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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Taking this one up myself with help.
  2. Actually it is only the eyes that need fixing, everything else looks perfect for lighting.
  3. But that is assuming that they are made to be cut off or not. Perhaps they cannot be cut off? Lets see how the movie makes that work.
  4. I agree. The Staff was very effective and changed alot of peoples view on such an absurd design (prior to movie release opinion). Now it has been perfectly integrated into the Expanded Universe. It will be the same development for the Crossguard Saber. But of course, opinions will be opinions. But in 10 years time we will probably have a full knowledge of the Crossguard Saber as we do with the Saber Staff and will be just as enjoyed. I think being able to avoid having your hand cut off is very effective. And IF the mini blades get cut off then it will be a regular Saber which is what you would prefer, right? Win - win.
  5. Lets say for example you heard that from multiple people about the Staff cutting off the leg (and you haven't seen the movie to know how it handles), of course you could believe it or not, it is pure speculation, but lets say you did believe it (as example). It comes to the moment you see the movie and see how effective the Staff is, changing your view on it. I'm not trying to alter your opinion, all I am saying is that the movie has a great way of debunking speculation, regardless of which side of the arguement is believed.
  6. Which tatooine map is that? Where can I get a download of it?
  7. Well medieval swords are made the same and you don't see anyones hands being chopped off and they have the exact same guards. And like i said, the same thing happened with the Staff in Episode 1. Everyone kept saying he could cut off his own leg. Do you believe that now after seeing the movie?
  8. He doesn't realise that design is made specifically to prevent this from happening: It saves money on buying a replacement hand plus it looks nice too. This is what nobody pays attention to. They think Kylo will hold the saber in a certain way that he will burn his fingers off. I doubt he is that much of an amateur. But the same thing happened when Episode 1 was going to release, they made fun of the staff saber, then after actually watching the movie they realised it was great. I believe that is the same case with Episode 7.
  9. An amazing attempt at this character, it even has 2 versions! 5 stars for the time and effort.
  10. I actually kinda like it.. as long as it remains the ONLY saber with 3 blades. It would look ridiculous having EVERYONE using different colored crosses.
  11. I'd be happier with Darth Revan, at least his design is... more. But still, he may turn out to be better than expected.
  12. Why have you made 2 request threads for the same thing? Here is the second one: http://jkhub.org/topic/6089-request-vinny-griffin/ I understand you want models created, you are not the only one! But seriously, if you keep making multiple threads then nobody will want to help out as much, hence Jolly's response.
  13. Well there will be a new Trailer for TFA very soon: http://www.fashionnstyle.com/articles/70084/20150801/star-wars-7-spoilers-third-force-awakens-trailer-debuting-at-2015-d23-expo.htm So lets hope I can get a snippet of Finn's and Phasma's voices so I can make a decent sound pack.
  14. Here's a reference for the "Jedi Finn" clothes
  15. Daedra


    Nice tool for beginners, but that is not my case. 5 stars anyway it is very helpful.
  16. I've helped dark_apprentice so when he updates it there will be fixed height, caps and sounds.
  17. Thought I would bump my own topic. Only for the purpose that all EPVII mods are starting to turn up now.
  18. Which means she needs a generic female voice edited to sound like a Stormtrooper
  19. You have done a very nice job here in bringing your character to JKA. To me it looks like something out of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.. and that's a good thing because I love that game. This character is very unique and looks very menacing! It would be a very fine addition to JKA. Looking forward to more updates soon.
  20. If it was to be made, it would have to replace a JAWA. Then in the NPC file just make it very tall and alter the height crouch etc. But it is a good idea to use a JAWA as a base to work around.
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