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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I am sure someone can frankenstein a few things together to recreate it.
  2. There was actually some alternate artwork of Jango Fett: And a version with the helmet:
  3. A reference picture would be a nice addition.
  4. This is the Theme song for Man Of Steel, but I made the video myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRV1DlAJ5kQ
  5. Then why provide the ability to delete the Topic if you can't? Where's the logic in that? And I don't really always like bothering Staff when I can just delete it in 2 clicks. And you are only highlighting something very specific to prove your point. I am talking generally. Yes there might be a Topic which holds an arguement, that doesn't automatically mean the creator will delete the Topic, he will just use his common sense and report the person(s) instead. But that is distracting from the point of the Creator wanting to delete their Topic, not the issue of dealing with idiots in the comments. Those are two seperate issues entirely. And no, I disagree that Staff should be entirely aware of any Topic removal. If that was the case then the Topic Moderation wouldn't even exist as an option to begin with, but as eezstreet stated, it works in some Categories but not others. If it works in some Categories, it should work in all Categories. Unless of course the Staff should know everything, then you could just remove the option entirely if that is such an important factor.
  6. Art, Media & Technology. I don't think that's fair, you should be allowed to delete any topic you create, no matter where it is. Can we get a fix for it?
  7. https://i.gyazo.com/f65a44af803ff43ce33df8dfe75d2ec1.png Edit: Any topic created by oneself.
  8. There's an option to delete your own Topic in "Topic Moderation". Why doesn't it work?
  9. The only other screenshot possible is of the side of Lukes Head in the Episode VIII Production Trailer.
  10. Honestly I myself am happy with the version I made, so I probably won't bother much with Blu-Ray audio rips. I will wait for the LEGO Force Awakens game to come out to see what audio I can salvage from that (LEGO Games tend to have alternate dialogue which would be nice to have). I know @@Sithani ripped some of Kylo Ren's voice from the movie too, so I have no doubt if you and him teamed up, you could easily rip every single audio clip of Kylo Ren from both the movie and possibly the Deleted Scenes coming out soon, and could put together a Soundpack from the movie (as mine is basically a Disney Infinity 3.0 Kylo Ren Soundpack). Once the LEGO Force Awakens game comes out I will work on some more Soundpacks.
  11. Already requested (sort of). https://jkhub.org/topic/6787-roaming-npcs/ Using the forum Search is a wonderous thing. @@Barricade24
  12. I have updated the download to make it into the Concept Art version of Kylo Ren, rather than the movie version. Image of the Concept Version:
  13. I did mean specifically for the Request Section I understand other areas have their own guidelines. And yeah, banning for a week would be extreme, which would make bumping stop. It's like saying "Don't touch that apple or I'll cut your hand off." That apple now has pretty good security.
  14. These legs would do nice. P.S. This image is of technology, some serious hardware.
  15. I think this rule partially exists already, in regards to bumping Threads. I know there's a rule against necro bumping Threads (meaning to post in an old Thread to bring it to the top of the Forum). I would ask for a strict rule against bumping Threads at all. My reasoning: I notice there are some request Threads which have been created very recently, and the Original Poster is bumping the Thread, just because he/she hasn't had help already. Yet there are many other request Threads which haven't had any help and had been created a longer time ago, and those Original Posters have not bumped their own Threads due to no help. I think it's getting a bit out of control, I mean, you made a request Thread, that's fine, but bumping it yourself knowing fully that there are many other requests that should have the equal oppurtunity? If someone wants to help you, they will help. Bumping Threads is not the solution. A rule should be put in place where if you bump a thread twice you get banned for a week.
  16. Just cut her in half and give her droid legs. That should do it nicely.
  17. You could raid this link: https://facepunch.com/forumdisplay.php?f=40&order=desc You'd be able to find ripped models from the game but you'd have to port them to Jedi Academy/Outcast yourself, and it would only be for your own personal use.
  18. Not unless the words are spoken without any background noise then it wouldn't be very good quality. I may try to obtain some from the LEGO Force Awakens game, at least it will use the voices from the movie with an option to remove background noise. That ain't coming out for a while though.
  19. Already suggested. https://jkhub.org/topic/5560-swtor-stances-animations/ @@Barricade24
  20. Use Audacity to chop the silent parts out, that's what I would do.
  21. Yeah for some reason the audio is weird in the game. The way to fix it is to have your audio options like this: Keep the Voice volume at maximum, but keep the other 2 volumes a fraction above 0. The Music and sound effects will remain loud and the voices will be easier to hear.
  22. Just throwing out some random images I've put together out of boredom. It's all 1980's stuff. Kung Fury #1 Kung Fury #2
  23. Thanks for putting my point into less words.
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