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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Hi. I need this download: https://web.archive.org/web/20121230090328/http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/C3PO_v2;33568 If anyone has it can they send it to me? It is for a new mod. Thanks.
  2. Looks good, the lines and the buckle need minor improvements, but overall looks better
  3. Yes but still add the 2 lines around the body. And the buckle.. it has 2 small gaps either side.. But other than this it looks great
  4. Here: The 2 red lines under the chest go directly around the body. I'm not sure how it looks from the back however. Edit: Try using Anakins hair on him then making the front part grey. Also the belt should be plain.. it has these: A pouch on his back, also to the left side, that metal brace to hold his saber is there. As for the front: It only has this buckle with the 4 metal dots. The buckle should be a simple re-texture
  5. Try these: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1007-supreme-chancellor-palpatine/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/2163-lightsources-joker-model/ Perhaps editing those can make it look close.
  6. Just throwing this out there in case anyone is up to the task.
  7. The hair is more like Dooku's : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1122-hs-count-dooku-rots/
  8. Got one for you if you get bored. http://jkhub.org/topic/5571-darth-mauls-personal-assassin-droid-c-3px/ I have no models to link for you so I do not know where you would get the weapon models.
  9. Amazing work, so refreshing to see new models. 5 stars!
  10. I like it, very nice attempt! I'm glad that EPVII mods are starting to show up. But when it gets nearer to Christmas there will probably be some entirely new models to work with. I know that there are EPVII characters on peoples "to-do" list, so it will be interesting to see what can be created around January 2016. Anywho.. I will rate 4 stars, I will only take out one star because it is a skin not a new model (no offense to you, it's just it is refreshing when you see a new model, only my opinion here). Outstanding job anyway I will be downloading and using this!
  11. Without the helmet and with the actor Daniel Craig's head (since he is making a cameo as a stormtrooper in the movie) that would be cool a lot B)
  12. Take a gander: I like your reskin alot, but I think we will need a new model like the image, but I have no doubt you would give a new model a great skin.
  13. Got a cool image of the new stormtrooper I know there may be some people on JKHub who may use this as a profile picture But this image has a little more details, also shows how the lighting works on the armor, reflection-wise.
  14. This page has a lot of images of the official Stormtrooper toy: http://www.businessinsider.com/star-wars-force-awakens-first-order-stormtrooper-sdcc-san-diego-2015-7?IR=T It has a lot of images that MAY help with the detail.
  15. Every time it looks more and more realistic. Can't wait for the release! Nice job on the Holster too, whoever makes the weapons will have to make sure it fits your model.
  16. Will look amazing once the legs are complete but great job so far, very impressive.
  17. I think that is the jump where you jump+attack at the same time. I use that all the time and I think it would be nice to have the option to turn it on and off, I mean it can get annoying when you are playing as Yoda or a Jawa.
  18. It was fresh for me getting the first confirmed news that they would make an EPVII. I usually read the plots on Wikipedia if I have trouble understanding the movie from watching it first. That's just me.
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