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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. It looks really nice, I really like the fact that it's a colorful character. It'd be really boring if he was covered in black robes or something like that. It'll be interesting to see more renditions of the character.
  2. Is this model your work alone? If it is so, I wouldn't butcher it with HapSlash's Anakin's head. Yes, his model is great, but so many models abuse it that it's actually nice to see your rendition of it. At least it's coherent with the rest of the body and it looks like TCW Anakin. Also, blue colored suit looks great, Prequel Star Wars is a colorful place, and it the model fits that aesthethic. This is just my opinion, of course, I expect not to offend anybody here.
  3. Can you mix the Human_Merc model with the Rockettrooper's jetpack and a cool alien head? Not a character request, but it'd be cool to play with some different looking NPCs.
  4. Well, don't know much of this project of yours, but those screenshots certainly look interesting.
  5. I think you're single-handedly keeping the modding community alive. Your map looks gorgeous.
  6. Isn't this ship in the a tatooine-themed map in Movei Battles II? It's that one ship you get on to escape the planet.
  7. The only distracting thing are those shadows in the head tails thing, does that also happen with the base twi'lek models?
  8. This is glorious! I love the fact that you created a henchmen and not a main character. Everybody needs some good ol regular dudes to fight with or against. I bet it'll be awesome to see this guy in your sarlacc's map.
  9. Hooray! Since I guess not everybody is familiar with this tusken's model, more screenshots comparing your edition and the old one would be neato.
  10. So far I've liked everything you (and your brother) have done, so if you can please do release it.
  11. After watching TCW I think George has great ideas but needs talented people to execute them. When I think in Anakin as a character, I picture him as his TCW self, not the prequels'.
  12. Me parece interesante aunque aún no entiendo completamente de qué se trata el proyecto SCP, es algo así como una campaña SinglePlayer para Jedi Knight?
  13. Kel bros 4 life On topic: There are some vader models without the helmet, right? Maybe someone can make a frankenstein between that head and Hapslash's Obi-wan model.
  14. I am not entierly sure, I love playing as Sheev and spamming the 'unlimited powah' taunt. But maybe that's because I like the character, not because he's an evil grandpa.
  15. Noodle


    If someone could make a reskin of this model, it would be cool.
  16. There is an A-wing vehicle in the map Deathstar Trench v2 by Darth Zappa, I can't download it from Filefront since I'm not from the U.S, but this is the filefront link: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Deathstar_Trench_v20;34057 This youtube video shows the vehicle in action: https://youtu.be/2TiygtLz1j8?t=1m10s Hope you can manage to download it.
  17. I can't really help with your request, but that is an amazing drawing, do you have more posted somewhere else?
  18. I think your map is one of the best looking WIP yet, it looks huge, how big is it?
  19. Here you can download his Kubaz model, it's pretty good.
  20. I'm really enjoying watching the progres of your map, I'm certain it is far better than anything I could do. Shame about the depression though, but its nice to have things to do to keep your mind distracted from negative feelings. Keep the good work going!
  21. Could be much better, but for a first skin this is great, keep it up and i'm sure you'll do some great stuff in the near future.
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