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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. My card is a MSI R5770 Hawk with a slight overclock and I'm using Softimage Mod Tool 7.5 http://us.msi.com/product/vga/R5770_Hawk.html It all depends on the program as far as performance, I haven't compared lately but back in the day one of the main reasons I started using Softimage was because super high poly scenes that would lag kill Max would run fine in Softimage. I also use Softimage 2013 Student, Mudbox 2013 Student, Zbrush 4R6, Substance Painter and Milkshape 3D 1.8.4. No issues that I've found and I've taken models that had millions of polygons from Mudbox into Softimage.
  2. ^This, there is no such thing as modeling for JA because modeling is modeling no matter what game your doing it for, learn to use blender to create humanoid models then you learn the part on how to make it work in game.
  3. You should get your eyes checked, while they look good only because they are the same models from the KotOR games the person who ported them obviously had no idea what they were doing so they deform horribly and have all kinds of bugs. I'd take a well made community made model over a port any day, especially from an older game like that where someone could make it with more detail.
  4. Yeah, I'd like to NOT see what happened at filefront happen here because people just wont stop with the ported models. If someone wants a model they either need to request it and hope that it gets made, make it themselves or if they OWN the game it came from they can port it but they are not allowed to redistribute the content.
  5. Well then why doesn't the person who made the model submit it? I've never seen that game, mostly because I hate the series but it looks like the most boring game ever.
  6. Yeah, OpenJK isn't going to re-release the entire game so no real assets are going to be released with it, just the engine I would imagine so no point in including maps. They are good maps though. I like the launcher idea, it could be included with OJK and replace the original launcher. I'm thinking of something similar to what SWG had in a way with a progress bar at the bottom and such. You would just have to configure it upon installing OJK so that it knows where the base folder is to properly install each PK3.
  7. Cool, hands are modeled and since you guys think it's good to go I'll start grouping together the tons of primitives it was made out of and UV map it.
  8. Well I personally don't have any real interest in Maya, I'll probably use Softimage forever since it will take MANY years before they implement all the tools they're wanting to port from Softimage to Maya. It's already all been gone over in an interview I read with someone from AD.
  9. You're totally in the wrong forum, the people who would be responsible for implementing this probably wont even see this here since this forum is for idea's and issues about jkhub. You want to be in mod requests and suggestions. Go post in the OpenJK forum, something tells me they probably are already going to do this.
  10. It's too bad someone didn't grab that source code from the old Softimage website.
  11. Looking at the axis in modview with show actual tag surfaces checked will show you, I don't think all effects are the same. Saber blades do go along -X. I know it seems odd but that's just the way it is.
  12. Yeah because it could just be MS3D causing that, we need modview and in game shots.
  13. Downloading the Substance Painter trial, for the price it may be worth buying

    1. CrimsonStrife


      I'm definitely liking it, and I like Substance as a whole, so I was all over this.

  14. I personally don't think the limits other than the dynamic shadows need to be removed since with normal mapping we have no need to increase polycount, if anything we can make lower polygon models than we used to and just use normal maps to increase detail. Also, the dynamic shadows limit is something that is forced by the vanilla renderer, carcass just warns you of this but doesn't stop models from compiling. I'd imagine with rend2 this can be changed.
  15. Modeled the head and redid the topology for the main torso since it was a total mess before and would have made it a nightmare to UV map, also reduced triangle count without loss of detail. Just need the model the hands then I can start unwrapping unless there is anything anyone wants to add about the model, I'm very open to suggestions since there isn't much reference material out there.
  16. I think a null skeleton would be a little easier to look at for beginners since they may get confused on area's like the feet because of the way Maya draws bone chains.
  17. Not sure if the same limits apply to SoF2 as they do JK2/JA but in the JK series if you have a single mesh (not entire model) that is over 500 verts it will not cast dynamic shadows, this may be changed for the new render engine and was mainly the case in the vanilla renderer. The 1000 limit was something that would keep a model from loading at all, keep in mind these limits are per mesh object and every model can be made of 32 objects all together so the limit is much higher than you think, 32000 verts is the absolute maximum. Keep in mind the game engine does disconnect components along UV boundaries creating mode vertex's upon compile to GLM. About the normals, sounds like a problem on your end, I personally am using Softimage and exporting to dotXSI 3.5 (3.0 can be used but there is no point) as it's my personal software of choice and the most fool proof way of getting a proper model file since other programs tend to either have trouble exporting a clean dotXSI 3.x file or have to use a file converter which tends to mess things up.
  18. I tried to do some searching for the dotXSI Xchange for Maya (that's the name of the old plugin) but it's become nearly impossible to find a working download link since it was only primarily downloadable from the old Softimage website before Autodesk bought it out. It'd be best if the old carcass compiler were rewritten to accept dotXSI 6.0, that would solve so much.
  19. People still rockin' 4:3 monitors in 2014?! O_O Widescreen should be standard by now.
  20. It's the workflow that isn't good when it comes to 3ds max and animation is what Gir is getting at, the same result takes longer in Max than it would in Maya or Softimage, it was the sole reason which why for the first few years I was into 3d I went from being a 3ds max lover to ditching it, I started having more fun making rigs and animating them than modeling at times. @@DT85, it's no secret that the interface in Maya is probably it's biggest problem, it pretty much needs immediate customization to feel comfortable but I only used Maya for about a year after Max and it was only kinda on the side when I was transitioning to Softimage and trying to see if I'd like Maya or not. I'm sure though you can find a Maya layout that is aimed towards a Max user wanting to transition to Maya since there are tons of tutorials out there on transitioning from the 2 programs to the other. The only person on here I know you could personally bug about using Maya is @@Corto since sorry to say he probably knows more about using 3ds max on here than probably everyone but Gir and atm he's been using a mix of Maya and Softimage but I believe he customized his Maya to look and behave like Softimage. @@Archangel35757, there was a dotXSI exporter for Maya 7 I believe, seen models exported with Maya to JA before, just not sure of the version of Maya that had the plugin, all it would take is a rewrite like you did for Max's plugin to bring it up to date with the newer versions.
  21. @@eezstreet, I figured I should just post this here since altering the code to reorient the tags for viewmodels probably would bork other GLM models since GLM and MD3 handle tags differently. This picture should explain. So if you were say to just convert all existing MD3 view models to GLM you'd have to alter all the tags simply just because both formats do not handle tags the same way even though they both use tags which is strange IMO. Also in case most people who don't model didn't know the local transforms of a tag have absolutely no value once in GLM or MD3 format, it uses the edges and their length to determine it's new local transforms once converted. I know this is a really late post but figured it could help people see what edge of a right triangle determines the axis in the 2 formats, from there game code dictates what axis does what. Like for instance saber blades always go along the tags -X for GLM.
  22. I know this is really late but this is what I have so far, some of it I've kinda had to make up as I go along, not going to show one with a wireframe overlay yet since I already know the topology is total garbage on the inner part of the torso since it's just blocked out right now. Just really need to model the head and hands at this point. Let me know if anything seems off since I need as much input on this model as possible due to the severe lack of reference material out there. I feel like 10 people could make this model and each one will come out vastly different since there are no good images of him so a lot of it is just made up.
  23. This thread topic makes absolutely no sense at all.
  24. I definitely do but I think that some off site advertising would need to be done once it's either complete or really close to it, maybe like a showoff on modDB or something once rend2 is fully implemented. You can't expect everyone to come here and know about this site.
  25. That's a really good model of the govenator.
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