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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I thought there was already a Kylo Ren model out there
  2. Just a suggestion, but Is it possible to have a dirtier version of the blaster? I'd imagine that a gun that was used on so many scenarios on a big scale war would have some rust or dirt on it.
  3. The shapes and flags remind me of nazi architecture, which is nice, since it's so awe-inspiring. Big statues and corridors make one feel small, which makes sense when you take into account sith lords are always looking for ways to learn more, and thus, become 'bigger' in a metaphorical sense.
  4. Hapslash work was just too good for this world.
  5. I've been working on my own SP campaign!
  6. Might be a silly question, but english is not my native language so I'll still ask. What's the difference between value and price?
  7. Very impressive! I don't think you need to tell us his origin story, from a narrative point of view, sometimes it's much better if you're subtle with it. Don't tell it in a straightforward manner, but leave us some clues ingame so we can get to know it if we pay attention!
  8. Yoda says Luke will be the Last of the Jedi, but I don't think that means there are no other jedi-like force users. I think it just means that there won't be any more people that follow that school of thought. It's already been established in the new canon that there are practitioners of the force that aren't either Jedi or Sith, like the Nightsisters, the Dagoyan Masters, Maz Kanata or some characters in Star Wars Uprising.
  9. I mean, that's Ashley's normal voice. I don't really mind about it since most women don't change their voice that much after puberty, but how did you picture Ahsoka's old voice in your mind?
  10. That's the voice of a 34 year old woman though.
  11. There are more choices, like him disregarding the path of the force completly.
  12. He looks classier now, like Count Dooku or General Grievous!
  13. KOTOR 2 ends in Malachor V, this was just Malachor. I like Darth Maul, he's basically the Star Wars version of Sisyphus, always scheming and advancing through the galaxy, just to fail when he's close to the top.
  14. How did you render chewbacca's textures into Modview? And hooray for Poggle the Lesser!
  15. I'm amazed by your screenshots, never heard of your mod before but it looks great!
  16. Siege Destroyer is an incredibly fun map for LAN parties that was done by Raven if I recall correctly.
  17. Cool! One of the coolest things of the new disney canon is seeing droids from the prequels on the galactic empire timeline.
  18. Scavenger skills sound like lots of fun, but isn't expertice with explosives something that maybe a Saboteur-like class would do?
  19. But, to quote Darth Vader "Revenge is not the jedi way"!
  20. Noodle


    Con esto podré matar Mon Calamaris en paz
  21. Doesn't matter if they're plastic or fleshy, buttcheeks always have an effect on people.
  22. Since when a movie with space samurai wizards like Star Wars is realistic?
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