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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. You will notice on the texture in the screenshots if you look closely, it has lines, almost like scan lines. Also I was thinking that plain white glowing caps would also go perfect with it. In case you want to use it for the skin:
  2. There is no model that looks like the superhot model, even on the lowest of settings, which would be terrible since that would affect all playermodels. Unless there is some sort of command which forces a playermodel to spawn in low quality. Besides I think it's more authentic to have the actual thing.
  3. So I would like to request the SUPERHOT Player model and enemy model. If you don't know what SUPERHOT is, it's a game where you fight enemies that come at you with all types of different weapons, and you must kill them before they kill you. Oh, and time only moves when you move. It is in the style of The Matrix, going in and out of coding/computer programming. The player is a black/blue color, and the enemy is a red/orange/yellow color. Taking on this myself.
  4. I have ripped the player avatars from Pokemon GO. I have two, one male, one female. Each one has many different colored textures (plenty of team skins). If anyone would port this into JKA I am willing to send the .obj's and textures over through PM.
  5. I'll try that out if the screen goes black again.
  6. No I haven't made any changes to my drivers for a VERY long time. Plus they are all up-to-date anyway. I don't know the actual reason as to why it happened, though the only thing I did notice is that when I had my task manager open in the processes tab, OpenJK's memory (private network set) was over 3 million. my regular OpenJK only sometimes reaches 1 million max. But that still wouldn't explain why everything still seemed to work just fine but the .exe only showed a pure black screen. (Again, tested multiple different games from .exe format and they all load and work fine, if it was my drivers I am certain I would get issues with those games, or even with normal OpenJK already by now, but I haven't).
  7. He really needs his concept saber hilt too. Amazing work there!
  8. Wait it was? That exact model? Can I get a link to that please?
  9. I'm not sure if this is a Bothan or not. https://jkhub.org/topic/9500-some-3d-stuff/?p=136135
  10. I don't know what's wrong with me but those Bothans... reminds me so much of that guy from the Wolverine movie: Maybe it's the eyes? Still great to see a Bothan model.
  11. I really like the one on the left. Any chance you could give it the dark skin, much like the TFA/TLJ version? Like grey/black. I think that would also be cool.
  12. Copy and paste all of this into a new text document, save it as "hansolo.jkb" file, then replace the .jkb file inside that han download pk3 (just use a zip program to extract and repack into a pk3). //Han Solo's personality //Do not let this file exceed 131072 bytes. //Do not let any group exceed 8192 bytes. //Do not let the chat section exceed 8192 bytes. //Some values are base values and changed by the in-game skill. The formula for reflex and accuracy //is basevalue/skill. So if you give a base reflex of 500ms, a nightmare bot will have a reaction time of //100ms. Other values, like turnspeed_combat (higher == faster), are multiplied by the skill number. //Note also that depending on if the bot and the enemy are moving at the same time, the degrees the bot //aims off by can be greater than the maximum accuracy value. So if the bot and its enemy are both flying //through the air and accuracy is at 20, the bot could easily aim off by 25 degrees instead. That is, //unless perfectaim is 1. In this case the bot will aim perfectly at all times (as the name indicates). GeneralBotInfo { reflex 1200 //base reflex value, time in ms it takes the bot to react accuracy 60 //base accuracy, number of degrees bot can aim off by. Lower value == better aim. turnspeed 0.01 turnspeed_combat 0.01 maxturn 120 perfectaim 0 chatability 1 chatfrequency 3 hatelevel 3 camper 1 saberspecialist 0 //if 1, bot will not run just because it's forced to use a saber //don't exceed 20 force points total forceinfo 7-2-010000000000000000 // hlspptglrpattdssss // eepuueriarbeereaaa // aveslliggosaaaebbb // l ehlephetommi eee // d t erhfn rrr // n cbeo adt // i t ar teh // n lc tfr // g e aeo // cnw // kd //rank-side-heal.lev.speed.push.pull.tele.grip.lightning.rage.protect.absorb.teamheal.teamforce.drain.see.saberattack.saberdefend.saberthrow //1==light side 2==dark side } //Weapons with a weight of 0 will be used in special cases outside of combat BotWeaponWeights { WP_STUN_BATON 1 WP_SABER 1 WP_BRYAR_PISTOL 10 WP_BLASTER 18 WP_DISRUPTOR 12 WP_BOWCASTER 13 WP_REPEATER 14 WP_DEMP2 15 WP_FLECHETTE 16 WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER 17 WP_THERMAL 11 WP_TRIP_MINE 0 WP_DET_PACK 0 } EmotionalAttachments { Leia 2 Luke 1 Chewie 2 } //all groups below here will be read in as chat sections BEGIN_CHAT_GROUPS Died { I feel terrible. Maybe I should’ve stuck to piloting. That wasn’t the plan. Boring conversation anyway. No reward is worth this. I hope the princess doesn’t hear about this… } Killed { That had to hurt! Do you guys even train? These jokers are nothing. Better luck next time. Later lackey! You see that shot? Sometimes I amaze myself! } BelovedKilled { You’re gonna pay for that, pal. I’ll remember that, buddy. You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done! } Hatred { Should’ve put me down the first time! You’ve got this coming! } KilledHatedOne { You deserve a lot worse than that. Not as tough as I thought. } KilledOnPurposeByLove { Hey! Watch where you point that thing! What was that for!? } GeneralGreetings { Han Solo, captain of the Millenium Falcon. Never tell me the odds. Best pilot in the galaxy, right here! } ResponseGreetings { I’m not a big fan of Imperial entanglements. } OrderAccepted { I take orders from one person, me! }
  13. Sounds like the Han Solo model is using a bot file and jkb which has force powers. Your best bet would be to simply copy over those files from Poe Dameron, then adjust it so they use the Han Solo model.
  14. While that is a good program, I'd recommend HxD Hex Editor. I've been able to make .glm model edits just fine with it. @@RecklessJames https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/
  15. Does modview have an animation viewer? Like you can select one and the loaded model will go through that particular animation? Unless my memory is bad and I'm thinking of a different program for a different game.
  16. If I recall wasn't there a way to animate a texture? I remember seeing something about getting a Rorschach face animated successfully. I don't know if that calls multiple textures and goes through them like frames of a gif or not though, or if it's just very clever shadering.
  17. Source: https://p3dm.ru/xfsearch/Star%20Wars:%20Force%20Arena Some really great Rebels and Rogue One models in there. Ezra and Kallus look great. K-2SO is also beautiful. And please don't hate me for posting this request.
  18. Battle Master Camera? I like it. May I please get all the in-game console settings to recreate that camera angle? It should be all the cg_thirdperson commands. cg_thirdpersonrange cg_thirdpersonvertoffset cg_fov cg_thirdpersoncameradamp cg_thirdpersontargetdamp cg_thirdpersonalpha Just those.
  19. To be fair, you can just rename the .pk3 files yourself if you want them to load differently or switch them around. I've done that with other mods before.
  20. Daedra


    Damn this is an amazing recreation of Jyn Erso's graveyard. Seriously, amazing job.
  21. To respond to the part where you were actually talking to me: I posted a link to a model that is labelled as "Force Arena". I was also talking to The Punisher and not you @@dark_apprentice . It could perhaps give him some more reference for an updated model. Now to respond to your re-post: I don't know why your post comes off as super defensive as if you're offended, which I don't see why, it's only a link, not advanced coding that will self destruct your PC when you click on it. As above. People are not getting confused here. The model is labelled as "Force Arena". To any person, they would assume it is from Force Arena due to the title. You did provide information, but did not present it in a way that is very easy to read. So what it's boiled down to is: - Hey that user posted a link to a Guard model, that annoys me because that user should be using only MY ported model, nothing else! ARGH! - I can't be bothered to actually communicate so I'll re-post an older message that was a response to a totally different post. I have a good feeling about this! - It has self promotion in it, so I'll get more downloads of MY ported model! Genius! - I'll totally ignore the fact that this user might already KNOW that MY ported model exists, and I'll only believe that he's totally ignoring MY ported model! ARGH! I appreciate you taking the time to help bring the model to JKA, kudos to you for that. But stop jumping down every person's throat who tries to also help out (not only talking about me here, your response is to another user which makes it even worse) - even if YOU don't see it that way. Other people may like how you act, but honestly I don't. It's very intoxicating. I am already well aware of the concept of being unable to port high poly models (had lots of experience of this in the past here on JKHub) so I am sure that other users may know this also. If the person you was replying to didn't know this, then they certainly found out - but not in the best of ways. And apology accepted from me, I don't know about the other person who you originally responded to though.
  22. There is a Force Arena Praetorian Guard model available. You just have to download it from here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1164057222&searchtext=
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