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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Just use Starkillers hair it looks the same
  2. Knights of the Fallen Empire is amazing. Don't knock it until you try it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daedra


      It is out if you are beta testing

    3. Daedra


      And KOTOR was great too

    4. Sentra


      Played after beta, even bought 1 month premium >.<

  3. Just another suggestion but I believe this one can be accomplished. Jace Malcom:
  4. Nice attempt at this character. 5 stars for putting your time into it for the community.
  5. I think he means he will wait for the update
  6. Could probably get away with short arms and legs. If I saw this thing in-game I would put it out of its misery permanently
  7. Agreed. Though I would like to see the other characters, here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6094-thexan-arcann/ Arcann is the coolest with the broken mask and robotic arm.
  8. I never altered the saturation that is the light source
  9. I agree some of them are terrible. But this Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion has some promising models
  10. I would have said to use parts from Lando: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2205-lando-calrissian/ Other than that, you could always get someone to frankenstein a Mace Windu head to the stormtrooper body then work from that. For frankenstein requests, I summon @@JAWSFreelao
  11. Daedra

    Captain Keeli

    Nice! Man I hope you make a Jace Malcom in the future.. that would be EPIC.
  12. You did great looks fine to release as a 1.0
  13. Found a bug. The cape is invisible from distance. Needs fixing
  14. I will let the picture speak for itself.
  15. That would be perfect, then it could be improved on with other members input.
  16. I'm sure if you are a Star Wars fan, you know who these characters are already. For those who need a reminder: Thexan: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Thexan Arcann: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Arcann I really think these characters would be great for JKA. I'll put up references of both characters below. Thexan: Arcann: Other references:
  17. Very nice! I wish I knew what his voice was like so I can make a Sound Pack. Any references?
  18. I knew they would have to enter JKA eventually.
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