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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I brought him to your request to help get it made faster. Why make a request thread if you didn't want to involve others? You could have worked on it yourself.
  2. It was actually I who brought Xeby to your request by summoning him. You don't need to worry about my participation, just worry when Staff get involved.
  3. @@Xeby @ Guys, that's enough. Xeby, your mods are good, and provide interesting content for the community, don't take things too personally, you're doing a good job and you can make your own decisions as it is your creation. ForceUser, your points are understood. There's nothing wrong in combining mods from different Authors to get the effect you want, for personal use, of course, there's no need to go to other Authors of similar mods and force them to make what you want. I'm not asking you guys to kiss each other here, but you both need to take a time out and watch some Star Wars movies.
  4. These are voices only, however I did make new Hilt sounds and a Saber Hum for @@Psyk0Sith 's Darth Malgus.
  5. Isn't there a command for slow motion? and also use this command: timescale 0.1
  6. Soundpack complete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsNaR6FRuO0
  7. Looks like a LOD problem. Jeff will solve that easily.
  8. Yeah, basically implementing this: http://jkhub.org/topic/5696-psyk0siths-darth-malgus-update-addon/ Into an official 2.0, the voice pack and the new Hilt sounds.
  9. Pro Pinball: Timeshock!

  10. @@Psyk0Sith I do understand about you waiting for the sounds, but I myself am waiting on a person for the program to extract them. It may be a good idea to release your model first, then update it at a later time, if the model is ready of course. P.S. Any chance of making Malgus 2.0? Still waiting on that official update.
  11. This is honestly pointless. There's nothing wrong with the current saber sounds of the Blue saber, the only thing different would be the ignite sound and the saberOff sound as they are different in TFA. Replace those two audios and it should be fine. And I believe theres some people already working on the Red Crossguard saber sounds. @@Xeby I believe is doing that.
  12. Any updates for us? You hadn't responded to when I asked before and you were last active yesterday. I can help with the textures for the ported version you have, unless something bad happened and you lost the model then I understand. Sorry to bother but I want to see this in JKA as much as others.
  13. That's why I put Quote marks around the word Trace because I couldn't think of the correct term at that moment. 3D Reference is the correct term.
  14. Some people use the model as reference, to "trace" it to look as close to it as possible. It's optional.
  15. They were a while back and were for reference only.
  16. I love how people think it's ported when it was made from scratch.
  17. Model download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cl3e3f03f6709o0/Hoffy's+Z6+Riot+Control+Baton.7z
  18. The vocaroo version is lower quality than what is in the download.
  19. It's just because this version is loopable and it came from a special source, totally by accident.
  20. Here is a release which is an odd thing to release by itself, but hear me out. I have personally ripped this audio from a source which must be kept private as it is a one of a kind source. (I can't go into any details so please don't ask). This is the FULL version of the Cantina music, including the instrumental parts which were impossible to hear clearly due to actors voices in Star Wars: A New Hope. You may listen to it so you know what I'm talking about here: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UwUMVSbr5r Now you can hear what I'm talking about. But that's not all. I have made this Cantina music loopable, so if you have any audio editing program you can paste it over and over to go on forever. I understand that some people don't have audio editing programs and may not be as skilled in the department, so I have put it together for those people. The looped version lasts for 32 minutes and 42 seconds, which should be fine for multiplayer maps with a time limit (to avoid the small gap between JKA's looping code), though it's not important as the gap only lasts a few seconds, so just imagine the Cantina Band taking a quick break. You may download both the short loopable version and the long extended version together here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lovyyfpqke7o708/cantina.zip They both should work fine but if you get an error message in the JK Console saying that the audio is stereo, follow these 8 steps (super easy) : 1. Download Audacity temporarily 2. Run Audacity, and go to File>Import Audio 3. Import the Cantina audio 4. Go to Tracks>Stereo Track To Mono 5. Go to File>Export Audio 6. Save the file but don't try to overwrite the original it won't let you. 7. Uninstall Audacity 8. ??? Profit.
  21. Shouldn't be too long for the sounds now. There's 2 different versions of this character, there's the EG-5 version as seen in Lightsaber Duels on Wii, and the EG-07 version from Republic Heroes. Both sound identical so it really has no effect on the sounds. @Metatroniks I wouldn't worry about the dialogue too much, like Psyk0Sith said, he's more menacing silent. This worked well even for Darth Maul. I'd concentrate your voice talents on the pain sounds, if you are familiar with the sound structure of JKA. Replicating the gurps, deaths, combats, pains sounds (the non-word stuff) should do well. If you need a reference use the youtube videos of the battle with EG-5 in Lightsaber Duels.
  22. Don't worry I think it's been solved. the .toc file does help seperate the audio from the bundle. QuickBMS is a good program.
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