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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I kinda deleted it in rage. But it was basically this: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2091-enhanced-protocol-replacement/ Only I altered the "yellow" textures to a white color and altered the contrast. It's just the shine textures don't make it look like the Chrome Silver that should look like the reference pictures, but in-game. I tried white, that didn't work, so I tried to make it darker, didn't work, nothing seems to work. I want to create this in-game: That sort of reflection chrome. It just beats me so I rage out.
  2. @@AshuraDX May I get your permission? Edit: Nevermind. I just can't get a really good chrome effect on a protocol droid with a super bright shiny chrome that has ultra reflection.
  3. It would be nice to have an update on the characters. The request Thread is here: https://jkhub.org/topic/6094-thexan-arcann/ I know @@RevanKnight uploaded a BETA of Arcann too: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2679-arcann-beta/ Not sure if that helps at all @@Jeff
  4. Still need a better one.. with better chrome shine possibly with better use of a shader/specs.
  5. Ok so I am taking on TC-14. I will revolutionize JK Modding with brand new Chrome which could be used for Maps, Playermodels, Vehicles, Weapons, anything. Download, pending approval: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2853-tc-14/
  6. I'll re-enter these just for fun. Note: These images use my Custom Concept/hand-made images from a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. All pictures dimensions are 3840x2160. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ff218d466484586 http://www.imagebam.com/image/1a3882466484709
  7. At the end of TFA, there were scars on his face. Perhaps you could add some "healed" scars on his face that match the ones in TFA? Perhaps this: But on the opposite side of the face.
  8. Yeah.. I know that. Compare the McQuarrie versions of R2-D2 and C-3PO with the version in your first draft image. They are identical. The other requests I threw in for extra measure (in case you decided to request those too!)
  9. Droids were already requested: https://jkhub.org/topic/6296-mcquarrie-c-3po-r2-d2/ ROTJ Luke here: https://jkhub.org/topic/5412-new-jedi/ Boba Fett here: https://jkhub.org/topic/6543-mcquarrie-boba-fett/ And somewhere there was a request Thread for Darth Vader too McQuarrie version.
  10. It's actually complete. Expect a release soon from @@dark_apprentice
  11. Scratch model? 0% Frankensteined model? 60% by dark_apprentice
  12. Yeah, totally. I know someone on here backed up JK3files, so I think they could do it again for Gamefront.
  13. Once it closes down, FilesNation will open up and everything should be re-hosted there, assuming a backup of all the files has been made.
  14. I never gave permission for this and I was not asked. Please remove this.
  15. You realise you can use that without the saber right? You just have to change the animations around. (Don't ask me how though, I forgot entirely).
  16. Hands to side anim? Check out the blue stance here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1159-star-wars-stances-animated/
  17. If you are looking for lower pitched swing sounds, I may have the very thing. Go here: https://jkhub.org/topic/5696-psyk0siths-darth-malgus-update-addon/ It is my audio update for Psyk0Sith's Darth Malgus. It contains a complete Malgus soundpack, and also includes brand new saber sounds. The saber sounds is what you will want to take a look at though. Try installing that addon, and trying out Malgus' saber in-game. Hopefully it makes the deeper swing sounds you want (I don't recommend listening to them directly from the audio clips in the pk3, they sound weird, but they sound fine in-game). These sounds only work for that particular saber, it does not alter the default saber sounds. But I think those may be the swing sounds you're looking for, which you can feel free to use.
  18. Yeah, people tend to leave and set-up on another site with new contact information. We just need an investigator to find it out where he's gone.
  19. Then someone better turn into Inspector Gadget and find out how to contact him about that WIP!
  20. The only reason I bumped is because first I really want this! But second I was wondering if you could include the Battlefront version of Kit Fisto (shirtless) :
  21. You could replace the default saber sounds, but that would be for all sabers. If the OP only wanted sounds for specific sabers, such as Kylo's Saber and Anakin's Saber, then the .sab file can be used to attatch the audio specifically to that saber. It all depends on the direction the OP wants to go.
  22. http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/276371-new-twilek-skin-wip.html
  23. You add them via the .sab file. You would need a lightsaber model too, though.
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