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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I think @@Barricade24 was onto something with the Shadow Stormtrooper. Looks like they may actually be in the movie after all. Also.. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
  2. Check out the new scene from the Korean Star Wars Trailer:
  3. Keep an eye out for the Third Trailer to Star Wars The Force Awakens next weekend 15th August.
  4. That's not the Drone we're looking for. Move along, move along.
  5. I think the guy who voiced Darth Vader in Soul Calibur IV would be equivalent. http://soulcalibur.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Vader It says on the Wikia his name is Matt Sloan. Here's some preview of his voice:
  6. I'm going to release a robed Kylo. DT will work on the movie version when he has time.
  7. I photoshopped the color in
  8. Try the hair from here http://jkhub.org/files/file/1121-hs-obi-wan-kenobi-rots/ Then just re-texture it.
  9. Give him brown hair and it looks like poop on his head. Not much choice.
  10. And an update. Thanks @@Circa for the source.
  11. So I was trying to help out in a Thread for the original Anakin Skywalker model, and came across this photo: Now this image struck me as it represents Darth Vader (Sebastian Shaw) and Obi Wan Kenobi (Alec Guiness) as their young counterparts. It is almost like it was a picture taken on the set of Star Wars Episode III in the 1960's. I decided to try to bring life to it (also trying out my texturing skills on this crappy Windows 8.1 computer). This is what I have so far This is still a Work In Progress as I have yet to color Ben's Robe and the background is imperfect. So yeah. I'm a nerd. No regrets.
  12. It will be better to make a younger version like this: (On the left). Give him Dark Brown hair for Young Anakin then give him Grey hair for the Ghost Anakin. You only need to model the head. The body can just be re-textured.
  13. Check it out: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=123765 It will feature the original Stormtroopers! I also heard we will see Darth Vader also. This is going to be great!
  14. I don't have experience with that program. This is why I need someone to help me.
  15. I have 2 seperate .stl model files that need putting together and converting to .glm This must be done privately. If anyone can help me convert it, I will PM the file. Thanks
  16. Getting used to making mods on Windows 8.1.. I still prefer Windows 7.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sentra
    3. Daedra


      Well i'd rather not upgrade to Windows 10. I don't want my searches tracked.

    4. minilogoguy18


      That's easily fixed

  17. Haven't frankensteined the model yet but I was messing with textures.. Truly magical how a simple texture edit can transform something. I'll keep working on it.
  18. Good luck with your skins, it will be nice to see what you come up with.
  19. I would appreciate your effort if you did that sometime in the future, but I will just be making a Frankenstein and Reskin for Kylo. But you, you have the talent to make an entirely new model, which of course takes longer to do. But there's a chance I may require your help with the version of Kylo i'm working on, but that may be in the near future. (If you can, of course).
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