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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. And i've updated the arm texture again, looks more like the movie Kylo now. @@Kualan please check messages and no hard feelings
  2. Taken a look at kylos boots here: Going to borrow the boots from @@dark_apprentice palpatine model: That combined with the new arms it should be a nice update coming soon.
  3. @@AshuraDX Not perfect by any means but it's smooth. Edit: Made a brand new texture.
  4. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    I took ALL my modded .pk3 files out and it still gives me that error with sabers not loading properly
  5. The default luke arms seem to be fine for the job. I'll look further into it.
  6. Please can we keep the updates in the Kylo WIP Thread. Thanks
  7. Those cameras are texture mapping him which means he will most likely battle someone since texture mapping means to create... a CGI version of the character for huge epic scenes. Nice but he needs a slightly fatter model to work on since he is not that skinny anymore.
  8. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    Yes the orange blade is different due to the Kylo Ren saber No never altered the efx file
  9. So here's an update. Thanks to @@Kualan for joining me on this project.
  10. So here's a brand new character in the new movie "Constable Zuvio" :
  11. @@DT85 Now you can add it to your model
  12. The OP has the same image.. Both images are the same I removed text from the version in the OP.
  13. Took his Saber, His Clothes and his Motorcycle
  14. That's because it IS that image without the logo..
  15. Yep making another request. BUT I have an official image of the new Luke. Here ya go. Updated image of the official toy which matches perfectly:
  16. So Entertainment Weekly has this for their magazine cover: So I made this..
  17. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    Went into a Solo session and it still spams me with the same error.. And the saber is still weird.
  18. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    It is a mod. And my JAMP doesn't even load lol But even like that everyone elses Saber doesn't load properly either
  19. Release date.. HOPEFULLY before September 1st. Screenshots there will most likely be at least 2 more updates before release with screenshots.
  20. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    I appreciate the help but it just spammed even more. I think it is connected to the Saber not loading properly
  21. Daedra

    NULL Shader?

    Can someone tell me why I get this using OpenJK MP.. It literally spams me with it when I open the console. Also my Saber does not show properly..
  22. Just went online with it. Full Server and Saber Only. Got to first place since everyone was stopping staring at the Kylo model lol so Epic they even joined me wtf
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