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Everything posted by McGroose

  1. It's fully possible guys, just a pain in the ass. And If your only interest is JK2's MP, JK2MV has you covered for the most part (Custom sabers don't work and sound files might have to be edited, but it's a winner)
  2. You're comparing dog shit to bird shit, but at least Jar Jar proved to be useful in the Clone Wars show. Rosh just pissed me off because of how much of a snarky, arrogant dumbfuck he was. Jar Jar is an idiot, but an idiot that genuinely cares for everyone and he accepts that he isn't really that bright or talented.
  3. I wouldn't mind getting into JKA's MP, but it just seems like there's so much more to adjust compared to JK2, what with all of the server mods and clientsides, maps and controls.

    1. Noodle


      It's much more populated though, so it seems like a good investment.

  4. Desann objectively has the coolest lightsaber design in any Jedi Knight game.

    1. minilogoguy18


      As far as Sith designs in general yes. I did like Kyle's 3rd hilt (JK2) mostly because as far as function it seemed to be the best. It had grips and was long enough to be used with 2 hands. It seemed the most ergonomic.

    2. McGroose


      At first I disliked it because of it's rather skeletal build compared to other sabers, but I think it compliments Kyle rather well. The reasons you mentioned are also good. Wish we got more context behind the history of that saber.

  5. I really do hope Snoke has some connection to Plagueis. It would connect the new trilogy to the ominous reference Palpatine made to Skywalker about his former master. In other words, the circle would now be complete...!

    1. NumberWan


      It would drastically minimize the significance of the OT events. Thus all that happened there wouldn't matter at all. So Snoke is most likely a very different person. I do believe, that he came to the Galaxy right after Episode VI and took over of what was left of the Empire, as this form of dictatorship served well his nature of a Force parasite.

  6. It really just looks like the old mine with higher quality textures and that circular pad on the bottom. Could be an easy thing to model. If you played JK2 MP in the old days and were really into the 1.02 clan's modding community, you'd know that there were probably dozens of retexture mods for the mine - They loved the thing, and I know there were some textures that resembled what's on here. Hell, it doesn't look too far off from the mine in Ultimate Weapons.
  7. The thing is that Corto's model looks like it came right from Battlefront. Your models are super good for JKA mod standards. Not really fair to compare the two though. And I love what you did with the weapons you included in the mod! I'm using them all right now AAMOF.
  8. Thank you very much for the DLT20A! I don't play MBII, but I know I've seen the model somewhere in there. Glad to have this in the regular game. The reason why I'm suggesting you make something outside of the DLT-19 is because it's inevitably going to replace the heavy repeater, which is honestly still a poor choice. The best thing that should replace the heavy repeater is an improved heavy repeater model. The DLT-19 didn't shoot concussion grenades or metal rounds. Of course, feel free to code in a new gun with your mod, make a bunch of other edits to the game to include the weapon in selection screens and with various different NCPs. If that happens, I'll just stop talking all together.
  9. Where can I find a mod that replaces the disruptor with the DLT-20a?
  10. Before November? That's terrific, I honestly expected it to take longer. Don't worry about release dates anyway. More to life than vidya. Better to have a fully functioning mod than one that does a CTD half way through.
  11. My god, JKII was the funnest game I've ever played in my life. Not because of the singleplayer, but because of the Multiplayer. Some people think JK3 had the better multiplayer, I disagree. Feels much more rigid and stiff to control your character in JK3's MP than it does in JK2. My playing skills always varied. Sometimes I would be able to kill the really good players, sometimes the really bad players killed me. I was hardly consistent. I joined several clans back in JK2, Like TS, briefly ATS, Finally to [DARK]. Dark's server is the only one that still gets traffick in JK2. Wierd because All of said players are 1.02 players. I was always 1.04 until the I joined two others that died out. I loved to play on custom maps. Forest House, Country Roads, Grandflaw, any Shroomduck map and the Exploration/Expedition maps. This doesn't even include the many dozens I've forgotten their names. These were brand new worlds, some realistic and others complete fantasies, ridiculous fantasies. And I loved every bit of it. Playing as a lizard man against a stormtrooper both with red lightsabers, I knew nothing about Star Wars prior to this game and I loved just how much you could do. The game engine was better than anything I've ever seen before and the possibilities were endless. JK2 1.02 was like this mysterious other world to me. It looked like JK2, sounded like JK2, but played hardly similar to the JK2 I knew. It did look so much fun though and 1.04 got trash talked so much by 1.02 players. I tried downgrading, but I could never get it to work without crashing and would have to reinstall. 1.02 Would continue to withhold the mystery until JK2 MV came out. When I first played 1.02, it felt a lot more flexible, but the rules changed too much and I couldn't get used to it. Funny thing though, my lvl 4 admin on Dark's 1.02 server still stands, so I'm usually the only admin that's ever on and people get confused when they see an invincible player doing nothing. They attack for a second than hop away. Course, I haven't played the MP in about half a couple months. In the earliest days in whatever year I bought the game in late 06 or early 07, I was stuned when I discovered JK2 MP for the first time. It played so differently, and there were actual people? This was my first online game, so I has amazed. I quickly made a bunch of friends, all of which eventually stopped playing and I've never kept in touch with. The only JK2 player I can actually even still talk to is probably Boy/Daggolin, Dark's clan leader. Everyone else is gone. I'm pretty much gone too. I only sometimes play JK2/JK3 anymore, and it's usually singleplayer always. I'm done with JK2. The memories I had playing this game were the best gaming experiences I ever had. All of the adventures on custom maps, all of the duels and fights, the explorations and servers and clans. All so nice. Nice but over.
  12. You know, the more I look into this, the more certain I am to concluding that the gran model in JK2/JKA is just not good. Their hands are like baseball gloves. They had bulkier hands, but nothing like the ones in game. Eh, forget my original comment.
  13. The problem with using Gran heads on human bodies is that people often forget to take into account the freakishly large size of their hands. This is especially apparent whenever you see a gran holding a blaster rifle. If you're going to move a Gran head on a human body, do you think you could do the same for their hands as well?
  14. Corto, listen to me and listen to me very carefully. This is the best god damn blaster mod I've ever seen in JK2/JK3. You need to make more. This is easily on par with Ashura's or Roxoon's work. You need to make more replacements. Moooooore MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE
  15. I wish Battlefront had Leia's New Hope outfit for some maps. Her Hoth outfit is really dull.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McGroose


      While I assume we can all understand why that wasn't included (unfortunately) what excuse was there for no Tantive IV Leia?

    3. GPChannel


      Maybe someone will do a mod for it :)

      Love ea bf mods so much :D

      In my game Luke is Kyle,Han is in his rotj outfit,leia wears a brown badass jacket, and she has ponytail hair, krennic is thrawn, lando has a new outfit too,soo its much better now :D

    4. GPChannel


      Oh and boba is jango of course xd

  16. Are you referring to the Pulse cannon or the Disruptor Rifle in Battlefront? The Pulse Cannon would be a great replacement. The Disruptor Rifle would be more fitting for the DEMP7 instead of the game's sniper rifle.
  17. I would love to see your take on the disruptor or flechette!
  18. That Rifle model is amazing, so amazing in fact that it stands out like a sore thumb in the game. Almost makes me wonder if it's a touched up Battlefront port.
  19. McGroose


    Now just gotta reskin his robe to be pink and we'll get Filthy Frank.
  20. I really wish Battlefront had choosable hero skins, like Jango Fett for Boba, White Vader, different colors for aliens, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3filus


      Who on earth would want to play as white Vader?? @_@

    3. McGroose
    4. z3filus


      Huh, I thought that was just some weird re-skin. Well I liked the battle worn Vader a lot, y'know? Torso and cape torn from places, dusty and bloody.




  21. If I had a dollar for every polygon here, I could fund a new Jedi Knight game by myself. Definitely a welcome addition to my game.
  22. This has been a godsend for me numerous times. Gracias, Herr Wonko.
  23. Anyone else get some MBII vibes from that Battlefront II Theed gameplay?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      I got original BF2 vibes, which was great. :D

    3. Langerd


      Well people was very angry on the crossed era stuff.. emm .. It is cool in my opinion - Imagine Lord Vader with Kylo Ren on his side fighting Jar Jar Binks and Obi Wan spamming "Hello There"

    4. Onysfx


      It looks good, but I have a feeling the gameplay won't hold up as well as MBII's has.

  24. It looks like a dumb version of Desann's lightsaber The saber sounds better be Joel laughing or Vinny screaming or 1/10 D:
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