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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It is in game, been in game for a long time actually. Needs turning animations, even though they only work in openjk and it'll actually be done. Was considering releasing this outside of the mod since no one is really working on it anymore. If there were more people using Softimage I'd even release the scene file as a learning tool and example but I don't think anyone would use it.
  2. By any chance is anyone here playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3?

  3. I don't think anyone is going to respond unless they know what they're getting themselves into. There are very few people who I can think of off the top of my head that can do character animations and that's if they're still active.
  4. Kylo Ren was such a bitch and I hated his lightsaber the more I saw it. Leia should at least have had a saber on her hip but it was nowhere to be found.
  5. Yeah, the only time I would recycle one of the base non humanoid skeletons is if it had similar proportions to what you're making but otherwise just make your own skeleton and animation set. Even for the AT-ST I made my own and didn't use the Raven set even though I could easily have.
  6. I'm glad that the source has been passed onto someone willing to work on it, to me it was the most fun mod to play, it added so many dynamics to the game without the need to download anything.
  7. Yeah, I am getting splits in the GLM BUT the normals match along the seams making it very hard to see but I'm sure under certain conditions it may be noticed but you'd really have to be looking for it. On my end the dotXSI file isn't split along the UV boundaries. @@Archangel35757, if you can have carcass modified by someone then I like DT85's idea, see if we can get the compiler to run in reverse.
  8. @@Archangel35757 First image shows the inner part of the thumb which you can see the texture seam where it isn't quite perfect, the vertexes are all welded along that seam. The second image I disconnected and you can see the vertex normal lines now making "V's" from there being 2 vertexes sharing the same space and having different normals. Now, it's hard to see but in the third image you can see that the vertex's along the seam share a common normal. After further inspection carcass is responsible for splitting edges along UV boundaries BUT for some reason my normals are being preserved so that the seam isn't noticeable but I saw the telltale vertex count increase in ModView which means my edges are getting split BUT it's not affecting the normals. Need to dig more but this could also mean that for whatever reason I may be able to work with custom normals where you guys it seems to be ignored when you use your smoothing groups. EDIT: I'm also just kinda guessing that my edges are getting split along UV boundaries based on the increased vertex count but wouldn't know for sure unless someone imported the GLM file, the dotXSI file has no splits when I import it.
  9. All you really need is a model where 1 mesh has more than 1 UV island, the exporter will cut the edges of that mesh along the UV boundaries causing the seam that you'll see due to boundary edges having forced hard edges. You might also wanna look into a way to preserve polygon normals, that may have more to do with carcass and the MDX format though but making sure that normals are preserved by say exporting to dotXSI then importing the dotXSI back into either Max or Softimage to make sure the normals are at least exported on your end properly.
  10. @@Archangel35757 if you really wanna narrow it down then why not just give me something exported from 3ds Max.
  11. Just realized Finn is using Anakin's blue lightsaber.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrXann


      What so important about Anakins lightsaber.

    3. Tempust85


      That was like the first thing I noticed. The theme of the movie appears to be to do with Anakin's lightsaber.

    4. Circa


      Kind of a big deal, since that saber fell down the shaft in Cloud City. We haven't seen it since then, so I'm looking forward to finding out how it was found.

  12. UV's don't have their own normals, what happens is the model gets split around the UV boundaries, import the models and see for yourself. You can view vertex normals in ModView, it seems that the model isn't being split by it's UV islands according to what I'm seeing in ModView.
  13. Pics from what? Softimage, ModView or in game? EDIT: This brings me back to another topic that needs to be brought back up, ModView really needs shader support and a possible scene light that can maybe be moved around, fuck all the other jargon that was requested for it, this would make the program leaps and bounds more useful for finding issues with models.
  14. @@Archangel35757 I'd have to check but before I do I can tell you what really happens. The normals aren't exactly the problem, what happens is the edges along the UV boundaries are disconnected which then in turn alters the normals as that is what happens when you have a boundary edge. You need to get to the source as to why the edges along UV boundaries become disconnected, it seems to be something either with carcass or the MDX format itself. EDIT: Well, seems that it is just limited to 3ds Max because Kain only shows different normals along mesh boundaries, UV seams do not appear to be split, or at least I couldn't see it.
  15. No they do not, the gas shot hits the saber blade then makes a cloud of gas that deals damage to the player.
  16. There are tons of videos on youtube on how to use blender, there is no such thing as modeling specifically for JA, modeling is modeling.
  17. Well you need to import the skeleton again, pose your model to match the JA bones then export. You cannot adjust the root pose.
  18. Wrong, I've never had any formal teaching and I'm capable of quite a lot, even things that most here are not. What software are you using? Software is really only limited by the UI, the terminology is all the same. I've used tutorials for 3ds Max, Maya and Blender to do things in Softimage, a lot of the technical lingo crosses over, just UI and hotkeys are different. In case you haven't noticed, I don't use 3DS Max, used to but that was over a decade ago.
  19. You have to adjust the model to match the JA skeleton, the bones cannot be moved.
  20. The problem is that the local transforms are not set to 0,0,0 in global space BEFORE weighing. I can't do it for you, just give advice.
  21. I grew up poor and started working at 14, you can have a nice computer if you REALLY want it.
  22. Lol, agree with Ashura, why did so many games get the proportions of the AT-ST wrong?
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