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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I unpacked the game and there is a folder called "Data". This contained this Bundle file, along with a .toc file. Both files have the same name.Apparently the .toc files contains all the information for the .bundle file, like directories etc. I don't think that would help in extracting it though. The files are directly from the game.
  2. Because I have a .bundle file that I have managed to obtain from the Nintendo DS game of Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes (a .nds file). I was told the droid in which Psyk0Sith is working on is in this game and has voice sounds: http://jkhub.org/topic/6362-jedi-hunter-droid-sorta/page-6 The .bundle file I have contains all of the Audio files for the game, and I would easily be able to create the soundpack for Psyk0Sith's model if I had all of the audio extracted. I am still uncertain if that droid is actually in the game, so far I have only seen this character exist in Lightsaber Duels for the Nintendo Wii. But that didn't stop me from trying. I researched it and I found out the .bundle file can be opened and extracted with the "Finder" program on a Mac computer. I have uploaded the .bundle file here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cen7kx592p4b5tb/cw_hh_2.bundle If anyone can get the files extracted from this .bundle file, I should be able to do the rest.
  3. I actually need your help with something. I need to know where abouts exactly in the game do you have the battle? Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYU-eVazVJo That is the final part, part 8, but the same uploader has all the other parts of the game. Please help me find where this droid can be found/battled.
  4. I'm halfway to ripping the sounds from the DS Game. I've managed to unpack the DS game and get the .bundle file. Now I just need someone to extract every audio file from this .bundle file and I should have the sounds ready to go.
  5. You're a sound engineer, correct? This means you have had experience with many file types. Would you know what to do with a .bundle file?
  6. I can't really understand what words are being said, the effect on the voice is way too loud.
  7. http://jkhub.org/topic/4051-dark-apprentice-costume-from-tfu2-end-of-dark-side/page-4 Yes me also.
  8. No no. I need you to extract it from Disney Infinity so I can format it for JA.
  9. Disney Infinity 3.0 The Force Awakens Playset Kylo Ren. I need the recordings to finish my soundpack.
  10. Making this soundpack kept my sanity a little longer.
  11. I've been weeks without sleeping it's not a problem.
  12. Multiple games. P.S. due to no sleep or work, I have been able to complete the pack. It is now available in the main post.
  13. Yoda preview: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0vqL1g5eCOP
  14. I could not find the files in the nds file. However it was the NTSC version, perhaps there were missing files. That may explain why the menu would not load properly in the Emulator. Either way, good luck extracting them. I am currently working on Yoda and Kylo Ren anyway. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0vqL1g5eCOP
  15. Stressfull but fun, soundpacks are.

  16. Here's an update. The Kylo Ren soundpack is stuck at 10% complete. It will stay at 10% for a long time, unless I recieve any replies to the help i've requested on multiple sites regarding the recording of Disney Infinity. While I wait for updates on help for the Kylo Ren soundpack, I can reveal for the first time I am working on a brand new Yoda soundpack. I should have that complete in 7 days (3 days recording, 4 days editing), so stay tuned.
  17. @@Psyk0Sith Sorry man, can't get sounds of this character. He's only available in the Wii version of Lightsaber Duels and I don't have a Wii, and emulators are terrible, but it's not all bad because he doesn't speak anyway, he just has a few mechanical grunt sounds when he makes an attack. Unfortunately sources are practically non-existent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HrHFVstSjo I am certain this will be easy to replicate with Base JA sound editing, if you get any time to do so.
  18. If someone ever gets around to it.. Soul Calibur IV has a great Hangar Map and even includes the Death Star in the skybox. I am sure this could be re-created easily, but I am no mapper.
  19. I don't think he is in the game. At least I can't seem to find the character in the game with his voice.
  20. Bad news, the game on PC doesn't contain this character, only as an unlockable "head" to wear. No voices included. Good news, i'm going to try the Nintendo DS version.
  21. I'm not good with frankensteining. Maybe @@Jeff will do it?
  22. The game is downloaded, I have it installing. I'll be sure to check this droid is definitely in the game. If this droid is in the game, you will have a soundpack from me, like I did with your Malgus model.
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