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File Comments posted by Rooxon

  1. Quick question, my friend actually wants this for allout 4, could you make that possible?

    Yes and no; first, I don't wish for this model or textures get shared or modified elsewhere (At least until the end of the contest). Second, I never played and much less modded Fallout 4 yet, so I'd have to look the process up... BUT if your friend actually has the knowledge himself, AFTER the contest here is done, he may use it and throw it into game himself. In that case, I'll be happy to provide the original normal map, metallic map, whatever fallout needs. :) But again please do note: AFTER the contest is done.

    BenSolo likes this

    Tusken Saber

       474    11

    I want to see you make a saber whip! thoughts Rooxon?

    well a "moving" whip is out of the question... so I'd kinda need to come up with a nice design for a stationary whip, which would look wierd. I think it's partly impossible to create it and make it look good...

    Tusken Saber

       474    11

    would like to know what inspired the concept

    well, it's the Tusken so, I came up with the concept on the go when modeling. I just wanted something simple, something with wood, spikes, leather and showing some chords or the likes. The form is also a bit uneven as they probably wouldn't bother too much to make it look beautiful.

  2. Oh wow. This is, wow. I always use this saber hilt as a Jedi in TOR and now I can use it as a Jedi in JKA :D


    You've made my day.


    Does anyone know a way of making this selectable in the saber selection menu when starting a new game? Or do I just need to edit it in like with the others?

    Well the quickest way is for you to copy my .glm file to a folder i.e. saber_1, name it saber_1.glm and it will replace the standard Arbiter model. The longer way is to add it in addition to those 9 that you're able to choose from, yeah.

    Tusken Saber

       474    11

    Very nice, is this the saber for A'shard Hett or whatever his name is? Anyways great job as always.

    Not really, no. This is a personal concept I came up with and a hilt I just wanted to create, it's not listed on my to-do list or anywhere else. :)

    swegmaster likes this

    Tusken Saber

       474    11

    TIP: If you want to see the JKA textures in the 3D model view from Sketchfab up above, click on settings in the lower right corner, click on rendering and click on shadeless. Go back to the same menu and click on lit for the material mode!

    Penekowski likes this
  3. If this is v1.0, Rooxon.. Is there anything you need to improve/change to finalise it? Just wanna make sure, before I download it, that's all.

    Download and play with it buddy :P there's no bugs with it, just the textures could be better. But it's allright, I probably won't update this mod anymore. I seldom update a mod that I first uploaded as "1.0". If it's less however, then you should expect updates.


    Concerning TOR sabers, this is one and those sabers kids use that are currently on my to do list and none others.

  4. I took out all other mods and left the KOTOR pack, by itself, in there and it still did not work so I would agree it is an issue of the base folder, however, I have no idea what that issue would be.

    hm I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying... send me a PM message of details and an exact explanation of what you've done and what problem occurs when you try it ingame, please. I may ask for a lot but I need info to resolve your problem.

  5. Yep that seems to have fixed it Strangely I can't get it to select my custom resolution but I'll look into that later, thanks for letting me know!

    it's easy. The files you find for base JKA in it's game directory are located in your my documents folder in the folder My Games and inside that, OpenJK. It's what I was afraid off tho, that base jka player would have problems with this model alone, not to mention a whole pack of completely new models... hm I'll have to think on that.

  6. Hey there, this is a great weapon and I was so happy to put it into my game, but when I did I decided to start a new game and when I killed that first stormtrooper on Yavin 4 I got an error message saying "run out of transform space for something models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_Spawn_Server" which I've never had before. It stopped once I removed this mod from my base folder.


    Does anyone know why it does this or how to fix it, because otherwise I can't use this weapon.


    I'm using all of Rooxons weapons (Except Lukes saber) and have no issues with them.

    Then you're probably using Base JKA. Install OpenJK and tell me if the problem persists. What's funny is I have ALL of my mods I've done + other's mods in my base and can still play through the whole SP without getting one single error, so I'd bet the problem is base JKA and it's engine limitations. OpenJK elevates those somewhat, but it's still a very heavy game for some reason (effects produce great fps loss and dynamic lightning). Should run fine with openJK tho. I'd recommend running it on windows 7+ computers and mid-to-high end computers anyway.

  7. Even though I don't like Rosh (and thank goodness I'm not the only one lol) The way you made his lightsaber.... wow!

    Yeh, rosh's saber is kind of modern; less is more; very few detail parts on the model but a lot of work has been put into the textures, to make it great and compensate for the lack of parts on it. :) I think it fits for him & as a training saber.

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