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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Please stop bumping your request. Continue this any more and I will report you, because the amount you have already bumped is crazy ridiculous, there are much older requests that haven't been bumped as much.
  2. It's simple. Take a look at the voice packs here: https://jkhub.org/topic/6867-character-soundpacks/ Just take a look at one of the packs, download it, and see how the audio files are named. For taunts, you usually have the file named taunt1, taunt2 and taunt3. For Flourish, I think they are the victory1, victory2 and victory3 sounds. As for gloat, I could be entirely wrong here but I think it was anger1, anger2 and anger3. You just have to test the soundpack in-game to know which sounds play when the gloat/taunt/flourish is used, then simply rename your Sam L. Jackson "quote.mp3" to whichever one you desire.
  3. Here comes another "do it yourself" comment. Do it yourself! I can even tell you how. Find some movie quotes of Samuel L. Jackson using cuss words. Find out what movie they are from, and try to find a movie clip of him saying those words on Youtube. Then use a Youtube video downloader to download the video, and convert the video to .mp3. Then open the .mp3 in Audacity, highlight and delete the areas of the audio you do not want, leaving the cuss words only. Then convert the stereo track to mono, and export it as .mp3.
  4. Already created. Check the OP here for download: https://jkhub.org/topic/6867-character-soundpacks/
  5. Daedra


    From the image, yes.
  6. Daedra


    No. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Special:_C-3PO:_The_Phantom_Limb
  7. Daedra


    Like I said, this version is based on the HASBRO version, not the version seen in TPM Game. The image of the HASBRO toy is included in the screenshot.
  8. Daedra



    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: D-0T AUTHOR: Kylo Ren FILENAME: zz_D_0T.pk3 FILESIZE: 5.27 mb DATE RELEASED: May, 1st 2016 CREDITS to: Myself, Barricade24 & DT85. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_D_0T.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like D-0T from Star Wars The Clone Wars. This is the fifth droid to feature a REALISTIC Chrome texture, just how it was in the Clone Wars! Thanks to Barricade24 for the ideas with the noshine/structure and to DT85 for help on the Phasma Shader for my Chromeness! BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin is a seperate model from the base protocol, so in-game to use type: npc spawn d-0t or to play: playermodel d-0t That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  9. I have the latest version of OpenJK and it doesn't do that for me. But I always keep a written list of npc codes from the ext_data.
  10. Daedra



    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: R-3PO AUTHOR: Kylo Ren FILENAME: zz_R_3PO.pk3 FILESIZE: 5.41 mb DATE RELEASED: May, 1st 2016 CREDITS to: Myself, Barricade24 & DT85. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_R_3PO.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like R-3PO from Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. This is the fourth droid to feature a REALISTIC Chrome texture, just how it was in the movies! This version of R-3PO is based loosely on the version HASBRO made, though it is representing the movie version. Thanks to Barricade24 for the ideas with the noshine/structure and to DT85 for help on the Phasma Shader for my Chromeness! BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin is a seperate model from the base protocol, so in-game to use type: npc spawn r-3po or to play: playermodel r-3po That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  11. You wouldn't be able to frankenstein it without rigging it first and getting its polys and tris way down.
  12. And it's updated to the Final Version.
  13. Yeah, there's that, if you want to have C-3PO use them lol
  14. Daedra

    Classic C-3PO


    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: Classic C-3PO AUTHOR: Kylo Ren FILENAME: zz_Classic_C3PO.pk3 FILESIZE: 8.37 mb DATE RELEASED: April, 30th 2016 CREDITS to: Myself, Barricade24 & DT85. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_Classic_C3PO.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like C-3PO from Star Wars A New Hope. This is the third droid to feature a REALISTIC Chrome texture, just how it was in the movies! Thanks to Barricade24 for the ideas with the noshine/structure and to DT85 for help on the Phasma Shader for my Chromeness! BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin is a seperate model from the base protocol, so in-game to use type: npc spawn c-3po_anh or to play: playermodel c-3po_anh That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  15. I was working on TC-14 and C-3PO last night, so here's my result. I think the gold is better than the original protocol, so I will probably update C-3PO with this version. Edit: updated it.
  16. I have done some work on TC-14, so here is the result: This will be the final version I will release, I will update it when the sounds are complete.
  17. I'm gonna be honest with you. Here on this Site, there are so many Requests and most get forgotten about and exist on the very last page of all the Requests. And here on JKHub there's a thing now where we must encourage people to do it themselves (That's how my TC-14 request is being made, by myself with a little help). So.. I encourage you to also do it yourself. However, I will provide a bit of advice to help you. You can attempt to find a Player Model which uses a similar looking armor to the ones depicted in the images you've provided (regardless of what color it is). Then find someone who is good at Frankensteining/Kitbashing, namely 3 people right now are good at this: @@Kualan @@dark_apprentice @@Jeff You may try to obtain help from one of these fine people. All that would be left is to Frankenstein/Kitbash the Kylo Ren helmet to the Samurai Armor, and reskin the armor to match the color of the helmet. Then simply do the same for Phasma, but include the cape.
  18. It still looks too yellow (that could be altered though). And no it never came out that way for me (I probably didn't alter the textures how you said). I guess if you sent me this edited version through a PM or something I can see what I can do to alter it around.
  19. @@Langerd Here you go: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2853-tc-14/ Please know there may be an update in the future
  20. And download link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2853-tc-14/
  21. Daedra


    Version Final Version


    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: TC-14 Final Version AUTHOR: Kylo Ren FILENAME: zz_TC_14.pk3 FILESIZE: 5.70 mb DATE RELEASED: April, 29th 2016 DATE UPDATED: May, 1st 2016 CREDITS to: Myself, Barricade24, DT85 & Sithani. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_TC_14.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like TC-14 from the Star Wars movies! This is the second droid to feature a REALISTIC Chrome texture, just how it was in the movies! Thanks to Barricade24 for the ideas with the noshine/structure, also to GT85 for the PHasma shader for my Chromeness, and thanks to Sithani for the audio. BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin is a seperate model from the base protocol, so in-game to use type: npc spawn tc-14 or to play: playermodel tc-14 **SPECIAL FEATURE** While using TC-14 as a playermodel, use TAUNT to speak as TC-14! That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  22. Not bothered about new animations, just add the animations that are not currently there.
  23. Doris, Mavis, Gertrude, Margaret are all good names.
  24. I probably am not the first person to notice this, but when you select your playermodel as a Protocol Droid, you will notice it has a walking and running animation. What you will also notice is that it does NOT have a running and walking animation for moving backwards. I'm not really asking for any new animations here at all, but I was thinking it could be possible reverse the walking and running protocol animations to make it look like the protocol is moving backwards, and apply these new backward animations to the backward movement? It's just that I don't think Ravensoftware had time for finishing this animation for the Protocol. It would be nice to have it.
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