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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. So what's the prize? Is there 1st 2nd and 3rd place prizes?
  2. Hi. I have recently been trying to get help on fixing all of the bugs for the Kylo Ren model here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2431-epvii-kylo-ren/ But unfortunately I received no help, only advices to fix it myself. I am only a texturer so i'm not good with fixing things. So I am putting this Thread here in case anyone at all would kindly help fix the errors in their spare time. I shall list every error which the model has, if someone would help I would very much appreciate it and would be credited for the help. I don't mean to be rude in saying this but I don't want people giving me advice on how I should fix it myself.. I just really need someone to literally fix the errors for me then there are no more disturbances in the force. Error list:
  3. Now we got another "Lando wearing Han's outfit" thing going on.
  4. There's a better robotic arm here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2127-savage-opress-robotic-arm-hoods/ Try it out then compare them both to see which is better. At least that way there is an author to give credit to.
  5. It's only a BETA sound pack people.. just like the Captain Phasma sound pack I made. Better that than no sounds at all IMO.
  6. Yeah it has them missing but go ahead send it over I can update it tomorrow once I finish work. I doubt it would matter for now anyway though since the model spawns as Kyle Katarn in MP so it would never show the team skins until that's fixed anyway. Check out the WIP Thread see the error I posted.. see if you can fix the bone problem so then the team skins should work. But yeah i'm stoked this turned out as good as it has, bugs and all
  7. There are no other versions, just the final version installed as a .pk3 And it's released. Considered a 1.0 for now as the bugs are attempted to be fixed. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2431-epvii-kylo-ren/ @@Kualan Any chance you could take a look into the bone problem?
  8. The version of the model before all the extra robes were added loaded fine in MP.. so something happened during modification
  9. Also on default JKA stances the model looks weird and the left hand doesn't hold the saber correctly and theres a random 09 default shader error when spawning so it ain't perfect lol Plus in MP the model keeps loading as Kyle Katarn not Kylo Ren
  10. Y U NO npc spawn chewie? P.S. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2381-han-solo-skin-swtfa-teaser-version/
  11. Too late. I will update with the others once it's been approved (since you only told me now after I uploaded it!) lol
  12. Download Kylo when its approved I updated it from the version you have
  13. you can turn swaying off though.. I know that is an option in MP
  14. I'll just leave it be then, it looks fine without it anyway Uploaded pending approval. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2431-epvii-kylo-ren/
  15. 14,405 downloads

    ******FINAL UPDATE****** Along with the complete Soundpack, I am altering the title of this model of Kylo Ren. This Kylo Ren model now represents the Concept version, not the final movie version. An image has been added to show you how the Concept version looks. FILENAME: zz_EPVII_KYLO_REN.pk3 FILESIZE: 14.2 mb DATE RELEASED: August, 16th 2015 UPDATED: February, 7th 2016 CREDITS to: Myself Kualan dark_apprentice Jolly Jeff Toshi DT85 Hapslash Almighty_gir TOR Team INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_EPVII_KYLO_REN.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: Here is the big bad villain from Star Wars The Force Awakens: Kylo Ren. The production of this character has been a bit of a mess and has gone through alot of surgery to get to this stage. Here it finally is! Kylo: npc spawn kyloren playermodel kyloren ****UPDATE**** -------------- New Soundpack! -------------- BUGS: Model can be a little shaky in SP with default stances and a random shader error (not too much of a problem). COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This modification requires a further 2 mods to be installed for Kylo Ren's lightsaber to work properly. Please download and install the modifications from the following links for the best experience possible: Download from here first: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2214-kylo-rens-lightaber-adx/ Second download from here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2218-kylo-ren-sith-unstable-saber-sw-episode-7/ Please thank the creators of the lightsaber as it is a masterpiece! That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  16. Quickly send me the updated shader.. lol Only need the code No Poe Dameron?
  17. That would be ALOT better.. rather than the camera staying in one place and being able to see through the models head
  18. Gonna get @@dark_apprentice to add some team skins and SP Support then i'll make a few final tweaks and release it
  19. I already posted that lol you're getting slower xD Yeah that's Lukes saber
  20. It requires using a specific model that has invisible parts and the crappy camera angle makes you see the cuts of the model. It honestly is not good at all. But from the look of your screenshot it looks alot cleaner and overall better
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