News

    A jkhub server would be awesome, I'd be curious to know what game type or mod it would run.
  4. Saying we need a new JK game is the worst thing ever, it will be ruined, it'll just be another mindless button masher with flashy graphics and ZERO modding capabilities. OpenJK+Rend2=The future of the series and end all, be all of lightsaber combat games IMO.
  5. Vehicle turrets work, kinda, they're really buggy and almost unusable.
  6. One is being talked about right now, you'll just have to wait for it since a new Revan is being worked on first.
  7. Looks good but needs rend2. =p I thought we were waiting for rend2 before working on characters?
  8. A lot of programs have scene layers now a days, Softimage has had them every since I can remember and I started using it at version 3. Text based UI is much better though than fancy icons, I also prefer to work mainly with keyboard shortcuts. Because of the lack of support for dotXSI 3.5 I probably wont switch as long as I'm modding JA, there really is no need to switch to another program. Either way, all you have to do is poke around any 3d forum and especially Softimage based forum to see that rather than use Maya or Max nearly every current Softimage user from hobbyist to professional will use Softimage as long as they can then if they're forced to switch they'll use a non Autodesk product.
  9. I mean I've thought about moving to Maya only because of the support that it has but I really don't wanna leave such a great program as well as take the time to learn something new. I can open Softimage and start doing anything I want to right away, I know where everything is despite being a hobbyist doing game modding I've tried to experience as much as the program as possible even if it could never benefit me as a modder. I definitely would never go back to using Max though that's for sure. @@Corto, I'll let you do all the work and remap everything then I might try out Maya. https://www.change.org/petitions/autodesk-save-softimage
  10. Yeah, Rust in Peace is definitely the best album by far. Endgame though is really similar to their older thrash style but it isn't the most recent album.
  11. I'm gonna have to download the trial and check it out.
  12. It's crazy watching videos on Autodesk's website about "new" Maya features for the 2015 version that have been features that Softimage has had since long before it was even bought by Autodesk.
  13. Eh, a little off there if you do some more reading. Houdini is a great program when it comes to being able to do a lot of things ICE does but ICE was made to beat out Houdini in simulation and it does by making the workflow simplified. Houdini is what a lot of Softimage users are looking at in terms of when the time comes where they feel they may have to move away from Softimage since support will stop as well as updates and Houdini will continue to develop. The weak point of Houdini right now though seems to be the polygon modeling tools compared to Softimage. ICE pretty much made Houdini obsolete when it came out in version 7. EDIT: @@eezstreet, I thought you lost interest in learning Mod Tool though? Seemed like you wanted to learn Blender instead based on a post you made some time back.
  14. It's not so much the software, it's just knowing how to use the tool and I can tell you now in Softimage making those 2 simple animations is like a 10 min job.
  15. @@eezstreet You can still get Softimage Mod Tool 7.5 from ModDB actually. From what other Softimage users have told me about Lightwave is that it's way behind Softimage in terms of tools and functionality. I'll just get my hands on the 2015 version of Softimage and be done with it unless Autodesk quits being a little bitch and just releases Softimage to be sold off but they're probably too afraid of what kind of competition it would make since before Autodesk acquired Softimage it was leaps and bounds ahead of Maya and Max. ICE being the biggest reason and right behind it I would say the introduction of the gigapolygon core since at the time I still would dabble in Max I stress tested the 2 programs with models that had millions of polygons and 3ds max shit the bed at a few hundred thousand, I hear it's still just as laggy to this day when it comes to high poly scenes.
  16. The animations in the 3d program are incredibly simple, it's coding them to work properly in game that will be the most work for this creature.
  17. The student license isn't an option for me since I refuse to give them any of my money, Avid got it back in the day when they offered a Foundations version, glad I never gave a penny to Autodesk for anything. If only Blenders interface wasn't so terrible since it has some ok tools but I guess you can't expect too much from something that is free.
  18. I refuse to ever support a company that plays monopoly and from what I've read it seems that every Softimage user right now is pretty much doing the same thing. Rather than take the migration offer they're just flat out cancelling all business with Autodesk and moving away from it, of course keeping 2015 indefinitely but using other software that may be needed to add into their pipelines. Big F'in deal about 32bit support, calling that any kind of serious update to say 3ds max is like a slap in the face to the user, no one who is a serious professional and most hobbyists don't even use a 32bit OS because of it's serious limitations. A 3d modeling class will only help a total virgin who has never messed around with a 3d program since you can't teach creativity. EDIT: @@eezstreet, you posted just as I was typing but not entirely sure why you only just quoted my post.
  19. You guys aren't Autodesk subscribers, you're using student licenses which expire after 3 years, subs is how they do it now, there are no stand alone licenses unless you bought an old version back when they still did it. For the tons of people out there with a Softimage subscription they either have to cancel all Autodesk service to keep Softimage, mind you some people use other softwares from the pipeline so if they keep their subscription to keep other software from Autodesk they'll be forced to migrate. So it really is affecting tons of VFX studios out there. If you guys are really interested in reading more about it though you should visit some Softimage user based forums. Yes, I could get a student license of 2015 and use it forever once it's discontinued but do you really like having a company around that just buys and kills of software. 3ds max hasn't gotten a decent update in a while, that's how it all started for Softimage, all the attention is towards Maya, don't think they wont axe 3ds max. It may have a larger user base than Softimage but Maya's is the largest. I still say they should have the decency to at least just sell the software to another developer, it would get bought real quick.
  20. Everything is going into Maya and what eezstreet is saying is probably true, have a 1 program does it all, if any of them went away it would be 3ds max rather than Maya.
  21. https://www.change.org/petitions/autodesk-save-softimage
  22. You guessed right, CAT did come from Softimage. Things can break in Softimage, it can happen in any program but preset rigs should NEVER break. Before releasing my JA biped I tried my hardest to do anything I could to break it, it's totally unbreakable, I need to make the time to carry it over to the commercial versions of Softimage. I just have no idea what they'll do about ICE, they can't ignore it, maybe it'll get integrated into Maya. If they drop it then Houdini will (it already was) become a huge competition for doing complex things with speed.
  23. It just takes way more time to achieve the same result in Softimage in terms of building a good rig. At least they took the animation mixer and renamed it to motion mixer in max, don't know if it functions the same as SI. Can't really say "well there's always character studio" since almost nobody in a professional sense uses a preset rig, way better to just learn to build your own and have way more freedom and control. Softimage has pretty good bipeds but I would never use them, the closest thing I've done to use theirs is I edited the script for one to build the feet for the AT-ST and that was it. It's also retarded that 3ds max still can't make a IK chain with the proper resolution plane and up vectors without the user having to do it after drawing a bone chain that really isn't even a bone chain until you have to go and manually add the IK solver. Both Max and Maya also suffer greatly in terms of UI, it's dumb to have everything as icons to where you have to hover your mouse over them and wait for the tool tip dialogue to show before you know what the tool is, I like plain text but I guess fancy icons are more visually appealing.
  24. This is really the end all be all of JK series modding and it's a good thing since it's founded by the modders for the modders, not run by some corporation using ad sales to gain profit like jk3files and lucasfiles/lucasforums.
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