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File Comments posted by Rooxon

  1. Can you make Kotor blasters? :)

    I can make anything, but i kinda stopped taking on requests, as i've had a saber requests thread and taken the whole community on in the past. For now it's temporarily closed as i'm working on several big projects, truly not just one and i don't even find a shard of time compared to before so i cannot say for sure when that will change, but i do welcome ideas from people and what they want to see done. If it's only 1 thing, i could almost assure you that i'll deliver it. But people coming to me asking for renewing whole parts of games, that's not really my cake atm. I like a challenge, don't be mistaken - i just don't have the time.

  2. uh dude, X2 wielded a green one, and X1 wielded a red one.


    At least, in the released Elite Squadron game they did.


    X1 was the bad guy.

    You didn't tell me that specifically :D welp i'll fix it once it gets un-featured and maybe i can think of anything else in the mean time, like additional design changes to them or more texture variations.

  3. That is a bit tough. It would probably require heavy scripting or even code changes, to tie this effect to this single weapon. Also, i wish to see new renderer advancements soon, to tie in several other maps to make this wep appear much more beautiful ingame - all i could work with now is the diffuse and spec map. Given the vanilla rendering options, you can see the results on the screenshot - not exactly good looking. I could have done a better job, that is true if anyone thinks that but i was kinda time pressed given the circumstances that i've had free time only yesterday and today for it.

    Nevertheless, i'm happy that the "looking eye" trick works, a small illusion where the eye seems to always look at you. AshuraDX did that a while ago on a wall painting and i've realized that we've done the very same think in primary school, arts class with cut egg-carton (you cut away parts for two eggs, cut out the eyes on a painting or drawing, glued them to the back and drew a black spot in the middle). Then if you moved the painting in several directions, this is the "illusion" that happened. I am probably gonna update this mod at some point, but for now, i'm fighting with this in the contest. :D

    E-11 Blaster Rifle

       1,409    28

    I'm learning Zbrush too on the side. While I don't find difficult learning new tools, I usually have a hard time making the transition. Once I'm comfortable with a tool (in this case Softimage and Photoshop, I stick to it even when I know it may not be the right tool for the job. For example, right now I use ArtRage for my digital painting, but it took me a long while to leave Photoshop. I still use Photoshop for texturing and image touching. But I clearly need to learn Substance Painter and Zbrush to complete my skill set. Thanks for the advice.

    No problem, you might also wanna look into the Zbrush alternative Autodesk Mudbox. Basically, Zbrush is more popular and generally more used by people but you can do everything in Mudbox that you can do in Zbrush, it just has a much nicer user-friendly UI. A lot is in the shortucts there tho.

    E-11 Blaster Rifle

       1,409    28

    Which tutorials do you mean? I wouldn't go as far as call myself a PBR artist yet, since I've only used Substance Painter to create a weathered down and scratched paint surface, which then I had to fix a lot because the procedurally generated wear and tear wasn't too accurate. The rest of the texture was made by me entirely in Photoshop for the exception of the diamond plastic pattern on the grip and the metal base texture. The rest of it was modeled from the start before Circa told me about your model. Have I known beforehand, I think I would've modeled a another gun instead of yet another E11, because yours looks great.

    Well i thought you've looked at my saber tutorials here on JKHub, very easy ones even tho they were flagged as "hard". Would have given you a good intro for both modeling and texturing with Substance Painter alone - without Photoshop. At this point, i look at Photoshop as a general picture/texture editor and Substance Painter as a game-specialized software for texturing - you should get used to it, because you've got talent.

    Corto likes this

    E-11 Blaster Rifle

       1,409    28

    I see hints of my tutorials finaly getting to people. I'm glad to see new, fellow PBR artists and even tho i thought at first, that this model is a copy of my own e11, i see now that it must be either a heavily modified one or completely new one. Keep the work up, i'll be looking forward to seeing more of your models!

    5 stars easy.

    Maksman and Corto like this

    Executioner Trooper

       520    5

    This file should have something like "spoiler alert" in it's name.. i've seen only the first trailer and decided to wait for the movie. now you just spoiled it for me. >_> decent job tho.

    Daniel likes this
  4. There's quite a bit of stuff that could be optimized and getting the vert count down. It's no biggie - about 1000 verts should be the max limit of verts for sabers for vanilla JKA so that it wouldn't eat up a lot of transformspace. 1.5k later converted probably ends up being near 3k verts, once it's split by smoothing groups and UV islands. Think of how far away the saber is always viewed - you can model in everything if you wish but i'd skip the geometry that does not make any difference in visuals from far away or near. Delete all unseen faces, weld verts together to minimize triangulation extras, replace cylindric meshes with less-sided ones etc. Also, you seem to be getting a hang of Painter - now try creating your own materials. Some of those on these on the textures remind me too much of the pre-installed ones, like bone or scratched steel. I was taught that in case i do use smart materials, i modify the heck out of them, replace stuff inside them, remove or add layers/masks with additional effects, reverse engineer them with my own preferences etc.

    ​But i am not a fan of kitchen/household tools becoming sabers. I find it too wierd.

    Cassian Andor

       2,482    20

    Şcerendo you have skill but i'd rather recommend you to switch to Substance Painter. Quixel, i dunno if you notice but the materials make the model look plastic. The only little thing that is off on your models. Otherwise, top level.

  5. Holy cheats, Rooxon, that is amazing! :o

    Two questions:

    1) Is the quarter-staff animated?

    2) You do remember the plain long and short swords don't not have the same curved tips, right?


    Trask.jpg Huh, for some reason, Trask has a long sword in this pic, though in his duel against Bandon, he carried a short sword. Anyway.

    actually no, i modeled those two by memory. Hm can change that in an update. The quarterstaff is not animated and i don't think that it's possible without changing the code of the game.

    the_raven likes this
  6. Nice Roox!


    Any plans to release special weapons, like Ajunta Pall's double-sided sword?

    As i said in the description, i want to encourage other people to try reskining these into the still-missing weapons. Primarily this is because i'd like to see some ideas of special details added. As you know, my reference was 256x256 texture maps that don't really show details. BUT the plan is to update and expand this pack until i've covered literary every single unique look from KotOR, yes. If anyone wants, he can work together with me on the reskins. In the future, most of them will also get new sound effects for better realism.


    Another point is that i always felt like JKA is missing some basic melee weapons like simple swords for the weaker foes and then something nicer, stronger for the stronger NPCs so i hope i've delivered something like that now.


    For those who don't know or forgot: Check out my KotOR Lightsabers pack as well!

  7. For someone like me, who always tries to update to the new version of softwares when they are released, support for plugins like the MD3 Exporter and DotXSI exporter is always great and welcome. You managed to get it to work so quick as well! Cheers, i'm gonna be using this.

  8. Oh yes! You little beauty! Awesome work, as always, Rooxon. Been waiting for this for some time and it's finally up. Mind if I throw this into our MD2 Remastered mod?

    Sure i don't mind, feel free to include it.


    As always, great job! Though the description is wrong, the other lightsaber was destroyed by Vader, not an Inquisitor. 

    Thank you, i never watched the animated series. The description is fixed. (thanks Circa)

    General Howard likes this
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